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MEETS WEEKLY Tuesday, 8:30AM @ Carrows on Oxnard Blvd. (next to McDonald's) open meetings. Who is ONC? A resource/ exchange-collaborative group of 25 to 30 social service, public/private agencies, representatives and business individuals from the private sector dedicated to community service since1997. Our GOAL IS TO IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF LIFE IN OUR COMMUNITY

SOUTH OXNARD DESIGN TEAM, Ormond Beach & Wetlands preservation is one of this group's major goals and concerns of this group. This environmentally conscientious group meets weekly at 6:30 pm Mondays at Puerto Nuevo Restaurant, Saviers Road, South Oxnard.

Ventura County Homeless Program, Anna Chavez, 987-6712.  Regardless of legal status, program assists persons build a life towards self-sufficiency, on an on going process. According to recent statistics 60% of the homeless are women and children, in Ventura County. Affliated with RAIN Project in Camarillo.

Ventura County Human Services 385-8669 Edwin Sabio, from the 1400 Vanguard Road Office (south Oxnard near corner of Rose Avenue & Wooley Road) reported on going programs, public assistance for food, medi-cal Programs, and other services.

Ventura County Partnership for Safe Families Meets first Wednesday of month Contact is Lori Steinhauer 805 677-5403 or email: lori@mossbeachhomes.com

Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) 985-5783 for more info on LNG Task Force/Sierra Club –Rally up and coming  September 24 at Downtown Plaza Park.

LA COLONIA COALITION Vicky Gonzalez, 857-9838. - Has the tax id letter: Donation requests for  Senior Prom. This is the Fifth annual” Senior Prom”. This Senior Outreach Program is collaboration with the, Oxnard Network Coalition, Coalition for Community Development, the Oxnard Police Department and the Ocean View Recreation Center.

Luis Mc Arthur, 385-7976,

Oxnard Police Department, Colonia  /Rose Park’ Storefront: Announced the annual Senior Prom (age 55 and over) will be held October 29, Friday at the Ocean view Pavilion

575 East Surfside Drive*Port Hueneme, CA 93041 * (Across from Hueneme Pier) Port Hueneme beach.  Donations are welcomed.

Secondly, parenting classes will be taught at the Rose Park Center, Tuesdays 6:30, by Norma Perez-Sanford. Childcare is provided.


Jocelyn Buckner 382-82-8228, Workforce Investment network Program @ Boys &Girls, (Oxnard) Club, assists youth 16 to 21 years of age to complete high school deficiencies, gain employment, training, career success, path determination and follow up.


Mo Mosley, 382-6877, Job Corp’s, Admissions Counselor is recruiting for this federally funded program.

Job Corp. invests $25,000 a year in each trainee. JC maintains close ties with the business community and with the Unions to find the fields that have the best paying jobs, the most opportunities and the greatest chance for advancement. Transportation is also free. Eligibility: 16 to 24 years of age (the upper age is waived for individuals with disabilities), qualify as low income, have no major behavior problems (formal probation/parole) and make a commitment to remain drug and alcohol free.


Gabriela Torres, VISTA REAL Charter School New school located Downtown Oxnard second floor of  old Woolworth building, 401 South A Street, Suite 3, Oxnard, 93030 805 486-5449 Fax 4865455

Assists students who have dropped out of traditional high school prior to graduation for whatever reason, economics, personal, medical or other. Students get a personalized instruction, earn credits toward the high school diploma and maintain individualized schedules. Principal is Diane Lopez and Vice Principal is Nancy Spencer.Vista Real is an accredited institution. www.vrchs.org.


Sandra Avila, 654-3622 Victims Services of the Ventura County District Attorneys Office. Announced on going workshops on HOW TO FILE a restraining orders. Mondays 8am to 11:30, Spanish or on Tuesdays and Thursday s 8 am to 11, in English.

Susan Becker, 339-2507 Ventura County District Attorney’s Office- SAFE HARBOR Project helps children, who are victims of abuse. Offers Forensic interviews examinations and has an advocacy center for children and adults who have been sexually assaulted or physically abused.

Field /Day Labor project-ONC members distribute to these workers information on health agencies, social service agencies, citizenship/resident status, workers rights to name a few, if your agency has materials or resources to contribute contact Susan or leave info at the Police Storefront in Colonia on Cooper and Grant streets.

