my.space.com SITE.....  Malibu is home for this site.  It was started to help people express themselves
online...............maybe too much expression was found by the City and "....BUT I AM THE LION!" had to go.


These were the mostly heartless, some helpful, comments sent along to the Part-Time boxer trainer.
FIRST AMENDMENT VIOLATION - maybe some one will find a lawyer to fight City Hall.

Stand-by for a follow-up visit at the next City Council Meeting.........................


Probably would not have been fired only was because hes a mexican.

6:54:12 a.m. on October 26, 2005

My teenage daughter loves myspace. I can't see how it could be appealing to an adult male.

8:31:40 a.m. on October 26, 2005

It is a networking tool for singles and also for promising musicians. Personally, I would hire a lawyer and go after the City of Oxnard. Let a jury see this and decide. I find it a violation of "Free Speech" as long as he is not disclosing sensitive company policies or materials, blog all the hell you want. I'm pissed off about this. This is an outrage!What next, will they shut down this comments section? Horse manure!!!!!!!

9:11:13 a.m. on October 26, 2005

Good riddance. Maybe Danny should grow up a little bit.

10:27:37 a.m. on October 26, 2005

time for Danny to get a real job

10:33:10 a.m. on October 26, 2005

You know, you two posting deflamitory comments on here could be detremental to your own careers, so I would watch what I say if I were you.

About myspace:
I'm a 19 year old girl and I love that site. But kids have to learn where to draw the line. I work at a multinational company that is widely known. But I don't post anything at all beside the fact that I work here, on Myspace. It would be stupid to think that someone from my work couldn't hear what I have to say. But that is beside the point. Danny is not alone in having the "crude" pictures on his page. I see 13 year old girls that falsify their information to get on there and then post pictures of themselves in their underwear or kissing their girlfriends. I don't know any details about this situation past what is in the article, but I think that it's rediculous to fire someone over a page on myspace.

10:42:42 a.m. on October 26, 2005

what a punk. Check this out:

http://profile.myspace.com/ index...8BEB04161414609

I salute Oxnard for dumping this clown. Grow up Danny. Great role model for the kids you taught. Loser!
Also, a little fyi, you should spend less time on myspace and more time in school. My 10 year old son has better writing skills.

Good luck in your new career Danny, and remember to always ask "would you like fries with that?"

10:46:07 a.m. on October 26, 2005

Let me get this straight. Someone is using a computer paid by us taxpayers for personal and somewhat questionable uses, rightfully loses his job, then some of you including Cervantes don't seem to understand why?

Are you people morons? You usually get fired for using any comapny property for personal use without the companies blessing and their computers are no different.

11:01:13 a.m. on October 26, 2005

some of the girls on his site look like they are under 18,whats up with that?

11:11:37 a.m. on October 26, 2005

Yeah checked out the site myself but couldn't see much as Danny's halo was too bright for most of the camera shots.
Yo Carlos..Get a grip...I'll help ya out and drop down to your intellect level:
It no say Mexican he not be. Maybe him are from Panama.
Danny, don't forget to smile at the customers as you bus their tables.

11:47:31 a.m. on October 26, 2005

Where does it say that he was using the computer during work hours?

11:48:55 a.m. on October 26, 2005

What a skank. I wouldn't want him working with kids, either.

11:49:21 a.m. on October 26, 2005

The elder at my church has made it clear that MySpace is a breeding ground for temptation and other devious, unholy acts. I fully support the City's decision to terminate this individual. This young man is certainly guilty of deadly sins.

12:03:18 p.m. on October 26, 2005

Damn you people are harsh. Carlos i'm sure he wasn't fired because he was hispanic he worked in Colonia get real. And to all the people talkin about age. Age doesn't matter there are people well over 40 still on the internet chatting, some do it to find love, some to find friends, some to chat with friends who don't live close anymore. I don't blame them for firing him because he was doing it on company time not only that he put the place he worked only as a temp on blast.

