The Oxnard Journal
..............................Sept. 2oo6
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 NEWS ITEMS of General interest interest     Election 2006 Coverage  - Blurbs & Blabs ........

    To Cut or Not To Cut . .
Curb Cuts Create Ire at Public Meetings

- editorial - short form -

Centex Withdraws its Application
to build on

The Top 10
Issues facing the
2007-2008 City Council

  Oxnard City Council

Oxnard Mayor
Thomas Holden
Phillip Molina
Robert Sumpter

Oxnard City Council
(2 seats open):

Bill Winter
Dean Maulhardt
Andres Herrera
Francisco Romero
Enrique Petris

     TEMPEST  WITH  A  TEA   POT      
It Seems to be that Who IS NOT on the Ballot
is Generating more interest than in Who IS on the Ballot.

The Political Landscape of Oxnard

Another Sweet Heart Deal?  
Dennis C. Ralph
---------------.......--- resident of Oxnard, Calif.


Bill Winter . org

......SAVE COLLEGE PARK .........

NO on LNG -- NEWS 4 the

Updated - 31 Aug 06 -

      E-Mail the Oxnard

       See the July 2006 Ox Jo         Aug 13th Issue    --         This Issue of the Ox Jo was Updated::07 SEPT  06- ---2327 hrs.--      



                                             See & View   -




      Everything Oxnard - that is Hip and Happening is on
                                                                             The Oxnard File


Ox Jo

2004 ~ 2000

To Cut or Not To Cut ?

The City of Oxnard is rolling out the "dog and pony" show.  With only two scheduled public meetings, the City will decide, based on public input from only two meetings, a policy on curb-cutting that will affect the entire city

Curb cuts are needed within Oxnard.  The City is only scratching the surface in attempting to reach out to residents who are concerned about the curb cuts and having access to their property in order to park their cars. 

Yet the City does not trust its residents and suspects most curb cuts will lead to all front lawns becoming covered over by concrete and every single dwelling within the City requesting that driveway access be granted to them.

Oxnard will have to do more than hold two public meetings within the two neighborhoods that seem to be clamoring the most.  If Oxnard issued its last curb cut permit in 1992, it will take more than two meetings and a few weeks for the City to come up with a fair and equitable solution to this problem.  City officials propose drafting a remedial policy ready to send to the City Council before the November elections.  It is my opinion, that rushing this is not smart, nor good, and the City staff should wait for the new Council to take their seats in January 2007.  As it stands, what the City wants to do will not fix the problem, but only exacerbate it. 

The real issue is too many vehicles per household.  The City is looking at drafting a provision within their ordinance to limit the number of cars based on the numbers of bedrooms, as they are now doing with permits for new construction.

With such a hot topic festering while the City plays with the scab, it would behoove all  to take more time for input, make sure we are looking at all aspects of the issue and delay  this decision to formally finalize a policy that regulates how we park and use our cars within the corporate limits of Oxnard.

James Payne, after hearing the words of city workers, asked them if the citizens could vote on this issue.  "Well, yes you can, but," came the reply " we will draft a policy, the City Council will look at it, and they will vote on it."  "So what you're telling me is..." retorted Payne, "that ‘we’ don't get to vote on it, the City Council does.....that ain't fair!"

In reply to Mr. Payne, we may not have a city-wide referendum on this single issue, but you do have a vote, it’s on November 7th.  That is your vote.  Put on the Council people whom you feel will be more representative to your needs, and what it is like to have to deal with the issue of needing a curb cut when the city officials may feel differently about it and act on it.   I live on South B Street and I too need a curb cut.



               SEE the JULY 4th 2006  - Ox - Jo           --------                      See the JUNE 2006 Ox -Jo                




Legal Notices --  Separate Page


      E-Mail the Oxnard Journal..............

View the June 2005 Oxnard Journal issue with story concerning
             Sports Park -- (( Scroll Down to view Story ))


On June 20th,  the Oxnard City Council will accept or decline the offer of Centex Homes to develop and build 100 houses on top of land the City has zoned and declared a SPORTS PARK for the past two decades.

With a promise to the residents of Oxnard, and in particular, to those who recently bought new homes in the West Village neighborhood, the City has set aside this land for a sports park.  Even a park similar to the one that resides across from the Oxnard Airport on 5th Street is all the citizens are asking for. We just ask for open space and an area where we can play soccer and enjoy our community.