HELP- we need information for distribution to the farm workers and day laborers, call Susan Becker at 339-2507 or leave at the Colonia Store Front. We need whatever public service information obtainable, for distribution, approximately 200 flyers. Thank you ahead of time. You do not have to get up at 4:30 am; committee will distribute the materials.


Pat Mages, 428-4623, 485-6114, DRT/Port Hueneme and Ventura Police Departments. Domestic Violence: counselor/trainer/ victims advocate. Domestic Violence, Interface and Ventura County Partnership for Safe Families.

Paige Sinclair, 658-3233X106. of  Plan Parenthood announced Ventura county Reproductive Rights Network Presents WRITE FOR YOUR RIGHTS event/social at the Ventura Unitarian Church 5654 Ralston Street. Admission is Free-all are welcome. Goal: 15000 letters in supportr of policies that protect and promote reproductive health and freedom. 677-5560. celebrating 85 years of Women’s Suffrage 19th amendment to the US Constitution

Elias Banuelas, former commissioner for the Recreation Department, City of Oxnard is serving in Iraqi, with the Army Airborne. Check out his Blog called: My Iraqi soldiers.

Emiliano Vega, VILLA MADERA, evega@mercyhousing.org. 988-9160 or 248-4708 Mercy Housing-Villa Madera, Oxnard Blvd and Robert Ave oversee community programs for over 72 families.  www.mercyhousing.org

Gustavo Castro, CASA SAN JUAN 483-1610, Mercy Housing at Casa San Juan. This center has a full service center, provides housing for seniors and families. Located on the corner of Hobson Way and 5th street.

Angie Mendoza, 984 -9728 River Park:  Community Ambassador. Visitors Center is at 2902 Naples Drive. amendoza@riverparklife.com


Pastor Melissa Doherty, Dr. Jose Marichal, and Dr. Julia Fogg:  CALIFORNIA LUTHERAN UNIVERSITY, discussed CLU’s up coming community programs.

LULAC youth Conference will be held Saturday October 23. These professors are in the process of  establishing field study sites for the CLU students in our community. Telephone 493-3228 or 493-3039 for more information. Or email revmmmd@clunet.edu, fogg@clunet.edu or marichal@clunet.edu .



Pilar Santamaria: PROTOYPES 382-6296. This is a recovery and treatment programs for women and their children. Women are referred to other program by their families, other social service agencies, and by the courts. Women may also refer themselves. Prototypes was founded in 1986. In Ventura County the center has operated since 1992. Client fees are determined on a sliding scale. Thursdays Ms. Santamaria is accompanying the Ventura County Mobile unit to screen for HIV’s at La Gloria Market in Oxnard. 

Jose Ramirez, United Farm Workers, outreach worker.

Alicia Flores, Regional Director of the Hermandad Mexicana Transnacional, Inc. Telephone:  (805) 483-4620 or 483 -4620. This is a brand new center that assists person in becoming US CITIZENS and/or need assistance with immigration or residency status. Location is 520 West 5th Street, Suite D, Oxnard, Ca.93030

Kiwanis, Daniel Martinez announced: up-coming Oxnard Kiwanis Club meetings held almost every Thursday at noon at the Oxnard Marriott, 600 Esplanade Drive.  Thursday Evening, Sept. 24:  Annual Kiwanis members and family BBQ at Camarillo Grove Park.



September 16 THRU 23: OXNARD FILM FESTIVAL for further information: http://www.oxnardfilmfest.com/.  Highly recommended, films will be shown at the new downtown Oxnard Plaza Cinemas across from Plaza Park. 

September 24, Information rally on LNG, downtown Oxnard Plaza Park

OCTOBER 1-2, 1OTH ANNUAL MULTI-CULTURAL FESTIVAL, DOWNTOWN OXNARD PLAZA PARK, CONTACT Martha Guillen, 385-7434 Hours are 12 to 7 pm on Saturday and 11 to 5 pm on Sunday, TEIRRA will play.

OCTOBER 8 & 9, 2005

AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY FUNDRAISER – OXNARD HIGH School Annual Relay for life for more information on making donations, copy the following to your browser: http://www.acsevents.org/faf/donorReg/donorPledge.asp?ievent=104470&supId=89701865


October 19, Rigoberta Menchu Tam at California Lutheran University and the Oxnard Public Library.




OCTOBER 29, Ventura County Senior Prom, see above Luis McArthur


"Good friends are like stars......You don't always see them, but you know they are always there."






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