12:03:39 p.m. on October 26, 2005

Carlos, come on. Fired because he's (not hes) a mexican. That's kind of a standard line anymore. Let me see, Gil Ramirez still has his job because he's Irish. Right? Danny Cervantes is a prime example of the dumb things people (of all races) who do not use common sense and are left to their own devices. He himself said "I kept the web site strictly personal" and that remark should say it all because as Randy Elliott said "then don't use the computer that belongs to the city." He should have used his own computer and if he did not have one, use a personal friend's. I also liked the last part of the story where Danny and his manager will look at considering a lawsuit against the city. Don't threaten or "brag" what you may do. Either do it or shut up. Everybody, and I mean just about everybody, wants to file a lawsuit for just about any reason anymore.

12:07:20 p.m. on October 26, 2005

Emma, he should sue you for slander!

12:09:47 p.m. on October 26, 2005

You know, I was using this "my space" as a tool to keep tabs on how and what my kids were acting like and trying to follow outside the home. I guess the secret is out now. I am, and have been against this sort of site for a long time now. My kids and their friends most all under the age of 13, getting on this site with false information and getting very involved with everything they can on this site. It is pretty sad and scary. It is basically a showing of the society as it is today and it's pretty sick. Sex, drugs, alcohol, music, etc, all displayed for everyone to see, including minors. All these kids have their own sites, revealing information about themselves and making them easy targets for sick individuals. Check out your own kids on this site if they get on it. Simply go to the site under "search" and type their name in and limit the search to within 10 miles of your zip code. This is a pretty open display of where our society is headed. It's about time someone got a hold of this site and the one who created it and slap them. I have seen kids as young as 5 years old with their own site, getting access by saying they are older. Pictures of your kids posted, either in ways you would not approve of, or otherwise. You know regardless of all that, in relation to this sick little pup who was "blogging" on work time, he should be let go, especially if he's getting involved with this sort of stuff during work hours. Looks to me like he's a kind of "want to be" pimp daddy or something. Sadly enough, this guy displays the kind of sick small minded fool that my 12 year old daughter probably likes to drool over. I hope they get a hold of this site and MTV and get rid of them. Displays of a less than disagreeable, fantasy lifestyles, there for everyone and anyone to see, just does not sit well with me. Parents are having a hard enough time keeping their kids out of trouble without all this ugly stuff.

12:14:30 p.m. on October 26, 2005

Did anyone happen to notice the pictures of the little girl flipping off the camera and throwing gang signs? This guy is a punk.

12:17:54 p.m. on October 26, 2005

42, I agree!

Society is surely going to hell when sites like MySpace are taking over our children's social interaction. It is hardly interaction at all!

Sin will always take you farther than you wanted to go (Jud 16.4-20)
Sin will always keep you longer than you wanted to stay (Jud 16.21)
Sin will always cost you more than you were willing to pay (Jud16.3)

12:19:42 p.m. on October 26, 2005

Another thing 42,

What is your MySpace page, we should chat some time.

12:20:28 p.m. on October 26, 2005

12:30:55 p.m. on October 26, 2005

Lakers won last night...

12:34:09 p.m. on October 26, 2005

It doesnt say that he was using it during work. So for all the people who said that he "DID" use it during work get your facts straight. Most young kid out there are doing this. To me this is free speech so if he wants to post it on his "FREE TIME" then let him. If you are a parent of a teenager ask to look at there myspace page, if they have one, and see if you like what your teenager has on there page. REMEMBER WHAT THE WEBSITE IS CALLED "MYSPACE" NOT YOURS SO LEAVE HIM ALONE!!!!!!!!!

12:43:48 p.m. on October 26, 2005

I can't even believe this article even made it in the VC star. Must be a slow day around Ventura.
It's kind of sickening to think this guy was helping out kids at the colonia gym.
Good luck going after the city.
Good riddance if you ask me.

12:55:57 p.m. on October 26, 2005

Right on Candice...

12:57:41 p.m. on October 26, 2005

Chauncy it is a pretty blank page. I only signed up to keep tabs on my kids. I have no friends on my space and nothing on my site says anything about ME, no pictures no nothing. I could give you my e-mail address if you are serious about conversing, but would rather direct anyone who has kids and wants to do the right thing to a great place to start. www.parentproject.com There are ways to get kids and society back on track, and the Parent Project is a great place to start. Kind regards.

