,,The Oxnard Journal
July 2006
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                                        See & View   - THE OXNARD FILES







       Everything Oxnard - that is Hip and Happening is on

                                                                             The Oxnard File



                   See the JUNE 2006 Ox -Jo                

........IGNORE the 2005 date - it's still the law

Save Oxnard's Sports-park............

* Photo:  Courtesy Jeff Gorell               
In what would appear to be a move by the City Council to avoid the issue of making a re-zoning decision.  Mayor Pro-Tem Andres Herrera was the first to speak up on Council that the decision being asked of the Council that day could not be made due to a report, or section of the entire packet the Council needed for its review, was previously missing and had just appeared within 24 hours. That, according to Herrera and other Councilmen was unsatisfactory and therefore the Council had to table the decision and discussion on the item of re-zoning the Sports Park. 
Attendees had to fight for the right to speak on the issue - and said, had they known this item would have been pulled from the agenda, they would have spoken on it during public comments.

Hearing the pleas of the citizens, Mayor Holden, in a rare, but proper move, re-opened public comments allowing all in attendance to speak on "Items Not On The Agenda"

Mayor Holden modified the agenda by consent of City Attorney, Gary Gillig and the remainder
of the Council.

Several attendees who spoke about the proposal mentioned that the Planning Commission did them and Oxnard a disservice in making their decision based only on the available information they had - minus the missing report which the Council had just gotten hours before the convening of the June 20th meeting.

Somehow, in this mix, the Planning Commission should have reviewed this document and they approved the re-zoning without it.

As it stands - the re-zoning proposal will be placed on the agenda of a future Council meeting - maybe in July or perhaps August. 

This extra time will allow the Council to review all documents pertinent to the issue and will also allow residents time to re-group and re-think their strategy, to get more people out to speak up for what Oxnard needs desperately - and that is more open space for free recreation.

      E-Mail the Oxnard Journal..............

View the June 2005 Oxnard Journal issue with story concerning
             Sports Park -- (( Scroll Down to view Story ))


On June 20th,  the Oxnard City Council will accept or decline the offer of Centex Homes to develop and build 100 houses on top of land the City has zoned and declared a SPORTS PARK for the past two decades.

With a promise to the residents of Oxnard, and in particular, to those who recently bought new homes in the West Village neighborhood, the City has set aside this land for a sports park.  Even a park similar to the one that resides across from the Oxnard Airport on 5th Street is all the citizens are asking for. We just ask for open space and an area where we can play soccer and enjoy our community.

Centex, a major home developer is pushing all sides of the envelope to have this project approved. 
Centex has developments in more than 25 states in the continental US.  A few extra units put up in Oxnard is not going to break the financial back or future outlook of Centex - but - putting houses on this lot where our community was PROMISED and ZONED a sports park will break the collective will of our residents and ruin our future outlook as a community that is focused on the better life which so many have come to Oxnard to enjoy and live.

A warning goes out to any Councilmen who approve this - that your Centex will come to you in November 2006 or 2008 - whenever your next election is.  Because the 100 extra votes you cram into Oxnard's north end will not override the thousands that will come from voters who will not forget your breaking of a promise.

The City of Oxnard does have the money to buy this land for our use - it is just the leadership does not have the will to approve a park over the special interests of a develooper --- so --- please join your fellow residents on Tuesday at City Council and send them a message.....

Bill Winter
Editor - Oxnard Journal.



This item came to the Ox Jo for dissemination..................

Mr. Winter, this is another news article
that the Ventura Star will not print.
It isn't long, but tells a news story that needs to be printed.

 After Mr. Molina won a unanimous jury award and after he  won twice at  the 9th Circuit of Appeals against the City of Oxnard and City Manager,  Ed Sotelo, Federal Magistrate Judge Stephen J. Hillman ordered City of  Oxnard to a SETTLEMENT CONFERENCE on July 5, 2006 in the case of Phillip  S. Molina v. the
City of Oxnard and Ed Sotelo.

