Oxnard Views ---- Downtown - Sunday morning - 0730 AM - JULY 3rd.
Buddy Burgers - an Oxnard Blvd. Landmark ---
A Street Alley ----
Starbux - subway - coffee - sub - how enticing --- Downtown Movie theatre plaza
Downtown Parking - Architecture adds to the downtown with functional
Bahia del Mar at 4th and Oxnard Blvd.
Always Abierto......
Inter-Californias Inter-Oxnard
Railroad landmark - you know you've arrived when you see this.....
Gateway to the Downtown
Bus is still here.
OTC - Oxnard Transportation Center - Where Amtrak - Greyhound, SCAT, Taxi, and
Traveler connect.
Downtown Boy's and Girl's Club Field of Lost Dreams.....
Downtown Boy's and Girl's Club - 2 weeks away from its Grand Re-Opening....Thank
you !
Five Points in time warp.
New Downtown Five Points Market ----
Windshield Tour Complete with another time down the Boulevard.