1:01:29 p.m. on October 26, 2005

Parents..If you have administrative rights to your computer (Which you should), you can actually go into it and filter out MySpace.com. Now this might work "At Home" but what about other computers in other homes or schools and business establishments such as coffee shops where your kiddies are going? Are they restricted also? Just food for thought if you don't want your young ones in this site.
The problem with the website is that it doesn't distinguish an 8 year old from a 60 year old, so therefore anyone wanting to access a particular site within it can.

1:05:43 p.m. on October 26, 2005

First of all I would like to say that I do have a myspace account and I love going on there and chatting with friends. Honestly Dannys page isnt that bad yeah he has tons of pictures of girls and some are not that flattering ( the one of "julia" I believe it was smoking out of a hooka with her tiny outfit and pink underwear hanging out) but if you look at other peoples pages they have pictures of completly naked people. My space can be fun and harmless if you use it the right way but if you dont its just like any website. But to fire someone from their job because of what he does on his free time? thats wrong. Hes not doing anything illegal. Theres basically pictures of parties and what teen or 20 year old person doesnt do that?

1:06:03 p.m. on October 26, 2005

So Candice, I guess based on your take that it's ok to use city vehicles to go out on the own in or other city property as one see's fit as long as it's not while you're on the clock? Get real. These computers are provided by the taxpayers for employees to perform their jobs. Any personal use of governemnt equipment, ANYTIME, is against policy and may very well be against the law in some instances.

1:08:55 p.m. on October 26, 2005

I have looked at my space.com and ..well...his character pretty much speaks for itself.
Show all the dads of those young ladies he has his hands in the pics on myspace, and see what their response is....

1:18:58 p.m. on October 26, 2005

I'm at work right now...oooooh BUSTED! This guy is a dweeb. Maybe he got fired for being a dork and the web page only reinforced that belief. That said, what the dude does in his own free time should be private. Hey, didn't that college coed who got murdered have a myspace web page? That's where she met her alleged killer (she was 17 & he was 42). Basically, it sounds like a place for teenage girls, creepy old dudes and losers like Cervantes. I agree...big mac with a side of fries please.

1:19:41 p.m. on October 26, 2005

Chauncey Gardner. Before you say anymore about "sue you for slander" you really should be sure you know what your talking about so you don't make a bigger fool of yourself. If you know how to look up a definition of a word in the dictionary, then read what slander is.

1:25:32 p.m. on October 26, 2005

My Space is a horrible place for kids. I caught my daughter and her friend on there and that was it! I went on to see what the hype is and OMG some of the stuff on that page! It was the last time she was on that page. She will lose her computer if she gets on there again.

I don't think this job termination was because he used the computers at work to blog but what he wrote and what the content of his blog was. He is supposed to be a role model working with under priviledge kids and that is what he is doing? WOW...

1:26:55 p.m. on October 26, 2005

to me this guy looks like a total creep, how much more can he suck his cheeks in...

1:30:04 p.m. on October 26, 2005

Hey don’t forget to super size it!!!

1:30:27 p.m. on October 26, 2005

Emma, Chauncy is a charactor, don't pay attention to him. He is here soley for entertainment.

1:34:42 p.m. on October 26, 2005

opps, solely

1:35:06 p.m. on October 26, 2005

Could he have the F word on that site anymore!????

1:35:42 p.m. on October 26, 2005

Look at what he has listed as his occupation... NICE!

Occupation $$RECKING LIVES$$

1:38:28 p.m. on October 26, 2005

this guy is sick and should be fired.

1:43:30 p.m. on October 26, 2005


1:46:18 p.m. on October 26, 2005

I especially like the picture of him smoking just above the part about how he's a pro athlete on Mexico's olympic team. I'm guessing he didn't bring home the gold.

1:48:00 p.m. on October 26, 2005

Hey don't most teenagers work at fast food places anyways...

1:50:47 p.m. on October 26, 2005

Parents...If you're using Internet Explorer..here's how you can control what your kids see at hom:
1.) Click on Start-Go to Settings-Click on Control Panel
2.) Click on Internet Options
3.) Click on Content Tab
4.) Under Content Advisor, Click Enable
5.) Slide the tab to your liking
6.) Click on Approved Sites Tab
7.) Enter the Web Sites name then click on either Approve or Disapprove
8.) Click on the General Tab, make your selections and Create a password.
9.) Click on Apply then ok and exit out.

