Oxnard Journal is News
of Oxnard & Port
This News E-mail came from Martin Jones. His
announcement and commentary is noteworthy:
Kathleen McQuillan the Director of the Rainbow House died 2-9.
In my view the death was hastened by the actions of the city, and
others, at
first to evict the woman from their home of eighteen years. That was to
make room for a "farm implement museum". Because of my involvement and
others the eviction evolved into a relocation. This was an excruciating
time which, I believe hastened Kathleen's demise. I remember the names
of the individuals involved supporting the move and will not be
A service will be held for Kathleen at the Rainbow House next Wednesday
at 10:30 A.M.
This open question
from Phil Molina.
Has anyone noted that the next Oxnard Council meeting, Feb 15, is
again lacking in an agenda item to discuss the BIG LEAGUE DREAMS
contract, the contracting process or the resolution granting the City
Manager unfettered authority?
Did everyone hear Mayor Holden state at both the two day retreat and
again at the last City Council meeting that he wanted this item on the
agenda for public comment and discussion?
At what point does the City Mayor consider the lack of follow through by
the City Manager to be insubordination?
More Food For Thought
from Phil MolinaThe City of Oxnard has proven that it
needs an independent internal auditor (IIA). Below is a report from
the Journal of Accountancy for February 2005 on the internal
auditors' function and results of his work. Oxnard City Government
has proven that it cannot be relied on to due proper internal
control of itself as it is now structured. An Independent Internal
Auditor is hired by the City Council, reports to the public, DA,
Grand Jury and the Council annually. some of the IIA's functions
consist of: reviewing every agreement; assuring through an audit
report that all proper agreements are all located in the City
Clerk's files; the level to which the City staff had complied with
the requirements of each agreement; assures that the assets of the
City are properly secured.
Phil Molina
Internal Audit Fallout
A strong internal audit function can be instrumental
in helping a company find a weakness in its internal controls. When
a company does find and report such a weakness the consequences can
be significant.
At companies that disclose a material weakness in internal controls,
62% of CEO's and CFOs either leave or are pushed out immediately
before the announcement or within three months afterwards.
More than half of the internal control weaknesses were related to
fraud and 65% of companies that disclosed the weaknesses
subsequently had to restate their earnings.
Companies with a material weakness saw their auditor fees grow by
150% compared to between 30% and 50% for companies without a
A Nerve was Struck......
OxJo: I was saddened
to hear of the death of Kathleen McQuillan.
I am co-founder and was the President of the Board
of Directors of the Rainbow house when Kathleen first came to us as
resident than became the Director, over 20 years ago.
I remember the struggles we had in acquiring the big
house on Channel Island Blvd. and all the many hours of work making
repairs so we could move from Ventura to Oxnard.
Now I hear that the City of Oxnard is trying to take
it away from them.
You would think of all the wealthy ranchers in
the area one of them could donate enough land to establish an equipment
museum to honor their farm equipment and leave the Rainbow house alone.
If not for the sacrifice of dedicated women like
Kathleen there would not be a place for hundreds of women to have a safe
place to go for there recovery.
And maybe if some of the rich ranchers would open
there eyes and look around they might find one of there wives, daughters
or mother in need of such a place someday.
But maybe they can just put the in the museum. With
deepest sympathy,
Bobby G. Milligan,
Lubbock Texas
Views from
the Gold Coast Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Breakfast Honoring
Oxnard's former Police Chief - Art Lopez

Former Police Chief Art Lopez says
Good-Bye to Oxnard and Bye-Bye to the Gang Injunction.
Holden asks the Chief if he remembered that $5.oo he loaned him back
in 1998.
Flynn reminds the crowd that he beat Mayor Lopez in the last election
and that "No" he doesn't want to be the next Police Chief.

Saul Medina chills out.

Harry Cortez and Armando Lopez

Mayor Tom and his balloons
this Press Release about
Big League Dreams from League City Texas -
Do We Really Want To Bring This Kind of a Mess to Oxnard?
View the
22, 2000 Ventura Star Article about Big
League Dreams
trying to wedge into Oxnard's
College Park
An Open Letter to Oxnard - Regarding how the City
Does its Business........
Dear Friends:
After reading the article in the Ventura Star about the Big League Dreams
"surprise contract" I am reminded of these facts.
