Welcome to the Oxnard Journal - The New JANUARY Edition - -~`2002'~-
Welcome to the new Year - it's time for Predictions for the Year Twenty-aught-Two... please take time to send your observations. You don't need to submit your name or e-mail - But Please send your feedback....our next year of serving you depends on what we get from our viewers......
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And Now. ....... . the Predictions.......
The Death of the Factory Outlet.
Predictions have to wait - went to the Factory Outlet for Christmas shopping and came back feeling like I visited a morgue. Three businesses with business licences operational past the first of the year are closing shop as of 31 December 2001. Four others listing - Everything must go 50% - 70% off.
The Factory Outlet is the Dead Zone and I know that Spit & Sleep is probably ready to check out. Whoever convinced the popular sleep shoppe to set up at the Dead Zone (factory outlet) will probably be publicly flogged. Oxnard City Officials need to do something before the whole outlet folds.....which leads to the first Prediction.
Oxnard Factory Outlet factors funds and finds closing more profitable than remaining open.
The Theatre Project will be finalized and if finished will fold within two years of opening.
John Zaragoza will be elected Mayor of Oxnard.
The Person who set fire to the Pick n' Save on Saviers will be caught.
Train derailment of tank cars will cause HazMat Emergency - derailment due to speed.
Initiative for curtailing urban growth will be put on November ballot within Oxnard.
South Oxnard will seek succession from the city.
Oxnard Rap Star will burst onto the scene w/ CD & DVD Release....
Adelphia will sell off former Jones Intercable service to third party.
City planners will promote making "A" Street curvy again.
College park will be sold to a Cemetery consortium after CPACommittee gives up on a final concept for the patchwork park.
Maidu Indians & Paragon gaming move to make a floating casino off the port of Channel Islands Harbor. County agrees - Oxnard helpless to fight it again.
The Third Concept Tower of the Esplanade is announced, and ground broken.
Sit n' Sleep files against Oxnard in a court battle to permit its removal of the new Oxnard store from the quiet Outlet to the New Esplanade.
Sunny Atkinson dyes her hair red.
Wallmart announces plans to move onto another bigger property which it 'sweet-hearts' the City into approving....
A Major Hollywood movie is filmed in Colonia. Publicity highlights how neglected this prime district of Oxnard is.
Daniel Martinez wins the March primary for County Clerk-Recorder.
Old Oxnard High School property is retained by the City and is dedicated for a New Public Safety Center (Police & Fire).
Martin Jones wins the Lotto with a quick pick and tells the City it can't have any of his millions for redevelopment.
Another Oxnard Boxer will breakout and make a new name for Oxnard.
BRAC puts Point Mugu joint-use Airport concept out for public review & comment.
Navy announces CBC Port Hueneme as a homeport for a Destroyer.
Motion picture star gets a DUI while driving in Oxnard.
Police Chief Art Lopez wins a prestigious international honor.
In 'n Out Burger applies for an Oxnard Location in South Oxnard - (very good )
UFO seen over Oxnard on July 3rd.
UFO carries off Editor of the Oxnard Journal.
Send me your predictions....... I have to get ready for July 3rd.....
. . .me on a happy day....
Bill Winter - Editor - Oxnard Journal
The Last Issue - Decem 01 -
-----Oxnard Journal-----
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Oxnard, CA
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Port Hueneme, CA 93044
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