,,The Oxnard Journal
August 2oo6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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------- C O L L E G E ------ P A R K -------------------
Fellow Oxnard Residents,
Help, Help, we need
of all Oxnard Registered Voters to sign a petition to save our park.
We are gathering signatures to stop the City of Oxnard from turning over the maintenance and operations of a Baseball/Softball complex at College Park, that the city is going to build, to Big League Dreams. This agreement will allow a few of our youth to play in this complex for free and the rest of our youth will have to pay a fee. Big League Dreams will siphon-off Millions of Dollars from our community that could stay here for ALL of our youth, not just a few priviledged enough to pay for something that should be free as in PUBLIC PARK. Please help by signing this petition and/or getting signatures for this worthy cause. Call 488-0422 or contact Bill Terry by e-mail BTerry@webtv.net Keep our hard earned Dollars local and make it fair for ALL. We are on a short time frame so please respond Quickly.
Bill Terry
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