""O"" ""J"" HOT LINX
National Weather Service / Oxnard Station (Covering LA)
Economic Development Corporation (EDC)
Census Bureau Info (Map & Stats)
Oxnard's Traffic Engineering Home Page
bill winter's blue dolphin page
ICTG Guide to Oxnard, California
Oxnard Office - State Compensation Fund
Oxnard Transportation Center (DOT Site)
Oxnard Shores (Steve Carr Photo)
Oxnard.net (( another News Source for Oxnard area)
Oxnard area Scanner Frequencies
CASINO(s) Already Exist in Oxnard
California National Guard (ARMORY)
Oxnard Weather (Shore Line Reports)
Department of Engery (DOE) Oxnard Facility
Debbie Stock Aerial View of Mandalay (nice photo)
Carol Thompson's Harbor Lighthouse
Oxnard Basin Flood Status Overview
First Farmers of the Oxnard Plain (book for sale)
Best Oxnard (US CENSUS 1990)
Corinthian Yacht Club (& brokers)
COM / Oxnard Rental Center (312-hits)
COM / Aegis Med Clinic
=-=-=- 30 =-=-=-=-
more to come as Martin Jones said....
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