E-Mail the Ox Jo
City Council Meets
The Oxnard City Council meets
this Tuesday.
Council Meetings are televised
CABLE Channel 10 or 17
Lights, camera, action!…
OXNARD, CA –- Cash in on your worldly possessions…
If you are a property owner, collector of unique items, own a business
retail space, boat, sports/classic car, reside at a location with a
tennis court, swimming pool, agriculture, or more, you could earn
extra income from Hollywood.
The Economic Development of Oxnard’s full-service data base of Ventura
County Film Locations and Services gives the commercial and film
production industry an inside look at an array of goods and services
available for sought-after location filming throughout the entire
Ventura County. A listing is free and if selected for film use, you
reap the financial rewards and more than your 15 minutes of fame.
With the County’s pristine beaches, rural landscapes, historic
architecture, railways, ports and diverse businesses, more than ever
commercial, television, and film companies are looking to Ventura
County as the perfect locale, easily accessible at Los Angeles’
doorstep. “We field at least 100 calls a month,” says EDCO’s Vice
President Elizabeth Callahan, “Requests are as widespread as the
opportunities themselves, from seeking mansions and quaint cottages,
to quirky cars, retro storefronts, ethnic marketplaces, and
To get listed as a potential candidate for film use, log on to <http://www.edco.us/>
and download a form or call the EDCO offices direct at (805) 385-7444
to request information. You will need to provide a brief description,
along with a non-returnable photo image. A privacy policy protects
your information. Animals and people are not among those included in
the listings.
It was a banner year in 2004 for film request permits. The box office
has also been showcasing the Tri-Counties in such recent releases as
Academy Award nominated “Sideways,” “Meet The Fockers,” and Martin
Scorsese’s “The Aviator.” The growing trend toward Ventura County
filming also included a music video shoot from the residence of
Oxnard’s Mayor Thomas Holden. And, according to Callahan,
“Filming is predominately for commercial use, so the additional income
is often generated from a short time commitment.”
As a private, non-profit corporation committed to stimulating new job
creation, diversity and quality growth in the region, the Economic
Development Corporation of Oxnard provides “concierge treatment” to
the professional community with a wide range of services which
includes assistance in film permitting, catering, rentals and more.
Spearheading the region’s blossoming “on location” filming industry is
the perfect fit and no other agency provides this complete no-cost
film access service. EDCO’s film location data base is the largest on
record for the Tri-Counties and the most relied upon by industry
Don’t miss your opportunity to earn an additional income that could
be yours through ownership. Contact EDCO today. The first step is
getting listed.
On Monday, February 28, 2005 four developments were presented
to Standing-Room only group of Oxnard residents in the
City of Oxnard Community Room located at
300 West Third Street, First Floor.The first issue brought out local
neighborhood reps, business leaders, and average residents to speak
against the proposal ::::::::
PZ 04-500-3 (Special Use Permit) for the construction of 12
three-story townhomes at the northwest comer of 7th and A Streets.
All the dozen people who spoke against the project mentioned the
Parking Issue and how Garcia Mortuary, Heritage Park, and even nearby
businesses required the overflow parking provided by the the lot which
has remained empty at the corner of A & 7th Streets.
The applicant: Henry Wang of the Olson Company was joined by Ashley Jackson, Acting Senior Planner
in presenting the project.
This issue remains on the front burner and stand by for more.......
Residents concerned
about the proposed new LOWEs at Carriage Square........
My first suggestion is to call as many people as you know about the
My second suggestion is to attend City Council meetings on Tuesday
nite and use your 3 minutes at public comments to get your points out
so more people will be aware --- you'd be surprized how many people do
watch the city council meetings on TV.
The city has a new Traffic Planner - Jason Samonte - he may
already have some plans on the board for handling traffic -- I know
you have suffered severely for the past few months with the mess at C
Street - Gonzo Rd. and all the extra traffic on Citrus due to the
FYI - the Post Office on C Street gained an extra fleet of
postal vehicles when the Saviers Road Post Office discontinued their
postal delivery from that station and moved all the delivery functions
to C Street - so we now have had an overflow of postal trucks since
the first of the year and doubled the number of postal vehicles
leaving and entering the C Street PO.
These Community Meetings are primarily a
way for the City to Cover it's ASSets - but attending them is good
because the developer and the city planners are all in the same room
and changes to plans have actually happened due to these meetings - so
they are valuable at times.
College Park Fiasco
What Happened to the agreement,
findings, & recommendations
of the College Park Review Committee?
The City of Oxnard still has to
account for it's agreement/contract with BigLeagueDreams - and where is
the Mayor on this developing Issue ... ? |
AVIE's Thought for the DAY..... "Good
friends are like stars......You don't always see them, but you know they
are always there."
Tuesday March 15, 2005
Oxnard Screenwriters meeting
Borders Bookstore Cafe
7-9 PM
PHIL ROCKWELL is the stalwart group leader of Oxnard Screenwriters,
he can be reached via
e-mail for more info on .