Read the Official Court Order (.pdf  file - Adobe Reaqder required)


More Praise Music   ---  Read the May Ox-Jo ----  E-Mail the Oxnard Journal..............
Oxnard Police Department has new improved web site

View the June 12th Issue ( June 01 - 18  2006 )


Speed of Sound Vizzy Trip::::

Bush Dance Aerobix

Fly a Helo

These little ditties - known as Oxnard DLS were written by Debbie Kilpatrick who enjoyed her stay in Oxnard until a Government promotion called her to the East Coast.....these pages still draw readers.......Five Editorials exist.
OXNARD'S DIRTY LITTLE SECRETS --- - # 1-=- - - # 2-=-- - # 3 -=-- - # 4-=- ..- - # 5-=-



In reviewing page hits (Ox Jo archive pages recently retrieved by readers) it has been noted that some readers or politically minded researchers have accessed pages from our 2004 archival page files.  During 2004, the Oxnard Journal was promoting Bill Winter for his bid to run for Mayor and many of the articles and news items were contrary against his primary opponent and our current Mayor, Dr. Tom Holden.

It is the position of the Oxnard Journal to say openly, at this point in time, that the Ox Jo supports Mayor Holden in his bid for a second run and re-election to the office of Mayor.  Thusly stating, it is in our interest to promote our current Mayor when he officiates well and conducts business that is pleasing and beneficial to the people of Oxnard.  The majority of residents contacted in daily business feel that Mayor Holden is the right person for the job.

Editorially,  it is not in our interest to remove or redact any pages which were created during the 2004 election as they will remain a part of the Ox Jo website as an historical record of that race.

In retaining these archival pages, the Ox Jo means no detriment to our current Mayor. 
In fact, in reviewing the pages which were submitted for political reporting in 2004, there was only one page which was removed from the server as that page was considered to be a tad bit harsh in criticism against our current Mayor.

Again, it is the stated position that the Oxnard Journal supports our current Mayor and will do all it can to uphold Dr. Holden's position as our Mayor for the City of Oxnard.

The Editor
Bill Winter

Oxnard Mayor Holden with Oxnard Journal Editor -                           Photo:  Franz Lopez


E-Mail the Oxnard Journal..............

UPCOMING NEWS ITEMS..............(( Stand- by )) ............... T B A .........................................................................


All Candidates who need to register for the Ballot must do so on the last weeks of July.  Filing period will last until early August.  Who will run again and who will be the newbees.
     BE AWARE OF TICKETS.........      .
...where is it easy for me to get a




A monthly (or more frequently) column of local Oxnard observations - Stand-by


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   Best Bottle Price: $
45.oo per. 2 Litros               Avoid the Wait for Go - Ji . . . . . . .                                                                  SPANISH GoJi  INFO     

  Goog;e        DOGPILE      DrudgeReport      



                    AVIE's PAGE                       

JUNE 2006

NETWORK COALITION MEETS WEEKLY  ---- Tuesday, 8:30AM @ Carrows on Oxnard Blvd. (next to McDonald's) open meetings. Who is ONC? A resource/ exchange-collaborative group of 25 to 30 social service, public/private agencies, representatives and business individuals dedicated to community service since 1997. Our GOAL IS TO IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF LIFE IN OUR COMMUNITY.

(Please note this newsletter is produced by volunteers and is directly emailed to 980 persons, who in turn email to an average of 10 persons. This means we reach 9,800 individuals) 


SOUTH OXNARD DESIGN TEAM, Ormond Beach & Wetlands preservation is one of this group's major goals and concerns of this group. This environmentally conscientious group meets weekly at 6:30 pm Mondays at Puerto Nuevo Restaurant, 3600  Saviers Road, South Oxnard.


Monday, June 5, 1:00 to 4:00pm and 6:00 to 9:00pm Environmental Protection Agency public hearing on BHP Billiton LNG "Clean Air Act" permit.