The California government codes and the Oxnard municipal codes do require
that the City staff issue monthly financial reports including the amount
received, the amount spent, and the balance in each type of fund. The codes
also require that the City staff provide at each regular meeting the list of
checks (warrants) that were issued since the last report. Interesting to
note that other cities in Ventura County comply with these requirements.
During the two years I worked at the City I was repeatedly hindered by the
City Manager from issuing the monthly financial reports to the City Council.
The City staff had not provided the Council with those financial reports
before I came to Oxnard, and the staff has not provided the Council with
monthly financial reports since I was terminated.
At Federal trial the City Manager,
Ed Sotelo, said that the reason he was stopping me from issuing monthly
financial reports was due to the "inappropriate language" that I used in my
reports. But, when my attorney, Mr. Edward Lear, offered the court copies of
every monthly financial report which I wrote during those two years the City
changed its position and told the court that the City agreed that in fact I
never used any "inappropriate language" in my financial reports. So why did
the City Manager try to stop me from issuing those reports to the City
Also under oath and when asked why he was not now issuing monthly financial
reports to the Council in compliance with the City’s and State’s codes the
then Finance Director, Stan Kleinman, said he had been told by the City
Attorney that he did not need to prepare the report.
During the two years I worked at the City the City Manager would also not
let me prepare the list of checks for Council’s review until I worked with
the City Attorney to get his approval to present the list of checks to the
City Council. Though I repeatedly requested approval to issue the list of
checks that approval was never given to me.
So now it is interesting to note that had these reports been given to the
City Council, the Council and the public would have seen the distribution of
money to Big League Dreams and all this turmoil would not exist. It is of
greater concern to now contemplate whether the intentional disregard for
the State and City codes may be for other purposes.
Copies of statements made under oath by City Staff can be provided to you.
Phillip S. Molina
[In Seventy Languages or Dialects.]
1. Aeolian............. Ilos.
2. Arabic. ............Allah.
3. Assyrian........... Ellah.
4. Breton............. Doue.
5. Bengali.......... .Ishuar.
6. Catalan............. Deu.
7. Creolese............Godt.
8. Chaldiac....... ....Elah.
9. Chinese........... Zung.
10. Croatian ...........Bogu.
11. Danish..............Gud.
12. Dalmatian..........Rogt.
13. Doric.. ........... ...Ilos.
14. Dutch..............Godt.
15. Egyptian........... Zeut.
16. English..............God.
17. Etruvian.......... .Chur.
18. Finnish ........ ..Jumala.
19. Flemish............Goed.
20. Fiji..................Kalou.
21. French............. Dieu.
22. Galic................ Dia.
23. German........... ..Gott.
24. Greenland .........Gudib.
25. Greek .............Theos.
26. Hawaiian...........Akua.
27. Hebrew........... Eloah.
28. Hungarian... ..... Isten.
29. Hindostanee........Rain.
30. Icelandic ........... Guo.
31. Irish .... ........... Dia.
32. Italian.............Iddio.
33. Japanese...........Kami.
34. Kafir..............Utixo.
35. Latin........ ......Deus.
36. Lapland ......... Jubmal.
37. Madagascar. .... Tannan.
38. Magi.... ............Orsi.
39. Malay......... .....Alla.
40. Manx (Isle of Man)... Jee.
41 Mohawk. ....... Yehovah.
42. Norwegian.......... Gud.
43. Namacqua......... Eloba.
44. Old German......... Diet.
45. Persian. ............Syra.
46. Piedmontese...... Iddiou.
47. Polacca ........... Bung.
48.Polish............... Bog.
49. Portuguese ......... Deos.
50. Provencal....... .. Dion.
51. Peruvian........... .Lian.
52. Russian............ Bott.
53. Runnic............... As.
54. Rorotongan ........ Atua.
55. Saxon .......... .... God.
56. Spanish. ....... .. .Dios.
57. Scandinavian.......Odin.
58. Swedish............. Gud.
59. Swiss........ ...... Gott.
60. Slavic. .... ........ Buch.
61. Syrian ............. Adad
62. Teutonic............Goth.
63. Tembloan.. ...... Fetiyo.
64. Turkish............. Alah.
65. Tartar...........MagataL
66. Tyrrhenian......... Eher.
67. Vandois ............ Diou.
68. Wallachian.........Zenc.
69. Welsh.... .... ..... Duw.
70. Zulu.... .. .,,.,....Tixo.
Oxnard Has a Meet - Up Page.