1:54:53 p.m. on October 26, 2005

You people are really very funny. While myspace is the hottest thing on the internet,(the company recently changed hands for close to $300 million!) It really should be for the 18 and over. Alot of females do love to show some skin on myspace and if your kids on there, you better check them. I didn't read where he was using the city computers at work, but anyways how many professionals do you know that drink, smoke and engage in adulterous affairs after work? I'm clowning all the haters because while myspace is in vogue, alot of you just get your kicks posting on the boring VCStar.com. LOL.

2:11:03 p.m. on October 26, 2005

Ms. Behavin, I am not a spelling wizard, obviously, but isn't it spelled "wrecking"? What a loser he is!!

2:15:10 p.m. on October 26, 2005

I've known Danny for 10 years now, as long as I've known him he was a good kid, and a pretty good fighter, if he is looking to make a name for himself or be a community worker then he does need to watch the things he puts on his page, that's just the way reality is, freedomn of speech or not.

2:21:23 p.m. on October 26, 2005

Quote #1:

"Users must be 14 or older, and provide accurate registration information."

There isn't any type of age verification system in place so "Anyone" can access it.

Quote #2:

"Membership can be terminated if information provided is inaccurate."


They don't check. I know as I went in and created a phony name,different Zip Code and used an Iwon.com E-mail address. Seconds later I was onboard.

They do however give you the option of discontinuing membership.

Basically the site and ALL of it's material are open to any and all age groups with NO Checks in place.

P.S. Hey Danny could you give me a a large Chocolate Malt (Not Shake) with my order?

2:27:43 p.m. on October 26, 2005

ALEJANDRO I gotta give you a high five on that one. I think the reason why some of us assumed he was using it at work is because the story mentions the rules of not using it during company time more than once.

2:30:18 p.m. on October 26, 2005

My son's friend talked him into starting his own page on myspace. When I looked into it, I discovered that his personal information was totally false, (i.e. age, birth date, address, etc. etc.). I was able to get his password and logged in..... The content!!!!! Not suitable for any child his age (12). I immediately confronted him about it and I deleted the site, and prohibited him from ever entering the site again. One of his so called "friends", has posted that he would kill anyone Mom, if they did not do what he wanted them to do??!!!! This kid is only one year younger than my son!!!!! Sicking site to make available for anyone, much less our children.

2:34:02 p.m. on October 26, 2005

Ignorant people when did you last visit colonia boxing gym.

Ignorant people (parents) use my space as a tool to watch over your teenagers.

Ignorant people give the kid his props for being in boxing and teaching other

2:34:49 p.m. on October 26, 2005

BRAVO!!! WB You get it you really dooooo!

His page simply shows the lack of self esteem and self confidence he has. He is defining himself and his value as a person on how others seem to feel about him and how many zits women will suck off his face...eeewwww...Danny boy clearly you did not get fired/ dicontinued because of the things you posted on myspace.com but by the fact that your values do not reflect what someone in your position should be valuing, as well as the fact that you have contact with the ever increasing youth population in our city. We want those children to be shown he values that define someone of character strength and self esteem not a sleezy mysoginist(sp) (look it up!) that considers women in the way that you do.....I'm so sorry for you and those that are around you. SEE YA>>>WOULDN'T WANNA BE YA!!

2:39:21 p.m. on October 26, 2005

Protect your daughters from myspace.com, you never know he might be your son-n-law one of these days...

2:41:27 p.m. on October 26, 2005

Not mine LB!!!!

2:45:06 p.m. on October 26, 2005

not in my life time.

2:46:44 p.m. on October 26, 2005


With all the girls you have, there is a good chance...

3:04:50 p.m. on October 26, 2005

Thanks Cherry.

Emma, I'll sue you!

3:11:37 p.m. on October 26, 2005

Son-in law?! LOL

not on this planet or anywhere else in the solar system, Lakerdude,
..My son-in-law just returned from Iraq and Cervantes comes no where near being the man my daughters husband is...