            Contact Trevor Smith for more information. Trevorsmith@earthlink.com.






MAY is our next OUTREACH FOR DAY LABORERS, CONTACT SUSAN BECKER. Field /Day Labor project-ONC members distribute to these workers information on health agencies, social service agencies, citizenship/resident status, workers rights to name a few, if your agency has materials or resources to contribute contact Susan or leave info at the Police Storefront in Colonia on Cooper and Grant streets.

HELP- we need information for distribution to the farm workers and day laborers call Susan Becker at 339-2507 or leave at the Store Front at the new Senior Housing project on Camino Del Sol. We need whatever public service information obtainable, for distribution, approximately 200 flyers. Thank you ahead of time. (You do not have to get up at 4:30 am; committee will distribute the materials).


Oxnard Homeless Commissioner, Gwen Lauterbach- LAUTERBACH ARCHITECTS. Announced the firm is building a new low cost-housing complex in Santa Barbara for Mercy Housing.  Oxnard homeless commission meeting at Oxnard Public Library at 3:30, first Monday of the Month. Next meeting June 5.

Ventura County Homeless Program   Anna Chavez, 987-6712.  Regardless of legal status, program assists persons build a life towards self-sufficiency, on an on going process. According to recent statistics 60% of the homeless are women and children, in Ventura County. Affiliated is with RAIN Project in Camarillo.


Ventura County Human Services 385-8669 Edwin Sabio, from the 1400 Vanguard Road Office (south Oxnard near corner of Rose Avenue & Wooley Road) reports on going programs, public assistance for food, medi-cal Programs, and other services.


Ventura County Partnership for Safe Families and Communities Meets first Wednesday of month Contact is Lori Steinhauer 805 677-5403 or email: lori@mossbeachhomes.com.

From MO Mosely,
 ILP Graduation Party:
As you know, Work Training Programs is planning a big bash for the foster and
probation youth who are graduating an educational program this year. 


Rosemary Briceno announced planning is commencing for the October Senior Prom. Contact via OPD Storefronts. ELKS CLUB WILL BE THE VENUE USED IN OXNARD.


JUNE 24. CITIZENSHIP FAIR FREEPROCESSING! US Citizenship, Immigration information and assistance contact: Alicia Flores, HERMANDAD MEXICANA TRNSNACIONAL, INC.  Located at 520 West 5th Street, Suite D, Oxnard, Ca 93030. 805 483.4620 or 805 483.4625.


Jocelyn Buckner 382-82-8228, Workforce Investment network Program @ Boys &Girls, (Oxnard) Club, assists youth 16 to 21 years of age to complete high school deficiencies, gain employment, training, career success, path determination and follow up. NFTY are classes to teach youth about entrepreneurship.  There are many plus’s for youth in joining.

VENTURA COMMUNITY COLLEGES: Trustee Larry Miller shared information about our local community colleges. Graduations are happening!!!! And summer school will begin soon.

Barbie Cervantes 654-3622: Victims Services, Ventura County District Attorneys Office. Announced HOW TO FILE restraining orders, workshops are held Wednesday 8am to 11:30, Spanish or on Tuesdays and Thursday s 8 am to 11, in English.


Susan Becker, 339-2507 Ventura County District Attorney’s Office- SAFE HARBOR Project helps children, who are victims of abuse. Offers Forensic interviews examinations and has an advocacy center for children and adults who have been sexually assaulted or physically abused. Exciting News, this center is moving to a new refurbished site near Community Memorial Hospital


MARIBEL Hernandez new art studio is located at 1019 East Santa Clara Street, # B, Ventura 805.216.8299. Fine Art, Graphic design, Photography, Custom made Jewelry,  maribelhernandez.com,  or maribelarte@mac.com 


PAL Oxnard Police Activities League (PAL): has Mr. Fundi Legohn leading the new Oxnard All City Band.  Music classes & lessons. All Band instruments:  Mon., Tues., Wed, Friday 4:30 to 9:30 at Oxnard PAL Rooms 108-109. Call 4158570 or click:  www.oxnardpd.org/PAL

California LUTHER UNIVERSITY- PASTOR MELISSA M. MAXWELL-DOHERTY, CAMPUS PASTOR, is looking for sites to place university students for volunteer work /observation sites revmmmd@clunet.edu  or493.3228 

NEIGHBORHOOD SAFETY PROJECT Chuck Smith 805 302-9582 this is a new 501 c-3 non-profit which is promoting a private communications safety organization.