Get Progressive:::::::
From the Pen of Roger.....
On general issues, the LNG proposal that would have had an
ultra-high-pressure gas line running under Gonzales Rd. hasn't
gotten off the ground. That entity's (Crystal Energy, LLC) latest
proposal has it going up Harbor Blvd. and under the Santa Clara
River bed. (They obviously haven't met the members of the Friends of
the Santa Clara River organization yet!)
Ormond Beach is almost for sure going to get restored as part of a
wetlands system running from Port Hueneme to Mugu Rock. This would
make the system the largest of its kind in California. Even if you
despise "greenies" and hate birds, restoration at Ormond Beach will
feed our city's kitty with piles of tourista cash. Birding and bird
watching is _the_ most popular tourist activity world-wide. With
more than 300 different bird species residing at or passing through
Ormond Beach every year, that flyway stop represents the greatest
birding opportunity in
the United States. A clean-up, this restoration and the erection of
new hotel or two might put enough bucks into the city's treasury
our city fathers could then afford to repair our streets and alleys.
knows? (It is kinda silly that our city fathers persist in
permitting new residential construction when they cannot afford to
rehab our existing, decaying infrastructure!)
The other LNG project (BHP Billiton's Cabrillo Port) presents a
threat to Ormond Beach and to sea life in general. They propose
21+ miles of pipes on the sea bed from Cabrillo Port to the Reliant
Plant area at Ormond. Not addressed in the Environmental Impact
Statement/Report were any requirements for the temperature of this
gas -- which could be as low as 257 degrees F below zero -- it is
that they plan to let Mother Nature warm their gas up. Sea life will
appreciate this. Also, should there be a line break before that gas
reaches the "odorizing plant" on shore, no one would know that there
was a gas leak. Boom! Simply locating an natural gas odorization/clean
out access in proximity to an electricity generating plant seems
inane: A gas leak, a loose spark -- any of them around an electric
plant??? -- and, again, BOOM!
----------Roger |
Big League Dreams
beleaguers Texas Town ---
A Must Read
Mansfield, TX, The Citizens of
Mansfield Texas are fighting the Big league Dreams Guys like a tiger.
We have stalled them until May. To Oxnard - You will not be able
to vote on this because the BLD people say you can't. The Redding,
Calif. facility was financed by state grants and loans, but the city was
later fined $450K for polluting the vernal pools. The BLD guys after the
project was built
asked Redding for 1.4 million for artificial turf. Scott Letierrer, BLD
CEO, was the past world soccer CEO.
Bill Simon, your "almost governor"
is reported to
own 38 % of this company. This is not little league as
you already know but a sports venue as defined in Texas. They get money
through the parks departments and state grants for parks. Look up the
definition for parks. Brentwood rejected BLD due to funding problems.
The city can't sell tax free bonds for projects that have a net income.
- read it all, your future is there. Also research on Google for League
City, Texas they have been through hell
with these guys, their mayor was voted out of office, the finance
director quit and is now working for a company that specializes in
economic development and the city is 6 million over budget. Don't let
this be built in your city. These Texas cities are are married to BLD
for 35 years. Their project costs will continue to climb.
I bet your city also signed an operation and maintenance contract as
well. The timing would be logical.
Follow the money.
/s/ citizen of Mansfield, Texas
The VC Star Chimes in on the Big League
Dreams Flap with our renegade City Manager writing checks like there is
no tomorrow -
Read the Star's Editorial
==Steve Houser
The V i e w
La Conchita
Steve's Camera Takes you up-close to the Disaster at
La Conchita
(the small Sea-Shell)
Houser was the Ox Jo's Photog during the last
Municipal Election and brought some great views of the Candidates to
Oxnard and the World via the WWW.....he is still stringing for the Ox Jo
and goes where the News is to bring you views you won't see anywhere
....Click Here
to see
the PIX ....
Read the Official City News Release -
* Note that the Lead and Ending paragraphs focus on City Manger Sotelo
instead of Chief Lopez ---
The News Release
S P (Spanish)
E-Mail the Ox Jo
January 5-13 2005 issue
January First
Issue of
Ox Jo
(Oxnard Predictions)
Ox Jo
2004 ~ 2000
Count Down
Gang Signs - OSJ
13-Year-old's Cry
The 04-04-04 OxJo
Leo Medina
Javier Ambriz, 23 years, of Oxnard