College Park on City Council Agency 6-18-02
>From Lois Jones ---- June 11, 2002
College Park will be on the City Council agenda
on Tuesday, June 18, 2002.
The City will not release the plans for the park until after 6:00
p.m. on Thursday, June 13, 2002. However, the plan that will be
proposed by staff is to evict the Rainbow Ladies.
The Parks and Recreation Commission and City staff have repeatedly
stated that no one wanted to evict the Rainbow Ladies and that the City
would help the Rainbow Ladies find a new place to live. On Tuesday,
June 11, the Rainbow Ladies toured the Catholic Church convent on the
corner of "F" and Magnolia Streets in north Oxnard. Although this is a
very nice place with approximately 20 bedrooms the Rainbow Ladies simply
cannot afford this place. On the open market I would guess a 20
bedroom facility would rent for over 10 thousand dollars a month. The
City has proposed, with nothing in writing, that the City will pay the
total rent on this facility and sublease it to the Rainbow Ladies for a
thousand dollars a month. This arrangement would last for about two
years. Of course then what would happen to the Rainbow Ladies. They
would then have to be evicted by the Catholic Church.
The Rainbow Ladies exist on State Grants for Alcohol and Drug
Rehabilitation. They also receive some other grant money. The money
the Rainbow Ladies receive has enabled them to live at College Park for
two thousand dollars a month rent. There are 21 women living in the two
houses with two to four women occupying each bedroom. These women are
not living in the lap of luxury. Salad bars are a regular part of their
I cannot understand why the City would give up a guaranteed income of
about $25,000 a year from the Rainbow Ladies and give the two houses and
5 acres of land at College Park to the Ventura Museum for nothing. On
top of that the City has committed themselves, verbally, to pay at least
$200,000 in rent to the Catholic Church for two years so the Rainbow
Ladies can live on "F" Street.
I have never seen any moral reason to evict the Rainbow Ladies. Now I
can see no financial reason to evict them either.
The City of Oxnard can choose to keep the Rainbow Ladies at College
Park. If the City of Oxnard wants a museum, they can choose to operate
it themselves. The City of Oxnard does not need the Ventura Museum for