PAT MAGES, 428-4623, 485-6114, INTERFACE-Victim Advocate is assigned to the Port Hueneme and Ventura Police Departments. She is also a counselor/trainer/domestic violence victim's advocate for:  Interface; and is a trainer for the Ventura County Partnership for Safe Families and Communities.


Pilar Santamaria: PROTOYPES 382-6296. This is a recovery and treatment programs for women and their children. Women are referred to other program by their families, other social service agencies, and by the courts. Women may also refer themselves. Prototypes was founded in 1986. In Ventura County the center has operated since 1992.


For the rest of this year, DON'T purchase ANY gasoline from the two biggest companies (which now are one), EXXON and MOBIL. If they are not selling any gas, they will be inclined to reduce their prices. If they reduce their prices, the other companies will have to follow suit.


 Need a GRANT WRITER?  Paloma Garcia-Lopez of PGL Consulting provides an array of fund development services to nonprofit organizations.  She can be reached by cell phone at 310-925-0873 or paloma@pglconsulting.com.  For a complete list of services, visit www.pglconsulting.com. Paloma is a former Development Director and High School History Teacher. She has a BA and an MA from Stanford University, grew up in Santa Paula, and currently resides in Los Angeles. Most of her clients are in Ventura and Santa Barbara counties. References available upon request.  Thanks!

Silvia Paloma Garcia-Lopez Grant Writing Consultant

11664 National Blvd #296

Los Angeles, CA 90064



June 9 at the El Rio Public Library: 6:30 pm  Michele Serros will have a book signing and presentation on her new book Honey Blonde Chica


June 15, 2006 The May Day Coalition for Students and Workers Justice is organizing a rally for Immigration Rights on Thursday June 15, 2006 at 6:00 p.m. at Plaza Park on 5th Street and C Street in Downtown Oxnard, California. This coalition is made up of organizations and individuals that are committed to political and social activism for progressive immigration rights in our society. Furthermore, the general purpose of this rally is to continue protesting the racist bill of HR 4437 and the militarization of the US/Mexico border. As result of this, the May Day Coalition for Students and Workers Justice demands:1)     Full Legalization Now2)     No Deportation3)     No on HR 44374)     Stop the militarization of the US/Mexico border
Therefore, the May Day Coalition for Students and Workers Justice would like to invite everyone to participate in the social and political action. For more information, please contact Jose G. Moreno from Union del Barrio at 805-216-5437 or at
info@commiteeonrazarights.org. Also, you could contact the local UFW office at 805-486-9674 




Park in Lot B6 or E 6   between Plummer / Halstead . Across from where old Chicano House used to be.


The Chicano Collection

Express yourself

June 17 - July 29, 2006

Opening Reception: Saturday, June 17, time 6:30

To advance Chicano art as a recognized school of American art and to increase public accessibility of this work, art advocate and entertainer Cheech Marin commissioned Modern Multiples to produce commemorative sets of limited-editions reproductions of paintings by 26 prominent Chicano artists. Depicting images of urban life and the Chicano experience during 1969 through 2001, these archival-quality digital prints are accompanied by original linocut-print portraits of the featured artists by Artenio Rodriquez of La Mano Press, a documentary about the project by award-winning director Tamara Hernandez, and an essay by Chon A. Noriega, Ph.D. In addition to donating sets to major U.S. museums and universities, an exhibition featuring the prints has been creaeted for travel to smaller cultural venues throughout the country.





