- The Oxnard Journal is the Independent and Progressive News Source for Oxnard & the World . |
Published at-will and on time in Oxnard, California. -. |
December 2005 -- Merry CHRISTmas !!!!!!
Ox-Jo X-Mass Cards ==
2 ==
Merry Christmas Blessings
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November Ox - Jo / / / Archives |
Stand-by for the upcoming 2006 Predictions for Oxnard - & - a review of how the 2005 'Predix' came to pass.............................appears after Christmas. | ||
Question: Ώ Do you use the Parking Garage when going to the Downtown Plaza Movies ? ................................................................................ NO .~~~ ~. YES --- Count (as of 10pm 12-13-2005 )................................. 3 NO - & - 4 YES |
of Murdered Children
Join us at THE CAFE on A STREET Contact Marisa Martinez for details - 766-2786 |
City Council =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Open Letter to the Neighborhood Chairs:
As we enter this Holiday Season we take extra time to remember our families, pay attention to our homes with grand dinners and decorations, and we need to take time to review our past year, what we accomplished, and more important, what more needs to be done.
It has been a stellar year for the INCF. We had a quorum for each meeting, we activated some neighborhood councils that were dormant, and we all had a big part in this success.
I'd like all of you to think about 2006. We face, as neighborhoods, big challenges. These challenges come in the form of proposals for sports parks, for new developments, for traffic, schools, parks, and the list goes on and on. The new INCF Board will have to find that golden sector where citizens, participants, and neighborhood council representatives can operate effectively with the City management, the City Council, Planning officials, developers and property owners.
This past year, the 2005 INCF developed a true working relationship with these interests and earned some needed respect from City officials who indeed keep a sharp eye on how we conduct ourselves. We have built a structure of trust that should continue with the new Board and future Boards. On numerous occasions, I have received direct feedback from respected leaders in the City that we really did well in our conduct with the City. Perhaps many of you wonder, what we did. That's the trick - to work quietly, behind the scenes and get results and action. Every thing we do does not have to be 'grand-standed' and no matter who gets the credit, as long as the work gets done, that's all that matters.
As I prepare to transition after 20 months at the helm of the INCF, I will do all I can to assist in the transition. I want to thank all who served on the By-Laws Review Committee because getting a new set of by-Laws was a long time effort of mine. Ever since being Third Vice Chair, I fought to have the By-laws brought to committee for review and revision. We are seeing the fruits of our labors as they get their final check by the City Attorney and soon in early 2006 you will all get your chance to review and suggest any improvements to these important documents.
Please plan to attend our January 4th meeting. We need as many people as possible to start the New Year, the new Board, and the new spirit of cooperation and work that will fill our plates in 2006.
~~~~ Bill Winter - 2005 Inter Neighborhood Council Forum Chair
Ox Jo Ox Jo Issue
Oxnard Maps by Dept.
INTERESTING ARTICLE ON OXNARD DOWNTOWN appears in the VC Reporter this week ----------------- pick one up at your local Sock Hop......... .............................................................................................................................................12 12 05
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