OXNARD NETWORK COALITION July 2005-Avie’s Last Newsletter.
MEETS WEEKLY Tuesday, 8:30AM @ Carrows on Oxnard Blvd. (next to McDonald's) open meetings. Who is ONC? A resource/ exchange-collaborative group of 25 to 30 social service, public/private agencies, representatives and business individuals from the private sector dedicated to community service since1997. Our GOAL IS TO IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF LIFE IN OUR COMMUNITY.
It is with regret that I announce the passing of ONC member Bobbi Micali on June 18, she was buried and services were held on June 24 at Santa Clara Church and Santa Clara Cemetery, Oxnard. Bobbi was the chair of the Mobile Homeowners Association of Oxnard and held a state office in the organization. She was extremely active in the Saviers Road Design Team, Gull Wings Association of Port Hueneme, a Commissioner for the City of Oxnard Community Relations Board, Multicultural Committee and a queen for an Oxnard Chapter of the Red Hat Society. She was a mother and grandmother and our special friend. We will miss you Bobbi. avie guerra
LA COLONIA COALITION Vicky Gonzalez, 857-9838.
. Up coming event is to have a Senior Prom, for persons over the age of 55 plus October 28.
Oxnard Police Department: Luis McArthur 385-7976, is Beat Coordinator for Colonia Oxnard police Store Front. There will be an additional storefront for the Rose Park Neighborhood; location is the new senior complex on Rose and Camino Del Sol.
Scott Herbert is the area commander,·
Parent Workshops at Ramona school, 6pm to 9pm 804 Cooper Road contact Teresita Montoya at 983-6014 ext. 113 or Officer McArthur at 385-7976Sandra Avila, 654-3622 Victims Services of the Ventura County District Attorneys Office. Announced on going workshops on HOW TO FILE a restraining orders. Mondays 8am to 11:30, Spanish or on Tuesdays and Thursday s 8 am to 11, in English.
Susan Becker, Ventura County District Attorney’s Office- SAFE HARBOR Project helps children, who are victims of abuse.
Day Labor project-ONC members distribute to these workers information on health agencies, social service agencies, citizenship/resident status, workers rights to name a few, if your agency has materials or resources to contribute contact Susan or leave info at the Police Storefront in Colonia on Cooper and Grant streets.
Pat Mages, 428-4623, 485-6114, DRT/Port Hueneme and Ventura Police Departments. Domestic Violence: counselor/trainer/ victims advocate. Domestic Violence, Interface and Ventura County Partnership for Safe Families.
Interface- Pat Mages, works with Victims Advocates at Port Hueneme and Ventura Police Departments
Elias Banuelas, former commissioner for the Recreation Department, City of Oxnard is serving in Iraqi, with the Army Airborne. Check out his blog called: My Iraqi soldiers.
Avie Guerra, 983-3414, Goodwill Industries, Job Developer. Program offers training, resources and referrals for meaningful employment.
Jocelyn Buckner , 382-82-8228, Workforce Investment network Program @ Boys &Girls, (Oxnard) Club, assists youth 16 to 21 years of age to complete high school deficiencies, gain employment, training, career success, path determination and follow up.
Mo Mosley, 382-6877, Job Corp’s, Admissions Counselor is recruiting for this federally funded program.
Job Corp. invests $25,000 a year in each trainee. JC maintains close ties with the business community and with the Unions to find the fields that have the best paying jobs, the most opportunities and the greatest chance for advancement. Transportation is also free. Eligibility: 16 to 24 years of age (the upper age is waived for individuals with disabilities), qualify as low income, have no major behavior problems (formal probation/parole) and make a commitment to remain drug and alcohol free.
Pilar Santamaria, 382-6296. Prototypes: Women’s Center of Oxnard. This is a licensed residential substance abuse treatment center for pregnant women, women, and women with their children who are seeking recovery from their addiction. Our program provides confidential services and the assistance necessary to make successful life changes.
Pilar coordinates the STD testing monthly at La Gloria Mercado with the Ventura County Mobile testing unit.
Jose Ramirez, United Farm Workers, outreach worker. Sent me announcement on new movie, see announcements.
Emilano Vega, 248-4708 Mercy Housing-Villa Madera, Oxnard Blvd and Robert Ave works with over 72 families.
Gustavo Castro, 483-1610, Mercy Housing at Casa San Juan. This center has a full service center, provides housing for seniors and families. Located on the corner of Hobson Way and 5th street.
Don Burton, Probation 240-9444 ext 240. Announced: "Everyone’s Daughter" upcoming charity golf Tournament to Benefit Children of the Night, and Tender Life, at Ojai Valley Inn on July 24th. Sponsored by STEVE THOMAS BMW and Penny and Bill Sechrest, TEECLUB. 877-268-0999
Cabrillo Economic Development Corporation, 659-6868 offers Certified home buyer education workshops, homeownership counseling programs, homeownership financing services/programs and post-occupancy training.