3:34:44 p.m. on October 26, 2005

Just a dumb*ss kid doing stupid dumb stuff...but now the Internet lets anyone in the world read how dumb you are.

Big brother is watching!

3:53:59 p.m. on October 26, 2005

You know, I agree that there should be a way to contact the parents of the girls on this guy’s site, so they could be shown this garbage. Whether he's a fighter, a good one or not, he'd get his rear end handed to him by a lot of angry fathers. I know if one of those little hoochies were my daughter, that scum was groping; I'd be talking to the guy and/or his parents at least, if not seeing him in court. He’d be serving mashed potatoes in jail to pay the amount of money I was awarded after our bout in court. As for using the site to keep an eye on my kids, you bet I do. If I don’t keep my kids in check and influenced them properly, who will, people like this guy? I think not!!! It’s called "spot checking" your kids and I do it all the time with my kids. Why would they mind or worry if they have nothing to hide? As long as I am responsible for them as I am until they are 18, they better expect I will be all over them and everything they do. I will not answer to anyone for my kid’s negative actions etc. as they will not have any to answer for. If anyone thinks this site, the people who use it and it's content is harmless and is a display of decent character, wake up.

3:54:39 p.m. on October 26, 2005

Didn't Murdoch (who owns Fox News) buy MySpace?

4:00:33 p.m. on October 26, 2005

I heard that!

4:03:25 p.m. on October 26, 2005

That little boy needs a spankin!
I would be upset if one of my girls even posed for that little frijole, and I would give her a talkin to!

4:05:35 p.m. on October 26, 2005

It does not matter who owns my space. It's more those who use and support it that shouldn't. Obviously everyone who uses it supports it. We as a society have a choice and I think we are making the wrong choices for our kids and this is the way the future looks. Pay high prices, prices increase... Buy into things like this and other questionable sites and whatnot, and they will continue to bombard our society. Let's not even begin to talk about music today, that too is not a good subject with a lot of parents like myself. Check out the AFA on line (American Family Association) www.AFA.com. Opposing a lot of off line content in todays society.

4:10:08 p.m. on October 26, 2005

//Deleted by moderator// -- It's a good thing he's out of there, now the parents of the girls he's exploiting on his my space cannot grab him by that pencil neck and wring it out. None of those are my daughter so he can thank his lucky stars for that today at least. I'd find him.

4:15:56 p.m. on October 26, 2005

That's why I will keep my girls in check LB!

After this article, whether he is 19 or not, his Dad needs to step in and let him know this is not right! My son WOULD NOT be posting some of that stuff on his site, ESPECIALLY if there was a chance to be a "Person in the eye of public'.

4:17:00 p.m. on October 26, 2005

Man, I just saw his site. Yes, I agree that it is totally inappropriate for a leader of the community, who helps children. He see's nothing wrong with it because he is blind to maturity and I thank God my children do not have his morals, which seem to be close to none.

4:44:48 p.m. on October 26, 2005

L'Boy...I agree with your statement to protect! Especially if the name is KOBE! LOL! Gotcha!


PS Congrats on your L-win...my guys blew it on Sunday! They beat themselves and still got a high power ranking...go figure!

4:50:07 p.m. on October 26, 2005

He says he now "thinks twice" about anything he puts on his page. Yeah right. He probably just got fired for being a dummy. I have no problem busting people for being stupid. Hi, Kobe.

5:11:19 p.m. on October 26, 2005

Who has time to "post" their life and who else cares to read about it? Get a life people!

5:58:28 p.m. on October 26, 2005

i have seen dannys myspace and i dont see any of the tihngs the parent mentioned. i did not see x rated photos with him and other girls, nor did i see any obsean or anything pretaining to x rated comments or blogs. this is asinine, completly ludacris

