JANUARY 28th 2004
How many people did we have show up at the City Council Chambers Tuesday,
Jan. 27th? A. We had a larger number of Neighborhood Chairs show up than have come to any of our most recent INCF meets. The majority of credit for the massive turnout goes to Ms. Roberta Walton and Mr. Bert Perillo, both of Oxnard's Southbank Neighborhood. They spent their past weekend on the phone going thru an out-dated but allegedly updated Neighborhood Council Roster. Walton and Perillo deserve the majority of
credit for getting out the Neighborhood Council folks. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= "If we came out with anything tonight, at least we learned to ask the neighborhoods first." -- an un-named Councilman. |
Got an Opinion or story idea - E-mail it here =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--
JANUARY 26th Iffue .....JANUARY
22 Iffue
January 18 Iffue
File of Proposed Status Report on Neighborhood Services
...pdf file
Strange how the Council back-peddled, when it realized it stepped on it's own 'pudend' as it saw how many folks really did care about their Neighborhood programs and how the Neighborhoods were pleased with the people they elected to serve as their neighborhood representatives. The council realized that they really did step in it this time. The paddling upstream at Niagara was humorous and obvious to all who viewed, either in person or in TV Land. The Council did it's best to defuse an obviously angry congregation of irate citizens who were pissed at the fact that the Council and city staff would have the 'nads to propose a neighborhood program without even consulting even one resident who serves in the Neighborhood Council program .: Of the several dozen speakers who
addressed the Council meeting was the Editor of the Oxnard Journal, Bill
Winter. He wore his hat as First Vice Chair of the INCF and addressed
issues that were of import to him. One of the issues addressed was
the fact that the City included in it's list of proposed neighborhood
community councils, |
Mayor Manny Lopez Stands with the Community. Oxnard Mayor Lopez was the only seated council member who went into Tuesday's meeting with the hope that this crazy status report and study session would be barren and bear no fruit. In a phone call to the Oxnard Journal, before the commencement of the council session Mayor Lopez expressed his disbelief at how such a proposal could go through. The Mayor expressed similar feelings and his total support to the Neighborhood Council Program.
It was the Mayor, at some dismay of some
councilmen, who took the R-1 Study Issue from the rear of the night's
agenda and brought it to the forefront of the City Council's business.
Without the Mayor taking charge over his council and the agenda of staff,
many Oxnard Citizens would not be able to address a very important issue.
Mayor Lopez deserves high praise and recognition for his sensitivity to
what Oxnard needs and how well he acted in the resident's best interest.
Well, Mr.
Maulhardt, your city map ---of which a complete color version was
not provided to the residents on the City website or in handout form at
the public meeting proves |
As it was said at the meeting --- "See it for
Yourself".................... Supervisor Flynn's Office has been notified. |
There's no end to
the Fun in Oxnard . . . . -------- -counter
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