Centex, a major home developer is pushing all sides of the envelope to have this project approved. 
Centex has developments in more than 25 states in the continental US.  A few extra units put up in Oxnard is not going to break the financial back or future outlook of Centex - but - putting houses on this lot where our community was PROMISED and ZONED a sports park will break the collective will of our residents and ruin our future outlook as a community that is focused on the better life which so many have come to Oxnard to enjoy and live.

A warning goes out to any Councilmen who approve this - that your Centex will come to you in November 2006 or 2008 - whenever your next election is.  Because the 100 extra votes you cram into Oxnard's north end will not override the thousands that will come from voters who will not forget your breaking of a promise.

The City of Oxnard does have the money to buy this land for our use - it is just the leadership does not have the will to approve a park over the special interests of a developer --- so --- please join your fellow residents on Tuesday at City Council and send them a message.....

Editorial - Oxnard Journal.



This item came to the Ox Jo for dissemination..................

Mr. Winter, this is another news article
that the Ventura Star will not print.
It isn't long, but tells a news story that needs to be printed.




Oxnard Mayor Holden with Bill Winter                                              Photo:  Franz Lopez



  Goog;e        DOGPILE      DrudgeReport      

More Praise Music   ---  Read the May Ox-Jo ----  E-Mail the Oxnard Journal..............
Oxnard Police Department has new improved web site

View the June 12th Issue ( June 01 - 18  2006 )


Speed of Sound Vizzy Trip::::

Bush Dance Aerobix

Fly a Helo





                    AVIE's PAGE                       




MEETS WEEKLY Tuesday, 8:30AM @ Carrows on Oxnard Blvd. (next to McDonald's) open meetings. Who is ONC? A resource/ exchange-collaborative group of 25 to 30 social service, public/private agencies, representatives and business individuals dedicated to community service since 1997. Our GOAL IS TO IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF LIFE IN OUR COMMUNITY.

1.      SAVIERS ROAD DESIGN TEAM,(SRDT) Ormond Beach & the Wetlands preservation AND revitalization of South Oxnard are group's major goals and concerns of this group. This environmentally conscientious group meets weekly at 6:30 pm Mondays at Puerto Nuevo Restaurant, 3600 Saviers Road, SOUTH OXNARD.

Be sure to visit the new California Coastal Protection Network (CCPN) website  Also see the Environmental Defense Center (EDC) website  Both have a wealth of excellent information. CCPN is EDC's client and is paying all the legal and expert opinion fees that enable this work to be done.

2.      NO LNG COOMMUNITY ALLIANCE- meetings at Rusty’s Pizza Parlor 600 N. Ventura Road. (Fremont Square) 2nd and 4th Wednesday s,  6:30 p.m.  Aug. 9, Aug.23, Sept. 13, Sept. 27, Oct.11. Oct.25, Nov.8

The NO LNG Community Alliance is an alliance of all the organizations, community groups and individuals working independently and together to oppose all the California LNG proposals as dangerous, polluting and not needed.  The Alliance is especially focusing on opposing BHP Billiton Cabrillo Port and Northern StarClearwater Port.


1.  Update on Committee work;
2.  Visit to Sacramento in August to support SB426;
3.  Reports on Work of other groups: California Coastal Protection Network,
Pacific Environment and Environmental Defense Center;
4.  Planning for West Coast Day of Action against LNG, and

5.  Other Business. Please call (805) 485
-8026 if you have any questions





4.      Oxnard Homeless Commissioner, Gwen Lauterbach- LAUTERBACH ARCHITECTS. Announced the firm is building a new low cost-housing complex in Santa Barbara for Mercy Housing.  Oxnard homeless commission meeting at Oxnard Public Library at 3:30, first Monday of the Month.

 Ventura County Partnership for Safe Families and Communities Meets first Wednesday of month Contact is Lori Steinhauer 805 677-5403 or email:

Rosemary Briceno announced planning is commencing for the October Senior Prom. Contact via OPD Storefronts. ELKS CLUB WILL BE THE VENUE USED IN OXNARD.