6:15:47 p.m. on October 26, 2005

Funny how everybody is blaming mr. cervantes. maybe instead of the parent complaining about what this guy is posting on his blogs, he/she should worry about what their kid is doing on myspace. a lot of people are on myspace, ranging from kids under 18 to professionals to parents. maybe he was wrong by using the company computer, but what he does and what he posts on his "blog" is his business. i work with kids, and i have a life outside work. whether i go out and party or go participate in student panels at high schools, it's all personal and out of work. i keep work and my personal life separate, especially when it comes to dealing with kids. it's funny too 'cause there's parents who complain about what we do and how we do it but if you look at it, their kids are in placement because of family issues, such as abuse, parents divorcing, etc.
i dont tell parents how to parent, but when you as a parent try to book me about how i do my job, please look at yourself and see what's wrong with you. i may get drunk, i may have a DUI, but when you ask the kids i work with who i am, they'll probably tell you one of the few people that cares and understands them. and not to knock on religion, but when a lot of religious figures are getting busted for abuse and things of that nature, then you tell me who's wrong. overall, don't get it twisted on who's wrong. I may be wrong, but you're wrong too.

6:31:21 p.m. on October 26, 2005

That last post had a lot to do with where I work, not just parents in general.

6:31:46 p.m. on October 26, 2005

I found the dude's page to be, at best, in bad taste, and if he was training my kid and I saw this page, I would not want my kid to train with him anymore. He has a right to post whatever he wants, he just needs to be mature enough to accept the consequesnces.

6:50:20 p.m. on October 26, 2005

Jorge well said..Claps to you. That's the same question i've been wondering as i've been reading all these comments. Where the heck are you at while your child is on this site? And do you actually think the behavior is only happening on the website or do you also think they are acting this way off the website? You would be amazed at what kids are doing and saying nowadays. I work with youth at my church and I see and hear alot.

7:20:09 p.m. on October 26, 2005

I don't see anything wrong with what he is doing. He is having a good time making his own website. We live in the U.S. People!!! Freedom of Speech? Have you heard of it? He wasn't doing it on a company comp or on company time. The company can and should be sued over this. What they did to him was total and complete discrimination. The guy is not a creep as some of you are saying, he is a normal raging hormone teenager. I see nothing wrong with what he did at all. Ya, Freedom of Speech people. People die fighting wars over it! How dare anyone try and take that away from us?

7:54:29 p.m. on October 26, 2005

Speaking of blogs they should do a story on the Star on all the "regulars" that post on the comments and do a little bio on all of us. I have nothing to hide.
It would be alot more interesting reading then Cervantes boo-hoo story.
Cmon star! what ya say!?

8:34:42 p.m. on October 26, 2005

Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences. And it only applies to the governments actions towards you, in it's purest original intent - the touchy-feely, politically correct era we live in has taken it to extremes. The governement cannot come in and tell this guy he can't have this website. His employer, however, who has an equally valid right to protect it's own interests, can watch their own backs and fire him for it, and that is not a violation of his free speech rights. Nothing in the constituion protects this guy from the consequences of putting his cyber foot in his mouth.

9:00:59 p.m. on October 26, 2005

Excuse me Mr. Villasenor, I certainly would have a problem if you had worked with my child and posted pictures like the ones on Danny-boys website! One thing is freedomof speach but the ethics that are in question here have nothing to do with that. If you are going to be in the public eye you will be under scrutiny. If you work with and around children you wwill be under scrutiny. If you work with any big corporation where you would be in thwe public eye there will be a certain modecum of decency and circumstance that you will be expected to operate under. This is not as much about freedom of speech as it is common sense! I certainly hope Danny has learned a valuable lesson from this.

9:01:41 p.m. on October 26, 2005

THIS IS DANNY CERVANTES! someone told me about this comment list and i had to see it to believe it!

k so just to get some things straight.

i was not using the computer at my job! we have a computer in the office but there is no internet connection! never have never will! its there for the kids to play educational games on it.

the pictures of me with "girls" are my friends. strictly friends. im not doing anything wrong with them in the pix. just smiling and having a good time.

i NEVER in a million years would have thought that my MYSPACE PROFILE would be of such importance to anybody, much less get me fired!

i have never had ANY complaints of my performance as a coah or role model. i sperate my job with my personal life. i do nothing but encourage the best for the kids that i train. i love them like family and have great relationships with their parents.
and they have respect for me.

i never assosiated myself with the city of oxnard or the gym that i trained at.

you may say "ya nice influence with you page blah blah blah" but AGAIN, never would have thought anyone would have taken into interest my page!

