The Oxnard Journal for
April 2003 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
WEATHER ----- best internet site.
Photo: Old Saint Johns Hospital (Wilson Neighborhood)
- corner F & Doris - is disappearing as playground for tags.
Displacement of mil chiques could boomerang .....
Ventura - Port Hueneme - Bardsdale - Camarillo - Somis - Saticoy - Sta.
Paula - Fillmore - Piru - Santa Clarita - Oak View - and all points outside of the soon to possibly be enforced Anti-Gang Safety Zone are concerned about a recent Ventura County DA and Oxnard PD plan to create a civil gang injunction. Targeting one gang only in Oxnard - the city's original hometown crew is the sole group listed in the civil injunction - even though other names have been know to operate here. The original intent of the plan was perceived to only be La Colonia area of downtown Oxnard....then the whole map came out publicly at a press conference and the next day in Ventura's Star (Oxnard Edition). Residents within the affected areas may feel a breath of relief based on the
possible coming enforcement of this ZONE - but others are now putting out
the defenses to protect from fear and concerns based on the potential coming
reality. Some areas outside of Oxnard's new Zone have concern about DISPLACEMENT of the gangs and their activity. Neighborhood watches and residents need to rouse apathetic neighbors to pay more attention to their 'hood - especially if it is Outside of the Anti-Ganglia Safety Zone. Word goes out on the street and ¿ how do the COX§CH react? So where are we going with this? Some in the Colonia - Wilson -&-
South Fremont Neighborhoods may remember the circa 1993 march of gang
members from La Colonia across Oxnard Blvd, to Magnolia, Second and then
down Who knows what the result of this enforcement zone will become. It could come back with a snap or it could keep things subdued. The next few weeks will tell as we wait for the Man in the Robe to approve or tell the City to take achill pill and don't push your problem outside of the bottle. ----------- Bill Winter --- |
. . . VITAL SIGNS - the Pulse of Oxnard |
WARNING ! HIGH ALERT STATUS ! : Alejandro Rivera - . © -2004 - AR Diamond Productions, Oxnard, Calif. |
Celebration of the life and
cause of a fieldworker.
Cesar Chavez.
April 18, 2004.
See the Photos from Iraq that were pulled from the internet earlier today......(Warning--GRAPHIC/ Reality)
Cool Oxnard Linx IV
WEATHER ----- best internet site.
N A S A ~~~~ L O V E S - Y O U
Where are the old fashioned street lamps for Historic Henry T. Oxnard District ///
Members attending the Oxnard Cancer Fundraiser
Oxnard By The Sea - a Cool Summer Night
Richard's RailRoad Photos =-=-=-=
Oxnard Airport - Clear Approach - VFR -
Body buds with Oxnard Connexion
Engineering Students - Ceremony at the Embassy Suites, Oxnard, February 24, 1999
Oxnard - o san (Japon)
Ben Chavez, a police supervisor in Oxnard, Calif.
Read the
Elections Code
re: Council Districts -
A letter to the Star editor sent last Saturday. One the Star won't print.
. . . From the Pen of Martin Jones Re: Councilmanic Districts As reported in the Star on 3-20 Mr. Herrera feels there isn't any need for council districts because Hispanics are now adequately represented. Possibly. And Mr. Pinkard believes there is too much back scratching in council districts. Possibly. But the reason some citizens have come together to form council districts is to end the corruption at city hall. Council districts would accomplish that end. Mr. Pinkard on the Oxnard City Council is the swing voteand his back is always scratched. Mr. Herrera was instrumental in dissolving the golf course commission ending citizen oversight of the operation at the City's golf course. And after ten years of city hall oversight there are millions of dollars unaccounted for all the while playing a shell game with the alleged profits Corruption: The city treasurer did not collect the revenue from the golf course as required by California law. It is interesting how the Penal Code of California defines such a dereliction of duty. The finance director cooperated with the city treasurers' dereliction. The city manager knew of this inaction and did nothing or worse. The present council knew all of this and did nothing. Why? I complained to the Grand Jury and their subsequent investigation validated my allegation. In the City's response to the Grand Jury Report the city provided a document that was not true to the document on file in the city clerks office. The official document of the City of Oxnard. I believe that is being looked into. The downtown theater and international market is even worse. To bring the attention of this project to the taxpayers of Oxnard I have started a lawsuit against the city on the basis the city violated the Brown Act to secretly , behind "closed doors", arrive at the worst project in the history of the city. Possibly the worst redevelopment project in the history of redevelopment in California. The lawsuit is scheduled for trial May 3rd. /s/ Martin Jones
Divide and conquer is a famous quote that has no attribution, but dividing and conquering is what “Councilmatic” districts is all about. Divide the city of Oxnard into districts and allow representatives who reside within those districts to conquer and represent their district on the City Council. Oxnard has already conveniently divided the city into seven community council districts so the same formula can be followed to create these districts.
Why do we need Councilmatic districts within Oxnard? Well, fair representation is the main thrust. At present four council-members who reside in exclusive north Oxnard make all the decisions for the entire city, the fifth council-member resides at the beach. Tom Holden, should he become our next Mayor, will be closer to the heart of the city as he resides in downtown’s historic Wilson Neighborhood. Mayor Holden , however, will not outweigh the need for Oxnard to have more fair and even representation on the council.
South Oxnard is always feeling left out. Watch the city council on the Oxnard city TV and you will hear a parade of speakers ask the city for more attention to the “south-side”.
Watch what the city does! River ridge has more new homes and suddenly all of Ventura Road has to be torn up to lay pipes for the affluent effluent. Who represents all who reside south of 'Gonzo' Road when big issues like tearing up Ventura Road comes to the forefront?
Council-members from specific districts will hold specific allegiances and alliances to the people who put them there.
The first issue is always voting and how do we select these Councilmatic Council-people? Do we put the large slate of those running for their districts on one general election form or do we accept only votes for candidates by voting precinct? How do we hold debates. Mini debates in each council and allow the slate of candidates to fester and fuss in their district, or do we allow the entire slate of all the district candidates onto one giant stage and let them battle it out for their own little slice of Oxnard? How do we pick the people who will represent us? These individual district council people will surely be voting and making decisions about issues that affect the entire City of Oxnard.
The issue is probing and the Ventura County Star is looking into it with articles addressing the issue of councilmatic districts for Oxnard. Oxnard is Ventura County’s largest metropolis and we need to step out and be bold in our city and in it’s government. Districts, as a whole, is a good idea, while the concept of districts needs to be well thought out.
/s/ Bill Winter |
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... ............................ SEE THE MARCH 2004 Issue ....................... ..... |
. See the Feb '04 - Issue of the Oxnard Journal. . |
. Read Martin's
Jones 1-2 punch .. |
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Bill Winter
Editor - Oxnard
Navy Veteran
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