7.  ALICIA FLORES IS THE CONTACT FOR ISSUES OF US Citizenship, Immigration HERMANDAD MEXICANA TRANSNACIONAL, INC.  Located at 520 West 5th Street, Suite D, Oxnard, Ca 93030. 805 483.4620 or 805 483.4625

   .  Carmen Ramirez of THE MEXICAN AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION OF VENTURA COUNTY Cordially invites you to attend a reception in honor of EDUARDO GILES,  Cónsul Alterno Consulate of Mexico in Oxnard  Cónsul

 Giles has served the residents of the Counties of Ventura, Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo for the past four years.  He will soon be posted to the Mexican Embassy in Managua, Nicaragua.  The Mexican American Bar Association requests the honor of your presence in order that we may bid farewell to Cónsul Giles, thank him for his service to the people of our community, and wish him well in his new post.

    Please join us at: THE WHALE'S  TAIL 3950 Bluefin Circle @ Channel Islands Harbor  Oxnard, California  93035-4399 On:     Friday, August 11, 2006 From:        5:30 to 7:30 PM Please RSVP by e-mailing:   Or by calling (805) 483-1464   

9.........................................................                      Jocelyn Buckner 382-8228, Workforce Investment network Program THE NATIONAL FOUNDATION FOR TEACHING ENTREPRENEURSHIP. NFTE Business Plan Competition. From 5:00pm to 7:30pm AT: Boys and Girls Club of  Greater Oxnard and Port Hueneme, 1900 W 5th Street, Oxnard, CA 93036 For Questions Call: 805.383.8228 "Sponsored by the Workforce Investment Network of Ventura County, “An equal opportunity employer/program." TDD/TTY inquiries: call 1 (800)735-2929


10.  VENTURA COMMUNITY COLLEGES: Trustee Larry Miller shared information about our local community colleges: Oxnard College will have Jim Jensen as interim President at Oxnard, until a permanent replacement for Past President Lydia Ledesma-Reese is hired.




Moorpark College has two new programs that can be completed in 19 months through the PACE PROGRAM Child development and Business Administration. For more infor email: or Ventura College according to Frank Moraga at the Ventura Star, is offering a new Journalism class  


11.                         PAL Oxnard Police Activities League (PAL): has Mr. Fundi Legohn leading the new Oxnard All City Band.  Music classes & lessons. All Band instruments:  Mon., Tues., Wed, Friday 4:30 to 9:30 at Oxnard PAL Rooms 108-109. Call 4158570 or click:


12.  California LUTHER UNIVERSITY- PASTOR MELISSA M. MAXWELL-DOHERTY, CAMPUS PASTOR, is looking for sites to place university students for volunteer work /observation sites  or493.3228


13.   Pilar Santamaria: PROTOYPES 382-6296. This is a recovery and treatment programs for women and their children. Women are referred to other program by their families, other social service agencies, and by the courts. Women may also refer themselves. Prototypes was founded in 1986. In Ventura County the center has operated since 1992.




·         Need a GRANT WRITER?  Paloma Garcia-Lopez of PGL Consulting provides an array of fund development services to nonprofit organizations.  She can be reached by cell phone at 310-925-0873 or  For a complete list of services, visit Paloma is a former Development Director and High School History Teacher. She has a BA and an MA from Stanford University, grew up in Santa Paula, and currently resides in Los Angeles. Most of her clients are in Ventura and Santa Barbara counties. References available upon request.  Thanks!

Silvia Paloma Garcia-Lopez Grant Writing Consultant

11664 National Blvd #296

Los Angeles, CA 90064


·         OXNARD COALITION TO SAVE THE SPORTS PARK AT CORNER OF OXNARD BLVD AND GONZALES ROAD. This item has been returned to the Oxnard City Planning commission. The following thoughts are by : FRANK BARAJAS, PROFESSOR AT CSUCI. Written in late June.

*            At the last Oxnard City Council meeting of June 20, 2006, I watched a contretemps regarding a hearing on the 20-plus acres of community reserve at the corner of Gonzales Road and Oxnard Boulevard. These twenty-plus acres of much needed sports park space is promised to the residents of Oxnard under the 2020 General Plan and the Northeast Specific Plan. After the dust settled, residents expressed their views on the Centex development controversy at this site. Below is a summary of points made by voting Oxnard residents regarding this problem.

 June 20th Public Comments on Items Not on the Agenda

 Ø      The Oxnard Planning Commission approved this project based upon incomplete information.

 Ø      The proposed Centex project would violate the Quimby Act. Legal recourse being considered.