i do agree
that many children of the inappropriate age are on this site and do things they shouldnt be doing. its not there time to be doing these things. everything has a time and an age!

i do believe that everybody has a private life that they're intittled to, along side with activities that interest them. from the respectable doctor or lawyer to the gardener or pool man. we all have our right to do whatever we want on our own time!
maybe to you my job wasnt that important or whatever your opinion might be. but i did do it to the best of my ablility.i try to influence these kids the best that i could from 3-6pm bc i dont get to see them after or before that. i live in a completely different city with completely different styles of life.

you all know that ventura and oxnard do varry in styles...look at the kids. music, atire, style, pastimes.
i mean this for the most part. and dont deny it, i know you see it!

i do believe that the contents of my page are PG compared to the other smutt found on myspace. i dont have nude pix of myself or others on it so that automatically puts me in the green for the "x rated/crude/whatever" part of it!

yeah im definetly not gonna work at a fastfood place! HAHAH THAT ACTUALLY MADE ME LAUGH WHEN I READ IT! i worked there 3 hrs a day for 5 days a week! its not like i need the money! so obviously i was doing it to kill time before i trained, and i enjoyed helping the kids.

so yeah if you have more serious questions feel free! i'll check back later!


9:10:13 p.m. on October 26, 2005

emulating the oxnard gang banger wanna be homeboy attitude, whether serious or in jest, is sad and a bad example where so many can see it. the reprimand you experienced was justified, especially in a community setting where you worked. take it as a lesson in life. if you want to share these pictures with friends, then do so on a private blog, not a public one such as myspace. why share it if you arent trying to show off?

9:17:49 p.m. on October 26, 2005

"This profile is set to private. This user must add you as a friend to see his/her profile."

Teh Ghey...

9:34:25 p.m. on October 26, 2005

well isnt that what myspace is? sharing pictures, leaving eachother comments about them, leaving eachother comments? but hows this ladies and gentlemen. just to make your lives SOOO much easier!
i made my profile private!so now moms and dads YOU cant see it anymore. its no longer for your viewing pleasures. you now have to be a friend on my list to view it. and as for the random request by 40 yr old guys all of a sudden wanting to be on my list. try to be a little less obvious as to with your intentions! that goes for the moms.


bye the way if your reffering to the art work in the back, i made that! its one of many pieces that i have created that i get praised for. from peers to adults my work liked. computer graphix and digital photography is something that i want to do with my life after boxing.

any other questions?

9:36:37 p.m. on October 26, 2005


9:50:19 p.m. on October 26, 2005

Way to go Danny..Set it straight. At least you came on here and let the real deal be known. So that means no one should have a reason to speculate anymore.

10:09:18 p.m. on October 26, 2005

And my apologies for what I said cause I thought you were fired because you were internet surfing at the workplace.

10:11:04 p.m. on October 26, 2005

I completely understand that kids need positive role models but if I'm doing my own thing after work, that's my business. I'm not going to change who I am because of the population I work with. If I do things that people don't agree with, it's fine by me as long as I don't bring it to work. The minute I bring it to work is the minute I stop being a role model. If Mr. Cervantes was showing his pictures to the kids he was working with, then that would be questionable due to him bringing it to his work. Like I said, who's to blame here........ Mr. Cervantes for posting these pics and having such a "degenerate" profile, or the parent for allowing their kid to access this website? Like I said before too, I leave work at work. If I happen to run into a client off-campus, more than likely it's nothing inappropriate. And even if it is, it's off-work and my business. And if any parent has a problem with that, maybe they should worry less about me and more about what they're kid is doing both at home and outside the home. I know about scrutiny due to working with kids. Ive tutored, worked at high schools, and now work with kids at a different setting. I know I impact these kids, which is why I don't bring my personal life into work and when I do, it's to make a point or make it a lesson-in-life type of thing. Then again, these kids also know that I have a life outside of work. Now that's common sense.

10:16:18 p.m. on October 26, 2005

And another question should be, just what is the parent that sent the complaint doing on myspace........