MEXICO TOUR-June 26: 8 to 11 days touring Mexico City and the Yucatan. Tour is led by Ana Chavez, Ms - Spanish. The cost is $1500.00 you can pay in payments. $95 to enroll. Departure date June 26 for 10 days (with extension) you will need lots of energy Fee includes: Round trip/Air fare, Meals and sleeping accommodations 7 overnights with private bathrooms. Five organized tours by licensed guides. Six visits to special attractions. Bilingual Tour Director. Email Avie Guerra for more information. mavieg2002@yahoo.com

LEADERSHIP CAMP ---- Camp Mile High Pines  ----- San Bernardino, CA ---- AUG   6-11, 2006

Dear Applicant:

Future Leaders of America, Inc. “FLA” - Ventura County cordially invites you to apply to our  Leadership Camp. This challenging six-day program is scheduled for August 6-11, 2006, at Camp Mile High Pines in San Bernardino, California.  

Through our leadership training we hope to challenge you in such a way that you will continue to strive for higher goals and continue on your path to excellence. The program will help you develop self-confidence, self-esteem, and valuable leadership skills. You will discover not only what it means to be a student leader but how to be a responsive citizen as well. 

Meals, transportation, and lodging are provided through generous contributions made by individuals, businesses, corporations, foundations, and government entities. Applicants must pay a $25.00 non-refundable processing fee when accepted to the program. 

To be considered for the FLA Basic Leadership Conference, you must meet the following requirements:

·         Complete an FLA Basic Leadership Conference application by May 8, 2006.

·         Be a  8th, 9th, 10th grade student at the time you apply.

·         Have a grade point average of approximately 2.8 in your school course work.

·         Demonstrate a commitment to leadership and personal success.

Once you have successfully completed the program, you will be a “Future Leader” and will be eligible for all FLA programs throughout high school and college. You will have access to a student network of over 10,000 alumni willing to mentor you through your high school and college careers. You will also have the opportunity to travel throughout California and attend university seminars at such prestigious universities as UCLA, UC Berkeley and Stanford, and meet nationally recognized leaders. The opportunities abound for you in FLA. Take the challenge and apply today!

I look forward to reviewing your application and meeting you personally in the near future. If you or your parents need additional information in English or Spanish, please call me at 805-642-6208 extension 5#, or e-mail at venturacounty@latinoleaders.org  

 Sincerely, - Gabriela Torres = FLA Ventura County Program Coordinator


 Fandango in Santa Paula

Saturday, September 3, 2006 (the Saturday of Labor Day weekend) the music of Veracruz will be highlighted.  John Robles of El Son del Pueblo, is working with us to bring jarochos from Veracruz as well as the many talented conjuntos in Ventura and Los Angeles county. 


11th Multicultural

Festival for Saturday, October 7, 2006 from 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. 

From M. Guillen, City of Oxnard, Mayor’s office:

just wanted to share with you guys something very positive that the DWP is offering. Last week I called & schedule an appointment for their”free" new toilets program and the one i got is a very nice one. They are on the small size version ~but their purpose is to help save more water.

They also installed new shower heads in each of our bathrooms without me even requesting them. So that was cool!

So, if you guys have a DWP account & need new toilets, give them a call because this special offer is worth it!

Latino Lifestyle Magazine, a new English language magazine. The bi-monthly magazine will target the county’s Latino population.

Please take the time and view the attached file. It includes seven of the 30 plus pages that will be in Latino Lifestyle Magazine’s Premiere Issue (April/May).

Latino Lifestyle Magazine is a lifetime dream for me but I know that it can’t succeed without your help and support. Please assist us by: 

  1. Submitting your comments/ideas for the “The Browning of Ventura County” article. A paragraph or two on what you feel Latinos have contributed and/or how they are helping change the county.
  1. E-mail us your mailing address/P.O. Box address and we will mail you a FREE COMPLIMENTARY PREMIERE issue of Latino Lifestyle Magazine.