 Ø      30 days advance notice must be given to Oxnard residents regarding any proposed amendments to the 2020 General Plan, specifically in relation to sports park space at Gonzales and Oxnard Boulevard.

 Ø      Members of the city of council are “too chummy” with land developers and have forgotten that they were elected to represent the best interests of Oxnard residents, not that of builders.

 Ø      Centex purchased the land at Gonzales Road and Oxnard Boulevard knowing that it is designated as community reserve park space under the 2020 General Plan. Therefore, the tail (Centex) seeks to wag the dog (the Oxnard City Council).

 Ø      There must be a moratorium on all residential development in the city.

 Ø      The City of Oxnard uses “Fuzzy Math” in Environmental Impact Reports to permit development.

 Ø      A selling point to homebuyers at the West Village neighborhood was a 20-plus acre sports park as promised by the 2020 General Plan.

 Ø      An email from a Centex employee arrogantly predicted the City Council’s approval of the project before a hearing was ever held. Shadow government in the works.

 Ø      Centex’s ploy to create a swimming pool on 9 gross acres of parks space—as opposed to the original 20-plus detailed in the 2020 General Plan—is designed to divide community opposition to the 100 unit residential development at an already heavily congested area.

 Ø      If the City of Oxnard approves Centex’s amendments to the 2020 General Plan and the Northeast Specific plan, the value of this parcel of land will rise dramatically making it virtually impossible for the city to purchase the land to realize the promise of a direly needed 20-plus acre sports park.

 Ø      Oxnard residents are rebellious about how developers dictate policy decision making in the city.

 Ø      On July 5 Inter Neighborhood Council Forum will focus its attention on this issue. The community is urged to attend and organize. For more information contact: Donna Helms, Neighborhood Services Coordinator
Neighborhood Services Program, (805) 385-7424; E-Mail:
Neighborhood Services or Christina Aerenlund, Community Affairs Manager/PIO, (805) 385-7593;

Ø     =============================================================================================

    Fandango in Santa Paula

SUNDAY September 3, 2006 (the SUNDAY of Labor Day weekend) the music of Veracruz will be highlighted.  John Robles of El Son del Pueblo, is working with us to bring jarochos from Veracruz as well as the many talented conjuntos in Ventura and Los Angeles county. 


                                       11th Multicultural Festival

Festival for Saturday, October 7, 2006 from 10 a.m. - 9 p.m.


September 30-October 1


LATINO LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE, a new English language magazine. Please assist us by: Submitting your comments/ideas for the “The Browning of Ventura County” article. A paragraph or two on what you feel Latinos have contributed and/or how they are helping change the county.

Jess Gutierrez, Publisher & Editor-in-Chief of Latino Lifestyle Magazine 805-822-9050 Cell AND e-mail:


Centro Mujer

4225 Saviers Road, Oxnard

(Near Saviers and Bard Roads,

across the street from the new South Oxnard Public Library)


Centro Mujer is as a grassroots regional women’s community and labor organizing center serving the residents of South Oxnard and a growing regional network of women-centered organizing efforts in the Central Coast of Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties.


An outgrowth of CAUSE's Women's Economic Justice Project and CAUSE's South Oxnard Voter Empowerment Project, Centro Mujer's mission is to address the economic and social equities facing low-income working women and their families through women-centered organizing, civic engagement and leadership development activities aimed at building grassroots power and strengthening  the voice of immigrant and working women of color in public policy, economic development, worker rights, as well as other areas of public and private life. For more info:



Somos Raza and the Raza Press Association Present:

Somos Raza Film Festival

Saturday August 12 from 2pm-10pm      Sunday August 13 from Noon-8pm

at Centro Inlakech Theater

937 West Fifth Street (Corner of H St and Fifth Street)

Oxnard, Ca

Suggested Donations: $20 For Entire Weekend, $10 One Day, $5 Half Day or $2 Per Film  --NOBODY TURNED AWAY FOR LACK OF FUNDS—

Donations will benefit  Somos Raza, a grassroots youth-led community organization in Oxnard.