10:27:03 p.m. on October 26, 2005

This is embarassing... this kid actually recieved first page coverage! As a journalism student, it makes my stomach turn! This is truly journalism at it's worst!
As for the story, it does not matter if he was using the company's computer during work hours or during his "personal time", because either way, he was using the company's computer for personal use. Anyone, of working age, with any sense should know that is a "No-No"!
I have to admit, this is my first time to make a comment on an article in the VC Star, and also my first time reading any of the responses, and I'm ashamed of the level of intelligence displayed here. I am more worried about the rest of society than some kid who got more coverage than he deserved.

10:37:34 p.m. on October 26, 2005

Danny I just want you to know that I am on your side completely. This was a complete and total miscarriage of justice. I would sue if I were you. What they did to you was just flat out wrong. I believe in Freedom of Speech and yes I am in the service and will die and fight for it. You Go boy! You are no gang banger but I love the way these white folks stereotype you as one because you are hispanic. Lovely!

10:39:36 p.m. on October 26, 2005

First of all, MySpace is everywhere, but thats not the point of this story! I have one, my 14 year old sister has one, and in a room full of 50 teens, 45 of them have one. Yes… your sons and daughters, many who are all under 18 and have half nude pictures online for everyone to see, have a MySpace account. The seemingly perfect and innocent teens you live around or work with or even let watch your baby, have ‘inappropriate’ things on their page. So this should not be an issue. If everyone that had an inappropriate thing on their page got fired, almost every one of these people would not currently be employed! Your straight A child could likely have a picture of themselves smoking weed, drinking alcohol, or exploiting themselves at a party. And that same seemingly ‘innocent’ person that you have the highest regards of can have a job teaching little kids at TutorTime or something. So how is Danny any different? He does not have anything illegal on his page. Yes he does have pictures of young whore-ishly clad girls on his page. He does have pictures of people smoking HOOKA - which is tobacco and completely legal. These pictures are not ‘x-rated’. These young skanky girls … well sorry to break it to you… they’re your daughters! It’s your daughters who choose to run around dressed like that, and it’s your daughters who are not smart enough to keep from be photographed participating in whatever activities they choose. So you people need to pull the stick out of your butt. You ‘church-goers’ and ‘high ranked officials’ all have some sort of personal life and some sort of issues in your life. And I don’t see you getting fired for it. I have known Danny for a year now. I am probably one of the people who know him best. Even though he is my best friend, I disapprove of some of the things on his page, and I believe he can present himself in a much better light if he chose to. Hopefully he will realize that he could be making a better impression than what people get from his page. But I do know that people that know him personally are not all that offended by things on his page.

I believe that the city will not find a better coach. These kids, and their parents, valued Danny Cervantes. Both as a coach and a mentor. He is one of the best out there, and they will never find a ‘perfect’ role model. I know for a fact that Danny would never ever compromise the lives of these children. He cared deeply about them and wanted to help as much as he could. He NEVER mixed his personal life and his working life. I don’t think anyone in his personal life even knew he taught these kids. He kept his professional/working life and his social/personal life completely separate from each other, just as it should be. Everyone leads some sort of a double life, it is the way the world works. I know I go to work everyday, with a professional attitude and presence and I never let that fade while I am at work, and when I come home I switch back into my personal life mode. This is how MOST people live. And that is how Danny lives. He is not on a pedestal. He is not perfect. But the city of Oxnard is expecting him to be.

11:18:27 p.m. on October 26, 2005


i agree with JORGE VILLASENOR! and to make a comment on that, i indeed never brought anything of that sort to my work! never would i show things of that sort of myspace to the kids at the gym!

TRACI CHISTMAN, i agree with you! definetly got more attention than needed! but you know how pushy reporters are "always got to get their story" huh? and they somehow got a hold of me. they said they were "tipped" off about what had happened. but in all honesty i didnt want this to go down, or at least not this big. so try to keep your chow down!

and pretty much what BREE ERANIO said is how it is!


http://profile.myspace.com/ index...3F556D617561699


http://profile.myspace.com/ index...3F556D617561699


11:49:51 p.m. on October 26, 2005


12:44:04 a.m. on October 27, 2005

cant we all just get along?

12:52:49 a.m. on October 27, 2005

3 1/2 languages... I'm guessing the 1/2 language is English!

1:14:57 a.m. on October 27, 2005

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