            (Subscribe: $30 delivers 6 issues of Latino Lifestyle Magazine to your door)

  1. Please feel free to share this e-mail with family, friends, work associates, or any one you know will be interested in getting a FREE COMPLIMENTARY PREMIERE issue of Latino Lifestyle Magazine.
  2. If you are interested in ADVERTISING in future issues, please call or e-mail us and request a Media Advertising Rate Sheet.

Jess Gutierrez

Publisher & Editor-in-Chief
Latino Lifestyle Magazine
805-822-9050  Cell  e-mail:  latinolifestylemag.yahoo.com

 The United Farm Workers and the Cesar E. Chavez Foundation are proud to support the grassroots efforts of the "Cesar E. Chavez National Holiday Coalition". 

UFW Founder Cesar E. Chavez, stood as one of the heroic figures of the 20th century who inspired millions in our nation into action for economic and social  justice, civil rights and political empowerment.  He led the historic non-violent movement for farm workers' rights and was dedicated to building a movement of poor working people that extended beyond the fields and into cities and towns across the nation.

The legacy of Cesar E. Chavez, like the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., serves to educate, inspire, and empower people from all walks of life. Cesar Chavez is a role model for all Americans and the generations to come. 

Ask Congress to designate March 31 as Cesar E. Chavez Day to ensure Chavez' legacy is recognized and celebrated throughout our nation with a federal paid holiday and a day of service and learning in our public schools.

 ....... Take Action at: http://www.ufw.org/chavezholiday

  Tell-A-Friend: Please help make the Cesar E. Chavez national holiday a reality.  Forward this message to at least 10 friends or family and ask them to sign the petition today.

"Good friends are like stars......You don't always see them, but you know they are always there."

Avie Guerra..Oxnard, California 93033





Abba Oil Home "Made by Believers for Believers"(r) Abba oil is the Father's oil... the finest anointing oil in the world.
Rodger and Greer Kenworthy in the Garden of Gethsemane.
Rodger and Greer
in the Garden of Gethsemane
We thank you by offering for a limited time...
10% off on ALL retail orders!
10 great new specials!

We thank our Heavenly Father
by giving an extra 10%
of all profits from this sale to help
believers in Israel.
We are excited to announce ABBA Anointing Oil’s 10 year anniversary and customer appreciation sale! The LORD has been very gracious to us and has blessed our ministry beyond what we could ever have asked or thought.  Over the years we have come to know many of you and we feel that you are Mishpochah (family).
Looking back on ABBA’s humble beginnings with our first small bottle of Frankincense & Myrrh, it is quite amazing to see how far Adonai, Our Father, has brought us.  Each of our nine fragrant oils was developed with much prayer and waiting upon the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit), for each one had its own unique timing and spiritual meaning.  Three years ago we began formulating a very special fragrance which will soon be announced as our 10th anointing oil. 
To accompany these beautiful anointing oils we produce oil holders, candles and other items relating to Israel, His land…. the Holy Land.  When you order Abba products you help to employ individuals and sustain families in Israel. The scripture says “I will bless those who bless you…” Deuteronomy 11:26.  By purchasing Abba products made in Israel you share in the blessing of His people and in turn will receive His blessing.
We would like to know how our products have affected your life and ministry.  Your feedback is greatly appreciated and is a source of illumination and encouragement to us and to our staff.  Simply fill in the comment area of the order form as you check out, or email us at testimonies@abbaoil.com. Thank you for choosing ABBA as your source for ministry tools!.
May the LORD bless you and keep you,
May the LORD be gracious unto you,
May the LORD lift up His countenance upon you,
May the LORD make his face to shine upon you and give you His Shalom (peace). Numbers 6:24-26
Our love and blessings in the name of Yeshua Messiah,

10th Anniversary Sale - 10% off on ALL retail orders! 

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November Ox - Jo / / /

JUNE 2004 - OX JO

   JANUARY 2005
Ox Jo Issue          

Oxnard Maps by Dept.