Saturday Aug 12, 2006
2:00 to 4:00 p.m. - The Fourth World War
4:00 to 6:00 pm. - The Changing Community of Broderick: Civil Rights and Gang Injunctions followed by Zapatista
6:00 p.m. to 8:00 pm - Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism
8:00pm to 10:00 pm - Walkout

Sunday Aug 13. 2006
12:00 to 2:00 p.m. - Assassination of Malcolm X
2:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. - Letter to The President
4:00 pm. to 6:00 p.m. The End of Suburbia: Oil Depletion and the Collapse of the American Dream
6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Trudell 

For more information: info@committeeonrazrights


"Good friends are like stars......You don't always see them, but you know they are always there."

Avie Guerra.805 844.6700.------ .Oxnard, California 93033

 Thank you for visiting our news . . . .


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10th Anniversary Sale - 10% off on ALL retail orders! 


of MARTIN JONES . . . .

As I write this I have tried to narrow this message down to those that live or know people that live in Oxnard and would be voting in the next election.  I have probably failed, somewhat, in that effort.
Some of you know me well and others may not
So a little about me.

I was the chairman of my neighborhood for 13 or 14 years. At present I am the vice chairman.  I was elected twice to the executive board of the neighborhood program.  I declined that honor the second time.  I ran for city council twice.  The sum total was about eleven thousand votes.  Not enough to win. I and Dorothy Maron with the help of Phil Molina and my friend and lawyer Fred Rosenmund wrote the complaints to the Grand Jury that exposed the lack of any accounting of the expenditures at the taxpayer golf course.  About fifteen million dollars have disappeared all the while the taxpayers were subsidizing it.  Mayor Tom Holden, optometrist by profession,  was councilman and now mayor voted for the contract between the city and the golf course operator.  Dr. Holden, as he prefers to be addressed, in all the years he has been on the council has had no explanation as to where the golf course revenue has disappeared.  Also I sued the City of Oxnard for violating the open government law of California. The Brown Act.  My lawyers were Fred Rosenmund and Richard Tentler.  We won.  The city wasted about six or seven hundred thousand dollars in a vain attempt to defend the indefensible.  All the while Dr. Tom Holden was a member of the city council. 

For being the plaitiff in an action against the city and winning Richard Tentler and I were the recipients of an award by a state wide non profit organization for defending the Brown Act.  That is now a part of the state constitution.  %89 of the people voted for an amendment to the California Constitution making it so.

With this satement I trust I have established my bona vides.


We must rid the city government of those, in the name of progress, that have created a mountain of debt for the taxpayers
that has benefitted very few of the taxpayers.
As I have said in the past a citizen lives within the city limits.  The real constituents of the city council ,with one exception, are friends, relatives, developers and campaign contributors.  Sometimes they are one and the same.  In the immediate future we will hear more about Big League Dreams.  The council and staff do not understand the meaning of the words: Due Diligence.  Or so it would seem.
There is a lot more to be said but that is enough for now.
My last thought on the upcoming election for the City Council is simply: anybody not an incumbent.
I say this as someone that has lived oin the city since 1970 and followed closely the maneuvers of the government of Oxnard
Martin Jones

NAME: Phillip Sauton Molina                                                                                                                           AGE: 59


OCCUPATION: Professional Accountant and Financial Consultant


I am a CPA (Ill.065029755) with a BA in Government and a Master’s in Business Administration. I have 20 years experience as a Chief Financial Officer for local California governments. I served in the US Army, graduated from Combat Engineers Officer’s Candidate School, and was honorably discharged. I increased Oxnard’s general fund net revenues by $6,631,520 during my first year with the City of Oxnard.


I will support [1] citizens when the majority oppose residential development, sports bars, undesirable and unprofitable projects in their neighborhoods, [2] providing better city streets, parks, and infrastructure to Oxnard, [3] open, honest, and accurate financial reporting by Oxnard to the public, [4] more open-space parkland, no Big League Dreams, [5] the continuation of SOAR, and [6] electing councilmembers from each unique area of the city.


I know that Council decisions have been made behind closed doors in Oxnard without public input as confirmed by the California Superior Court two years ago. I pledge to stop illegal Council meetings behind closed doors and to open Oxnard’s government to the citizens.


I will use my professional and educational experiences for the benefit of Oxnard citizens.

To change Oxnard City government vote for me for your Mayor.

THERE IS MORE ---- THIS JUST IN ----------
Sunday 20 AUG 2006 (2003 hours

Jones wants to hear more Molina's 20 minute transcript - and tells more on why .....

Of course we want to hear it.

