,,The Oxnard Journal
August 2oo6
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It Seems to be that Who IS NOT on the Ballot
is Generating more interest than in Who IS on the Ballot.

Recent E-mail exchange with the Ox Jo
reveals some interesting revisionist history.
As in - What we see is not always what we get.( WWSINAWEG )

This inquiry came in Friday, August 25th at 10:55 AM.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------THE PREMISE-------------

Mr. Winter,
It's widely known that Mayor Holden bought Dierdre Frank from running for office this election with her appointment to the Planning Commission and I suspect some sort a deal was made with Saul Medina also. What happened, why didn't they buy you and Phil Molina off while they were at it?

Thank You - Concerned Citizen

.................................................................THE OX JO RESPONSE . . . . . . . . . .

Dear Concerned Citizen:
Your e-mail is very interesting - I would like to publish it on the site - of course you would be attributed as "concerned citizen".....
Not knowing if you are Phil Molina, D. Frank, Saul Medina, or an entity representing them, or just an average citizen who sees the political landscape for what it is - a game in motion...I will answer you from my heart and perspective.
First point - anyone wanting to be on any City Commission or Board needs to submit an application package to the City Clerk's office prior to consideration of their name by the Council - thusly, Medina, Pinkhard, and Frank must have submitted application packets prior to their nomination to the Planning Commission.
D. Frank was seriously considering a run for Council this election.  She garnered 8-thousand-plus votes in 2004 in her first ever run against Holden for Mayor.  Sources tell me that Frank made calls to some of her faithful in a trial balloon to see if she should run for Council and everyone told her to do so. 
Perhaps, tipped off to the fact Frank was inquiring about Council - she was nominated and approved for a seat on the Planning Commission in July 2006.  You will never hear that there was deal for her not to run, but implied obvious appearance, as you stated, - - add two and two and see how it factors out......
For Medina, I thought the same, so I asked him recently and he told me family concerns kept him out of the race, and that when he does run again, it will be a stronger candidate that comes forth.  Pinkhard as you know will be running for H.S. Board so she cannot run for Council this year.
I would not say that Holden did any deals, politics is politics and all politics is local, but collectively as a Council, all decide whom they wish to see on the Planning Commission.   One person does not drive all decisions done by the Council as all are equal voting members.
As for Molina and myself.   Molina was a surprise.  No one saw him coming and by the time he got qualified and on the ballot - he became the primary challenger of Holden for the center seat on Council.  Molina will be a formidable contender and his mettle will be proven at debates and forums.   He was never approached for any Boards because he never applied and frankly, the City wishes he would just go away as the power brokers would prefer he not play in their backyard.
For me, I was not planning on a run this year, but on the Wednesday before the Friday filing deadline, a local power-player whom I know and respect called and asked me to please run.   My family would prefer I not be involved, but when called to serve, I will do so.  So I filed and became qualified for the ballot, not knowing that I would become the lead contender against two strong incumbent office-holders.   But the Political Landscape changes and many folks are not happy with how Oxnard has turned out.  Basically we have had the same people in Council since 1992 - so it is time for some change - or at least one new face on the Council.
I appreciate your message - hope this answers your query ---- please feel free to respond back and let me know if I may publish your question on the Oxnard Journal....
Bill WInter
Ox Jo   


Thanks for your reply. First of all, I am not any of the mentioned parties, nor anyone that is interested in political office. I just have business interests that are probably not in my best interests to publicly identify myself. You know how it is, you sometimes need friends on both sides of the aisle.
I am certainly aware of the background of all the potential candidates and know Ms. Pinkard and a couple of other candidates chose not to run in order to not dilute the votes from Dean and Andres. I am not personally involved with Mr. Medina so I guess I'll take him for his word as to why he didn't run. I know in the past he has been tied pretty closely to Manny Lopez who is not much of a factor anymore and that may have had something to do with his decision. Besides,  Maulhardt and Herrera  would be tough to beat without huge financial support.
I am fully aware of the application procedure for the Planning Commission and my contacts close to city hall tell me that the selection of the vacant position was delayed in order for Ms. Frank to get her application submitted. I know she is very closely tied to Tim Flynn, and he was her principal sponsor. 
At the July 11th council meeting, the appointment of the new commissioner was on the agenda, and I was told that the majority of city council members were prepared to select someone other than Ms. Frank. During the meeting the item was suddenly pulled off the agenda at the request of the city manager. There is no way Mr. Sotelo would have made that decision without direction from the Mayor. I reviewed the video when that happened and it was obvious that Herrera and Maulhardt were taken by surprise and even whispered comments to Holden.
The item was then placed on the agenda for the following week (7/18). If you'll look at the video of that section of the meeting that made the appointments to the various commissions, when they got to the Planning commission, the demeanor of the council seemed to change and become quite tense. I found it quite odd that Holden was so fast to nominate Frank. It makes no sense to so publicly push for one of your political adversaries, and I knew then that the fix was in. If you'll notice Herrera and Zaragoza they acted like they were reluctant to go along with Holden. Flynn was already in Frank's camp so his vote was not a surprise and Maulhardt voted for another candidate. By the way I reviewed the applications and it could be argued that Frank was not the most qualified applicant and knowing her past of being one that is always on the opposite side of common sense, this appointment made no sense unless a deal was made to keep her off the ballot. There can be no other explanation why they would put a political opponent on the most prestigious commission in the city.  I even had a couple of people tell me that Frank admitted to them at a social function a couple of days after the appointment that she had made the deal and will wait two years and run for Flynn's seat when he runs for supervisor.
 More as it happens  . . . .
Concerned Citizen

Will there more to follow -= - Stay tuned . . .



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