The Oxnard Journal....................................E-Mail
the OX JO........
Oxnard, Calif.................................with
your prediction for 2005
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Oxnard Little League will win Nat'l championship. |
Ox Jo
Predictions for 2004 ---- Did Any Come True ... ? =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= PREDICTIONS
for 2004=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= |
The Oxnard Journal strives to inform the reader
29. Old Saint Johns Hospital will become a city park after developer fails to make good on promise to develop. This prediction did not happen and probably won't. 30. Roy Lockwood will receive publicly an honorable mention. |
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Henny Backus, (right) wife of
famous TV Star Jim Backus at her book signing of "Care for the
Caretaker" in Beverly Hills. Joining Henny are actress Betty White and Ox Jo Editor, Bill Winter. Henny passed away on December 9th to join her beloved husband on that fabulous eternal "Gilligan's Island". Henny's book detailed her personal account of caring for a failing husband and her words of encouragement to others doing similar duty to their loved ones. |
OFF to GLORIOUS MIS-STEPS.... For City Council watchers, if the
December 14th Council meeting was a preview of coming attractions, then
Oxnard is in for a nasty roller coaster ride. Most stunning in this display of how the new Council will act was the vote to sell off a piece of property located directly next to Garcia's Mortuary on A Street. Robert Garcia, owner of the Mortuary and the Tomas Cafe across the street asked the Council to reconsider their proposal simply based on the fact that he did not have a chance to bid on this valuable land which would benefit his business and most likely fit right in with the theme of that block. The Council turned a deaf-ear to Mr. Garcia and voted to sell the property at a Fire Sale Price to someone who had an inside track with the City to snatch this land away from any competitor, especially Mr. Garcia. So that is STRIKE ONE against our new Council. STRIKE TWO comes on December 21st when the Council approves on a
Consent Agenda to go into direct negotiations with Big League Dreams BLD
-or-(Big Snake Schemes) to turn our quiet College Park into a noisy and
busy commercial ballpark. So watch the next Council meeting and if you can - please come and comment to the Council about these plans. You know the Council will not listen to the citizens, but if you at least show up and speak, you will be listed in the minutes so future historians can see how the Council, especially this new one - ignored the people who put them in office.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- December 8, 2004
The City
Council Agenda Item I-6
-- Regarding Big League Dreams |
THE SEASON of GIVING Tithing in the 21st Century.
The Bible instructs the people of God to Tithe.
Tithing is the giving of Ten-Percent of your income to the work of your church, your mission, or your reasonable service of giving because God says so .... You Should be tithing to a ministry that promotes tithing…or more accepted is to give to the ministry that feeds you --- Your Home Church.
The recent incident of Target Corporation reneging on its long-time support of the Salvation Army @ X-Mas time has created a reminder to all of us – - of how important it is to give.
When Jesus spoke of the abundant life, he wasn't referring to
a cupboard full of tomatoes. God's plan is to prosper and multiply the blessings of physical, material, and monetary manifestations in your personal every-day life.
To Rebuke the Devourer and when the Devourer strikes with his Top Ten Hits – You Remain TEFLON and strong and able to handle it…….because God has blessed you and put a hedge of protection around about you…. (Job 1:10)
Tithing, in the Bible is spoken of as the source for many blessings & the duty of all who claim to follow God THAT is the real way God creates room in your finances for more to come in.
If you keep $100% of each and all your earnings - how can God
add any more to a cup that is already full. Tithing makes some room in your money so you can, by blessing God's work - have a little more room in your wallet for God to do something with.
Don't keep it all ---- give liberally......and hilariously......and with the purpose of giving back to God, that Ten Percent - that Tithe (and even more blessing with the OFFERING,,,,,,,,,,, When you give – it’s your way of saying I have read His word and understand it and want to obey.
Deut. 8 / 18 – But thou shalt remember the LORD thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day. . . Prov. 3/9.
Honor the LORD with your wealth,
Deut . 14/28 At the end of every three years, bring all the tithes of that year's produce and store it in your towns, 29 so that the Levites (who have no allotment or inheritance of their own) and the aliens, the fatherless and the widows who live in your towns may come and eat and be satisfied, and so that the LORD your God may bless you in all the work of your hands.
Just thinking of all the LNG Gas as it floats
across our channel.............
Just thinking about this off-shore platform accepting
explosive-compressed natural gas...........
Just thinking about how close these off-shore
platforms are and why does imported gas have to arrive in the US here
in our channel when towns and communities on the east and gulf coasts have
successfully rejected
LNG being inserted into their Neighborhood.
The Channel is Better Without any LNG facility or intrusion.......
Life is so much better without any LNG off-shore - for us, and the rest of
Coastal California
Oxnard has enough trouble with garbage -- why does it need LNG ????
The Ox Jo Editor Busy getting Ready for
-----------------December 10 issue ------------
--- last November Issue and link to previous iffues of the Ox Jo
Thank you for viewing the Ox Jo
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