I want to add a little bit to this drama and possibly of use in the denouement of our elected officials.
When Councilman Zaragoza asked Phil to go public with the golf financials Zaragoza shrunk  to the size of a peanut.  HE DIDN'T STAND UP.  Without support Phil was fired.  I had over the years made some contacts with city employees that left under circumstances that were at least vague.  I was told many stories in eyeball to eyeball contact I believed the stories were true.

When Phil was fired I called him and with some effort he came to believe in my sincerity and effort to inform the people of Oxnard the kind of government we have.  The system hasn't failed.  It is our fault for the people we have elected.  But it is true the voters simply are unaware of the tales I have heard. 
Phils' story is not just the vengeance wreaked on single employee.  It is a story that starts and ends with "follow the money". --- The golf course was the ultra plus  that was openly  available in the public record.  Phil told me where to look.

With the printed documents many of which were obtained from the records obtained through the Public Records Act we built a case for a complaint to the Grand Jury of Ventura County.
I had daily, weekly and monthly searched for someone that would hear and believe the documents I had and the story that goes with them.

Enter Fred Rosenmund. ------ Fred on several occasions listened patiently to my whining but did not believe until I told him and proved the annual water bill paid by the golf course (think of all that grass) was $1200.00 annually.  From that point on Fred was of immeasurable help. I made suggestions to Fred about requesting documents from the city using the Public Records Act.  Fred took the time in spite of a busy law practice to write almost all of the requests.  With the documents acquired we decided to write a complaint to the Grand Jury.  Along the way I had directions from a  retired law enforcement official.  Putting it all together we had the basis of a written complaint.  Fred told me he would write it.  I grew impatient not realizing how busy he was with his practice.  Let it be said Fred never charged me a sou.  Not a single penny and I took a lot of time.  In the end Phil Molina wrote a complaint and I edited it.  Now we had two written complaints.  What to do?  I would sign one but who would sign the other?  Ans.: Dorothy Maron

Freds document had exhibits.  One could plainly see the hand of lawyer.   With no show of modesty I will say the exhibits were created by Fred through my suggestions for using the Public Records Act.
We agreed to submit the complaints one week apart.  All of this led to the first investigation of the golf course by a grand jury.  That investigation proved all of my assertions were true and indirectly confirmed what Phil had told me.

The city ignored the findings and recommendations.  That angered the subsequent grand jury and independently examined the golf course again.  Got it?  Two Grand Jury reports of Ventura County.  The citys' reponse to the second investigation can be summed up with one word: zilch.  So the third consecutive grand jury once again on its own initiative did another investigation and it confirmed the findings and recommendations of the first two.

I have omitted a lot of details.  They are fun to relate but really are just trivia.
Freds' part was still unfinished.

Late one day Phil called me from his attorneys off ice requesting a fax copy of the contract between
the city and the operator of the golf course  I went to Fred's office and faxed the copy from there. 
Soon thereafter Phil requested a copy of one page certified  by the city clerk and embossed with the Seal of Oxnard.  He requested that I hand deliver this single certified page to him at the Federal Superior Court in downtown Los Angeles. That single page proved the perfidy of some of, if not all , of the elected officials of Oxnard.  The city had presented in evidence to the court a document different from the one residing in the official depository of the city.  Namely the city clerks office.  The official document had been in our hands for quite some time.  The altered document, or should I say the different document, presented to the court justified the actions taken by the city.  One of those actions, or non actions guaranteed zero accounting of the expenditures at the golf course.  Literally unaccounted for millions of dollars.

Do not forget the requests for documents in the public domain are vital to open government.  It was said to me in good faith by a middle level manager, whose name and position I have forgotten, that within one hour after I showed up in court with that one certified page of the original contract the city manager gave orders to never give Jones a document without his specific instructions to do so.  That will be addresswd one way or another in the near future.

There is considerably more to this tale but to tell it all would take a book with many pages. Along the way then Councilman Tom Holden was asked by  Ventura Fernandez at a general meeting of the neighborhood councils where has the money gone from the golf course.  Then Councilman and now Mayor Tom Holden said he didn't know.  That was five years ago.  Now today he, the Mayor of Oxnard Tom Holden still says he doesn't know.  The man is running for re-election to the office of mayor this November.

But the taxpayer owned golf course and the disappearance of millions of dollars is probably the tip of an iceberg.

