Cool Happenings in the Downtown ---- OXNARD @ NITE.
Fight Night at Tomás Cafe in Downtown Oxnard.
The HBO Pay-Per-View coverage of the De La Hoya - Hopkins
Fight was a draw for Home Parties with Here are views from the Ox Jo .... |
Larry, Ben, and Tomas of Tomás Cafe join John Gonzales, VP
of Teamster's Local 186.
See....AFL/CIO can hang with the Teamsters...........
Schurmer - caught on a call.
The Fellas on a Night Out ( from left ) Ramon Gomez, Radio
1400 Producer - Jose Luis Pedroza,
and Avalar's Top Dog Realtor - Jerry Lopez.
Crowd Shot # 1
Over-the-shoulder view of the Big Screen.
Crowd View # 2.
Crowd View # 3.
Mark Dominguez - "Dah God-Fatha" - oversees the affair
during the telecast.
Oxnard Mayoral Candidate Bill Winter hangs with Ramon,
Jose Luis, and Jerry.
THIS IS OXNARD --- ¿ Wanna Rumble - y que ?
A crowd gathered outside to catch the view of the big
screen pay-per-view.
Larry, John G and his family (full IDs are coming)......
Hey, who's this crazy vato who stepped into our picture -
Oh, it's OK, It's Just the Next Mayor of Oxnard.
That's all she wrote............