,,The Oxnard Journal
August 2oo6
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-- ¿  Will Oxnard get its long sought after Sports Park ?  ---

Centex Withdraws its Application to build on SPORTS PARK.

Centex has withdrawn its application from the Planning Commission's September agenda for the stated purpose of  re-review and reconsideration according to Saul Medina, Oxnard Planning Commissioner.  A quick check with the Planning Department verified that the application was withdrawn.  What may appear as a minor victory for opponents of the project may indeed be a major victory for the citizens of Oxnard.

Centex will be looking at minimizing the number of houses, and adding more park space or the project may indeed be DIW (dead in the water). So, the project may come back after November 7th with fewer houses or it may never show up again.

A political hot potato for the City Council, and with a looming election season ahead, the Council returned the project back to the Planning Commission in July.  Since that reversal for Centex, the housing magnate opted to pull the project.

What still faces the city of Oxnard is the option to purchase this land, if the trustees will part with it to satisfy the citizens who want to see a park or just open space with sod for soccer practice or an area for families to enjoy.  Estimates for the value of the land range from ten to twelve million.

Should the Council get the collective will or the right people get on the Council next election, we may indeed see our Sports Park become a reality.

Story: Bill Winter


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