Fred Rosenmund and Richard Tentler sued on my behalf the city for violating the Brown Act.  I think it is well known we won.  But the lack of due diligence by  elected officials is still unfolding. Now we have what appears to be a money losing theater that the taxpayers have to make up the difference for twenty-five years.  In the near future the taxpayer will foot the bill of about twenty-five million dollars for
Big League Dreams while giving for their exclusive use a substantial part of College Park.

The city fathers are so wise.  Have we forgotten the infamous Pacific Suns?

Martin Jones


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Count Down


Gang Signs - OSJ

13-Year-old's Cry

The 04-04-04 OxJo

Leo Medina

Javier Ambriz, 23 years, of Oxnard



Injunction Junction


From the Oxnard Watch-Dog.........¿ WHERE IS BROWN 25

Did you read the "B" Section of the Star about how the entire City Council (all five of them) went on a field trip to talk about "a fashion retail center" for a project that hadn't even submitted a pre application?
                                                       Gosh, that used to be called 
1. When was the public notified about this closed session?
2. How did the Council members get to Rancho Cucamonga? Did they all take the same car? Did three of them go in the same car, which would mean that the going and coming were separate closed sessions?
3. What else did the Council talk about during this time, which creates another violation of the Act? OR, did they just sit in the same car but not say a word the entire two hour trip?
4. Why go on such a long "fact finding trip" when the 'Officials with RiverPark Legacy, heretofore called "the DEVELOPERS"  haven't and wouldn't even submit a "pre-application within 3 months" according the Matt Winegar?
5. Recall that the DA's attorney told jurors that "Convicting someone on a conspiracy charge isn't as complicated as it sounds". "It can be as simple as two people casually walking down the street agreeing to commit a crime like spray-painting a building and then taking steps toward accomplishing that goal, he said. "That's all you need in a conspiracy," --- Barrick told jurors." [From Star first page story "Taggers hit with felony charges".] Well than what do you call it when FIVE Council members agree to violate the Brown Act?

If you missed the story --- Field trip may benefit River Park shopping
Oxnard officials go out of town for ideas to fashion retail center
By Charles Levin,
April 18, 2006
Oxnard Councilman Dean Maulhardt says he doesn't care much for shopping,
but that could change. Maulhardt joined Mayor Tom Holden and three other council members on afield trip Friday to Rancho Cucamonga, where they checked out Victoria
Gardens, a new 1.3 million-square-foot shopping center.

Located in the Former
Marie Callendar's Restaurant on South Oxnard Blvd. & Statham  -

CITY BUFFET IS NOW OPEN and serving a tremendous selection of seafood, fried and a tasty Mongolian style plate that you pick your ingredients COME EXPERIENCE THE ALL YOU CAN EAT TREATS.

Take your family and guests -- there is plenty of room and plenty of good food................


City Council
Planning Commission

The Oxnard City Council meets
this Tuesday.

Planning Commission
every other Thursday

ALL Meetings
start @ 1900  (7 p.m. )
ALL Meetings
are televised
CABLE Channel 10 or 17


Oxnard Downtown is ready  ====   discover it  . . .

Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people.
John Adams (1735-1826)
-Dissertation on the Canon and the Feudal Law, 1765

Think on this..............


 The next time you start thinking that you are 
a BIG DEAL....

 Look at these pictures and put your life 

back into PERSPECTIVE. 

=======================   *  ====================== 

My Challenge to all Athiests
 As soon as any athiest can make another ANTARES
I will stop believing in God.

=======================   *  ======================

God Bless you and yours.
God Save America.
Reverend Bhagavan Friend


These little ditties - known as Oxnard DLS were written by Debbie Kilpatrick who enjoyed her stay in Oxnard until a Government promotion called her to the East Coast.....these pages still draw readers.......Five Editorials exist.
OXNARD'S DIRTY LITTLE SECRETS --- - # 1-=- - - # 2-=-- - # 3 -=-- - # 4-=- ..- - # 5-=-




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Mangosteen Juice
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PO Box 1960
Port Hueneme, Calif. 93044

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whatever became of these sections...................................................................



All Candidates who need to register for the Ballot must do so on the last weeks of July.  Filing period will last until early August.  Who will run again and who will be the newbees.
     BE AWARE OF TICKETS.........      .
...where is it easy for me to get a




A monthly (or more frequently) column of local Oxnard observations - Stand-by