 -S I L L Y - P U T T Y -
 -C A N D I D A T E S


     Read  Previously Published                       
           AVIE's PAGE ......Here


See the Mayo - 01 - 2oo6 issue

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MARCH 2006

Ox Jo

2004 ~ 2000

 Ox-Jo (Jan. 2006)
Read the 
Ox Jo




Count Down


Gang Signs - OSJ

13-Year-old's Cry

The 04-04-04 OxJo

Leo Medina

Javier Ambriz, 23 years, of Oxnard



Injunction Junction


From the Oxnard Watch-Dog.........¿ WHERE IS BROWN 25

Did you read the "B" Section of the Star about how the entire City Council (all five of them) went on a field trip to talk about "a fashion retail center" for a project that hadn't even submitted a pre application?
                                                       Gosh, that used to be called 
1. When was the public notified about this closed session?
2. How did the Council members get to Rancho Cucamonga? Did they all take the same car? Did three of them go in the same car, which would mean that the going and coming were separate closed sessions?
3. What else did the Council talk about during this time, which creates another violation of the Act? OR, did they just sit in the same car but not say a word the entire two hour trip?
4. Why go on such a long "fact finding trip" when the 'Officials with RiverPark Legacy, heretofore called "the DEVELOPERS"  haven't and wouldn't even submit a "pre-application within 3 months" according the Matt Winegar?
5. Recall that the DA's attorney told jurors that "Convicting someone on a conspiracy charge isn't as complicated as it sounds". "It can be as simple as two people casually walking down the street agreeing to commit a crime like spray-painting a building and then taking steps toward accomplishing that goal, he said. "That's all you need in a conspiracy," --- Barrick told jurors." [From Star first page story "Taggers hit with felony charges".] Well than what do you call it when FIVE Council members agree to violate the Brown Act?

If you missed the story --- Field trip may benefit River Park shopping
Oxnard officials go out of town for ideas to fashion retail center
By Charles Levin, clevin@VenturaCountyStar.com
April 18, 2006
Oxnard Councilman Dean Maulhardt says he doesn't care much for shopping,
but that could change. Maulhardt joined Mayor Tom Holden and three other council members on afield trip Friday to Rancho Cucamonga, where they checked out Victoria
Gardens, a new 1.3 million-square-foot shopping center.

Located in the Former
Marie Callendar's Restaurant on South Oxnard Blvd. & Statham  -

CITY BUFFET IS NOW OPEN and serving a tremendous selection of seafood, fried and a tasty Mongolian style plate that you pick your ingredients COME EXPERIENCE THE ALL YOU CAN EAT TREATS.

Take your family and guests -- there is plenty of room and plenty of good food................


City Council
Planning Commission

The Oxnard City Council meets
this Tuesday.

Planning Commission
every other Thursday

ALL Meetings
start @ 1900  (7 p.m. )
ALL Meetings
are televised
CABLE Channel 10 or 17


..  -----    GO - Ji                       Get Your Himalayan GOJI JUICE HERE __
                       Best Bottle Price: $
45.oo per.      -------------------               Avoid the Wait for Go - Ji . . . . . . .                                                                         
Mangosteen Juice
 XANGO  /..................................


Oxnard Downtown is ready  ====   discover it  . . .

Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people.
John Adams (1735-1826)
-Dissertation on the Canon and the Feudal Law, 1765

Think on this..............


 The next time you start thinking that you are 
a BIG DEAL....

 Look at these pictures and put your life 

back into PERSPECTIVE. 

=======================   *  ====================== 

My Challenge to all Athiests
 As soon as any athiest can make another ANTARES
I will stop believing in God.

=======================   *  ======================

God Bless you and yours.
God Save America.
Reverend Bhagavan Friend


The Oxnard Journal can be contacted by Mail:

PO Box 1960
Port Hueneme, Calif. 93044

E-Mail the Oxnard Journal..............

- 3 0 -