is Oxnard’s first time to redirect its City Council.
Bill Winter is one of those
New Voices needed as Oxnard faces the hard choices our future will demand of
Here is why:
• Bill has been an active voice on the Neighborhood Council – he has volunteered hundreds of hours for the city’s neighborhood services program and he is a firm believer in resident rights & empowerment – especially in municipal government decision making.
• Bill believes in preserving our agricultural heritage and will pursue curtailing the uncontrolled development that is gobbling up precious farm land and adding to our traffic and over-crowding.
• Bill will address the issues of Oxnard’s infrastructure in anticipation of the approved growth we will experience. This means, creating better roads, building more schools, and adopting a realistic traffic plan to make driving in Oxnard easier. Active tree planting is high priority.
• Bill has been a strong advocate of public safety who feels that Oxnard needs a Police Commission to address growing citizen concerns and to assist the Council with public safety and policy issues.
The list is even longer and you can see more by visiting: www.billwinter.org
This year, we face the
possibility of reseating a business-as-usual Mayor - Please do not elect
politicians who represents the country-club “us four and no more” mentality.
Elect someone who has been a voice for the people, someone who has not been
afraid to address the issues squarely and someone who seeks redress on issues
when the council has failed to listen to Oxnard’s residents.
Vote on November 2nd .
I strongly desire the privilege of serving you as our Mayor.
My intent and vision for
Paid for by the “Bill Winter for Mayor of Oxnard” Committee
– to help us win on November 2nd --- your donation
(no mater how small or large)
is Needed Now ---
Mail check to: Bill Winter for Mayor of
California Secretary of State - FPPC # 1266831
Bill Winter - Candidate for Mayor of Oxnard
with Oxnard Mayor Lopez - Candidate for County Supervisor
Be Sure
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