Welcome to the Oxnard Journal - The New November Edition - 2001
Dispatched - this: 20th day of NOVEMBER, in the year of our Lord - Two Thousand & One- Oxnard, California -
We Need to return to Ship and Rail Travel
PRAYER FOR AMERICA Our Father in heaven, May Your name be esteemed as holy once more. May Your kingly rule come and Your will be done, on earth, in our nation, state and county as it is in heaven. Please bestow upon us today what we need that we might live successfully, as You define success! You know our needs better than we do so we cast ourselves in complete and unreserved dependence on You, trusting in Your mercy and grace. Look with favor on us now and show Your provision as we put our hand to this worthy cause. Lord, forgive us our moral and spiritual debts as we extend forgiveness and the offer of reconciliation to those who have harmed us. Forgive us for demanding that You, the Righteous and Ever-present God, depart from the Public Square and retreat behind the walls of the Church, and then turn to blame You when tragedy strikes our land and lives. Teach us once more that security and prosperity are the by-products of seeking You above all things and that no people can be good who forget God. Lead us not into the place of vanity, but deliver us from the evil plans of those who would seek to work death and destruction. Bring Your healing to our land - healing not just of the physical wounds, but of the deeper moral sickness that threatens the very survival of our nation. For Yours is the Kingdom, and all the power, and the enduring glory. Amen. Pastor Lance Ralston Calvary Chapel - Oxnard, Calif.
Going to the Theatre with Martin Jones It is difficult to beat the City Council of Oxnard. While the theatre industry is imploding the Council has not given up the idea of a downtown multiplex theatre. Standing alone it will fail. If built it will create a twenty year debt for the Citizens of Oxnard. But it does not stand alone. There is a theatre on the North side and now a plan for one of four screens on the West side and another is planned in the River Park project in the Northeast. Does "overbuilt" mean anything?
Phil Molina is planning to appeal the decision that was decided in the defendants favor. Keep in mind that all of the defendants witnesses had something to lose. The defendant is the city manager and most of the witnesses are city employees. When one works for the City of Oxnard one is not a civil servant. There is no civil service commission, no civil service regulations and no civil service protection. Who will bear witness against the man that can terminate them? - m j - -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= See if you can do this. Read each line aloud This is this cat Is this is cat This is how cat This is to cat This to keep a cat Why is a cat This is dummy cat This how busy a cat This is for cat These are forty cats This is seconds cat Now go back and read the THIRD word in each line from the top down. |
>Subject: New Virus Alert....as of 1715h 11/19. BIGGGG TROUBLE !!!! DO NOT OPEN "WTC Survivor" It is a virus that will erase your whole "C" drive. It will come to you in the form of an E-Mail from a familiar person. I repeat a friend sent it to me, but called and warned me before I opened it. He was not so lucky and now he can't even start his computer! Forward this to everyone in your address book. I would rather receive this 25 times than not at all. If you receive an email called "WTC Survivor" do not open it. Delete it right away! This virus removes all dynamic link libraries (.dll files) from your computer - from Carol Ann Rose - Advance Rubber Stamp in San Buenaventura.
As some of you are aware, The city council, in closed session, decided to bid 2.1 million dollars for the old Oxnard High School site. The property is close to 40 acres in size, but must have considerable clean up if it is to be made safe for the public. Local school districts are willing to pay $100,000 per acre, plus clean up costs for new school sites. Thus, this property would have a fair market value of $4,000,000. A private party submitted a public bid of 2.5 million after the city made its bid. A member of the private party told me today that city officials were taken totally by surprise by the private bid. This person also told me that city officials were shocked when the private bid was accepted. Both bids will be taken to Sacramento. I see one of two outcomes, neither favorable to city officials. Either the higher bid will be accepted, or both bids rejected for being too low. - Larry Stein . Contributing Writer
------- OXNARD'S DIRTY LITTLE SECRETS ----- - - # 1-=- ..- - # 2-=- ..- - # 3 -=- ..- - # 4-=- ..- - # 5-=- .. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The New Map of Afghanistan-Bananastan
Stay tuned as we fine-tune the OxJo to handle more local news and issues. - the DOWNTOWN THEATRE ----- ====== Debbie's PAGE +++++ Last ISSUE of Oxnard Journal --------- Grumpy Do-ugh-Nuts ----- ULTIMATE " I " Love Me Page = =-=-=- T'Other Side -=-=-=-=- ....It's Out There ... Another View --==---Le Banon View -=--=- -=-- LIVE IT !!!! =-=-=-= IRQ Lineage =-=-=- LARRY --==-- The Qu'ran I -=- II -=- III -=- IV -=- V -=-= VI -=-= VII -=- VIII= -=-=-
The Oxnard Journal Wants to Hear From You....... send us some News or Comments.... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Bill Winter Editor - Oxnard Journal.com Navy Veteran Latest Link to DOD website devoted solely to News on the war against TERRORISM
Oxnard is a Great Place to Live - & - We Really need more to do here........ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- City should have a THEME PARK & a Swimming POOL - - VOTE in the November ELECTION for these Things - Back the Candidate who will give US these Grand & Glorious Things to make Life More Fun HERE !!!!! Bill Winter for OxCC =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ------------- ...................... ,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,., |
" Hoo-ah " is the Official Call of the RANGERS |
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