Oxnard Journal is News
of Oxnard & Port
Regarding the
Oxnard City Council
Retreat -or - Strategic Planning Workshop -
as it is being called.
Public comments at Oxnard City Council retreat will only be
at 4:00pm
Fri., Jan 21, 2005
-- Public may attend all of workshop - Fri. Jan 21, 4PM to 8PM and
Sat. Jan. 22, 8AM to 1PM
Location: Residence Inn by Marriott at River Ridge,
2101 W. Vineyard Ave. Oxnard
Marie Callender's
Restaurant in Oxnard is closed - out of business
Tentative plan is to have Saviers Road
Design Team meetings at IHOP at Channel Islands Blvd. and Statham
Same 6:30pm Monday nights. Next meeting
will be Jan. 24.
this Press Release about
Big League Dreams from League City Texas -
Do We Really Want To Bring This Kind of a Mess to Oxnard?
View the
22, 2000 Ventura Star Article about Big
League Dreams
trying to wedge into Oxnard's
College Park
An Open Letter to Oxnard - Regarding how the City
Does its Business........
Dear Friends:
After reading the article in the Ventura Star about the Big League Dreams
"surprise contract" I am reminded of these facts.
The California government codes and the Oxnard municipal codes do require
that the City staff issue monthly financial reports including the amount
received, the amount spent, and the balance in each type of fund. The codes
also require that the City staff provide at each regular meeting the list of
checks (warrants) that were issued since the last report. Interesting to
note that other cities in Ventura County comply with these requirements.
During the two years I worked at the City I was repeatedly hindered by the
City Manager from issuing the monthly financial reports to the City Council.
The City staff had not provided the Council with those financial reports
before I came to Oxnard, and the staff has not provided the Council with
monthly financial reports since I was terminated.
At Federal trial the City Manager,
Ed Sotelo, said that the reason he was stopping me from issuing monthly
financial reports was due to the "inappropriate language" that I used in my
reports. But, when my attorney, Mr. Edward Lear, offered the court copies of
every monthly financial report which I wrote during those two years the City
changed its position and told the court that the City agreed that in fact I
never used any "inappropriate language" in my financial reports. So why did
the City Manager try to stop me from issuing those reports to the City
Also under oath and when asked why he was not now issuing monthly financial
reports to the Council in compliance with the City’s and State’s codes the
then Finance Director, Stan Kleinman, said he had been told by the City
Attorney that he did not need to prepare the report.
During the two years I worked at the City the City Manager would also not
let me prepare the list of checks for Council’s review until I worked with
the City Attorney to get his approval to present the list of checks to the
City Council. Though I repeatedly requested approval to issue the list of
checks that approval was never given to me.
So now it is interesting to note that had these reports been given to the
City Council, the Council and the public would have seen the distribution of
money to Big League Dreams and all this turmoil would not exist. It is of
greater concern to now contemplate whether the intentional disregard for
the State and City codes may be for other purposes.
Copies of statements made under oath by City Staff can be provided to you.
Phillip S. Molina
2005 - The
we said
Good-Bye to
Two Lopez's
With Dr. Manny Lopez leaving the Mayor's seat and the soon
departure of Oxnard Police Chief Art Lopez, the City of Oxnard will be
without a Lopez at the helm of any major City govern-ment office.
---- Changing Face of Oxnard ----
There is also chatter amongst the locals at a paradigm
shift that appears to be taking place in Oxnard - that of the return of
"Wonder Bread" to the face of Oxnard leadership. At the
Economic forecast breakfast last year, the presentation focused on the
new "Gentrification" of Oxnard. With all the high end housing
that is beyond the reach of middle-class households, it appears that
Oxnard is trying to reshape and reform its image from being the "Santa
Ana" of Ventura County to become Simi Valley-by-the-Sea.
Be it a reminder, but all that gentle, that the latest two
Council-members are non-brown and our heir apparent to inherit the top
slot of the Oxnard PD is similar.
----- Areas to Watch
With the population base changing and make-up of
leadership changing, what is next for Oxnard. The City has just
created a new
Citizen Advisory Group (CAG) calling it the "Downtown Design Review Committee"
- for which licensed architects and business owners only are eligible to
join....One has to wonder what will this advisory group recommend to the
Already, there have been complaints about the look of Downtown.
The thrift shops that cater to the needy - the used car lots that serve
the first time buyer and mostly Mexican patron - and the general look of
dilapidated buildings and design makes Oxnard look seedy and the future
calls for more than just an downtown movie house.
Plans for the Oxnard Blvd. corridor will surely come
before the Council once the State relinquishes its control of Oxnard
Blvd. and moves State Route One officially over to Rice Avenue.
Once that happens - Oxnard City will have full control over the
Boulevard and some businesses may be forced to move or close down
Oxnard's blatant slap in face of Roberto Garcia in his
honest quest for the land adjacent to his funeral home was only the tip
of the iceberg for how Oxnard will treat its Latino business owners.
So Stand-by for more developments similar to the ones
noted - the Oxnard Journal will report on what it finds out.
Big League Dreams
beleaguers Texas Town ---
A Must Read
Mansfield, TX, The Citizens of
Mansfield Texas are fighting the Big league Dreams Guys like a tiger.
We have stalled them until May. To Oxnard - You will not be able
to vote on this because the BLD people say you can't. The Redding,
Calif. facility was financed by state grants and loans, but the city was
later fined $450K for polluting the vernal pools. The BLD guys after the
project was built
asked Redding for 1.4 million for artificial turf. Scott Letierrer, BLD
CEO, was the past world soccer CEO.
Bill Simon, your "almost governor"
is reported to
own 38 % of this company. This is not little league as
you already know but a sports venue as defined in Texas. They get money
through the parks departments and state grants for parks. Look up the
definition for parks. Brentwood rejected BLD due to funding problems.
The city can't sell tax free bonds for projects that have a net income.
- read it all, your future is there. Also research on Google for League
City, Texas they have been through hell
with these guys, their mayor was voted out of office, the finance
director quit and is now working for a company that specializes in
economic development and the city is 6 million over budget. Don't let
this be built in your city. These Texas cities are are married to BLD
for 35 years. Their project costs will continue to climb.
I bet your city also signed an operation and maintenance contract as
well. The timing would be logical.
Follow the money.
/s/ citizen of Mansfield, Texas
The VC Star Chimes in on the Big League
Dreams Flap with our renegade City Manager writing checks like there is
no tomorrow -
Read the Star's Editorial
==Steve Houser
The V i e w
La Conchita
Steve's Camera Takes you up-close to the Disaster at
La Conchita
(the small Sea-Shell)
Houser was the Ox Jo's Photog during the last
Municipal Election and brought some great views of the Candidates to
Oxnard and the World via the WWW.....he is still stringing for the Ox Jo
and goes where the News is to bring you views you won't see anywhere
....Click Here
to see
the PIX ....

Jose Castellanos, of Oxnard is
on the
job at La Conchita.
Read the Official City News Release -
* Note that the Lead and Ending paragraphs focus on City Manger Sotelo
instead of Chief Lopez ---
The News Release
S P (Spanish)
E-Mail the Ox Jo
January 5-13 2005 issue
January First
Issue of
Ox Jo
(Oxnard Predictions)
Ox Jo
2004 ~ 2000
Count Down
Gang Signs - OSJ
13-Year-old's Cry
The 04-04-04 OxJo
Leo Medina
Javier Ambriz, 23 years, of Oxnard =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Oxnard Maps by Dept.
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