SOUTH OXNARD DESIGN TEAM, Ormond Beach & Wetlands preservation is one of this group's major goals and concerns of this group. Meets weekly at 6:30 pm South side IHOP on Channel Islands and Statham.
Prototypes – Pilar Santamaria, 382-6296, recovery and treatment programs for women and their children. Women are referred to other program by their families, other social service agencies, and by the courts. Women may also refer themselves. Prototypes was founded in 1986. In Ventura County the center has operated since 1992. Client fees are determined on a sliding scale. Thursdays Ms. Santamaria is accompanying the Ventura County Mobile unit to screen for HIV’s at La Gloria Market in Oxnard.
SAFE HARBOR: 339-2507 Susan Becker, Ventura County, District Attorney's Office. Offers Forensic interviews examinations and has an advocacy center for children and adults who have been sexually assaulted or physically abused.
Ventura County Homeless Program, Anna Chavez, 987-6712. Regardless of legal status, program assists persons build a life towards self-sufficiency, on an on going process. According to recent statistics 60% of the homeless are women and children, in Ventura County.
Ventura County Human Services 385-8669 Edwin Sabio, from the 1400 Vanguard Road Office (south Oxnard near corner of Rose Avenue & Wooley Road) reported on going programs, public assistance for food, medi-cal Programs, and other services.
Ventura County Partnership for Safe Families Meets first Wednesday of month Contact is Lori Steinhauer 805 677-5403 or email : lori@mossbeachhomes.com
Hermandad Mexicana Transnacional, Inc. 805.483-4620 or 483 -4620 Alica Flores, Reginal Director. This is a brand new center that assists person in becoming US CITIZENS and need assistance with immigration or residency status. Location is 520 West 5th Street, Suite D, Oxnard, Ca.93030
HELP- we need information for distribution to the farm workers and day laborers, call Susan Becker at 339-2507 or leave at the Colonia Store Front. We need whatever public service information obtainable, for distribution, approximately 200 flyers. Thank you ahead of time. You do not have to get up at 4:30 a.m., committee will distribute the materials.
And to PAT MAGES: For Special Recognition by the District Attorneys Office during Crime Victims Week.
Future Leaders Of America Leadership Camp, applications due. Youth ages junior high to high school. Focus is on leadership, life skills and obtaining a college education. Contact FLA 2021 Sperry Avenue, Suite 11, Ventura, Ca 93003. telephone 805 642-6208 Fax 805 642-6483 email: venturacounty@latinoleaders.org.
Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) 985-5783 for more info on LNG Task Force/Sierra Club
Art Contest has been expended to August 31. Open to youth school age thru High School.
September 16thru 18 & 23-25, The 8th Annual Oxnard Independent Film Festival, from Luis Guerneca The Oxnard Independent Film Festival (formerly known as the Channel Islands Indie Film Festival) is coming to Downtown Oxnard,
JULY- WALKOUT, a film by Moctesuma Esparza and
Edward James Olmos seeks dynamic, energetic and socially conscious
individuals to be part of this historic film!
WALKOUT tells the true story of a group of brave Chicano students
who staged a dramatic "walkout" against the injustices of the
public school system in the East Los Angeles High Schools. Set against
the background of the civil rights movement of 1968, the year that
defined youth protest around the world, this is a story of courage and
the fight for justice and empowerment.
WALKOUT, produced by Moctezuma Esparza (Selena/Gettysburg)
and directed by Edward James Olmos (Stand and Deliver /Mi Familia), is a
film project that tells the story of the birth of the Chicano civil
rights movement, and brings to life the single largest protest by high
school students in the history of the United States. Chicano Productions
is proud to partner with HBO to bring this powerful American story to
"It is our mission to tell a story that will not only document the
past, but will inspire and empower today’s youth and emerging leaders,"
says Esparza, an original student leader of the 1968 walkouts.
"It is our goal to encourage and stimulate new participation in
civic and community issues that will result in a newfound sense of
identity and legacy."
This July 2005 be a part of history.
The filming of WALKOUT will require thousands of volunteer extras of all
ages to recreate this important moment in time that demonstrated the
amazing power of youth action and activism for educational equality and
social justice.
Come and be an extra in the film; tell your friends to join us for a day
of fun and filming. You will learn about making a movie, listen to live
music and a surprise deejay, enjoy stand up comedy, listen to guest
speakers including LA’s newly elected Mayor, Antonio Villaraigosa among
others, plus enjoy free food and raffles, including a chance to win
tickets for the world premiere of WALKOUT. To REGISTER as an
extra email us at walkoutextras@yahoo.com or call 213.534.3486
"Good friends are like stars......You don't always see them, but you know they are always there."
Guerra.805 844.6700
-- Oxnard, Calif. --
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