Group meets every FIRST & THIRD Tuesday at Borders Books in the
Esplanade. Be on time for 7 o'clock start. -- bring a sample of
your writing....
........Please support the Ox Jo in becoming Oxnard's
next real newspaper - someday we
will be the voice of Oxnard - not the
Craig's List
S P (Spanish)
E-Mail the Ox Jo
Avie Guerra's Oxnard News Page
Count Down
Gang Signs - OSJ
13-Year-old's Cry
The 04-04-04 OxJo
Leo Medina
Javier Ambriz, 23 years, of Oxnard

Writer asks what is there to do in Oxnard................ |
What is Really UP
in Oxnard
Oxnard, Calif., March 1, 2005 – Oxnard is a well-known family
oriented city. It’s ideal to come out here when you’re just starting out
your family and watch your kids grow up in a nice environment. However, when
one is a single adult, there’s really not much to do. One is often driven to
cities like Santa Barbara or Los Angeles for entertainment purposes. Our
beaches are fine, but even then, I personally would still go to Malibu
because there would be so much more to do. As a 23 year old girl, I
constantly go to the Valley or Hollywood to check out the latest hot spots.
Whenever I have guests over, they always ask, “What’s there to do here?” I
don’t have much of a choice, but to say, “NOTHING.” And after that, we end
up going to State Street or “The Valley”. I find it hard sometimes because
when I go out, I tend to have a few drinks and then I’m faced with the
ultimate dilemma of whether to drive home or stay at a hotel or friend’s
house. If the entertainment was here in Oxnard, there wouldn’t be so much of
a commute and plus I could just take a cab, if worse came to worst. I feel
that one shouldn’t have to drive an hour just to have a good time with their
It would be much safer for teenagers as well because they wouldn’t have to
go to a friend’s house party to have a good time. At a house party, who
knows what happens or doesn’t happen. If we made a few local hot spots for
“all ages”, at least parents would be aware that they’re teens are out
seeing a band play or are out to a dance. There are more opportunities to
drink and do drugs at a friend’s home, than it is at a venue. I know this
because I grew up here.
Now I noticed Oxnard is making a movie theater in the downtown district.
However, tourists are not going to drive over here just to go see a movie.
It’s fine for us locals since we hate driving to Camarillo or Ventura. But
we need café’s, lounges, bars, and shops if we want to get more money
accumulating in our city. We need to keep our business and gain outside
business as well.
All we really have is great weather. If I got married, that is really the
only reason I would stay here. I’m sure I’m not the first to bring this
issue up. I just don’t think people care, since hardly anything has been
done to resolve this issue. I’m not badmouthing Oxnard. I’m from here and
would definitely love to bring up my future children in Oxnard. But I would
hate to see my children move away just because there really isn’t much to
{editors note: Mary D. spoke out for her neighborhood at the
workshop and her voice represented many who could not attend the
City of Oxnard
March 1, 2005
I invite each and every one of you to my home anytime to see the mess
you have caused all of Las Brisas homeowners.
Tonight I came home from work and could not get into my complex. I had
no notice that the street, Citrus and C Street were going to be closed.
Traffic is tied up through the post office as everyone has to turn
around there to get out of the road closure because there is no way to
go. It is unbelievable!!! If I need medical care while this is going on
and call an ambulance or fire truck and they cannot get to me because of
your road closures the City will be sued. If my trash is not empty from
the containers I will call OSHA, the City, the Governor if I have to.
The city
has no idea what a wreck it is in this area and safety hazard for all on
Gonzales, Citrus and C Street and I as a taxpayer will not put up with
this any longer. You have me really scared because I won't be able to
get emergency personnel to me if I need them. Please open up the road to
exit my complex and make it wide enough for emergency trucks to enter
and leave immediately!!!!! I am a victim here and maybe the District
Attorney's office should be notified. My next email will be the LA
Times, The Ventura County Star and anyone else who will listen. This is
totally uncalled for to do this to our neighborhood.
Mary D.
Blackberry Circle
Oxnard |
Ms.. Jean Joneson, Chair WINDSOR NORTH NC
Mr. Bill Winter, Publisher -
Susan and Bert Perillo, Residents Mr. Martin Jones, College Park Mayor
Tom Holden
Councilman Timothy Flynn
Ray Komar, Residents Councilman
John C. Zaragoza
Councilman Andres Herrera
Alice Maynez and Family Residents
Councilman Dean Maulhardt
Mr. Chris Williamson, City Planning Mr, Richard Luna,Managing
Raul Hernandez, Staff Reporter
SUBJECT.....Great turnout! Great Evening! Great Teamwork!
With Appreciation to all who attended in the late evening the
CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION tonight (Tues. 3/1) to voice our SERIOUS
concerns about the VINEYARD/VENTURA ROAD project.
We are encouraged by the comments of City Council, and feel that the
residents of these fine neighboring communities have sent BEVERLY
HILLS packing for now.....hopefully they will got the "NO" message. If
not WE all can get LOUDER, and LOUDER,and...if the City thinks they
received a lot of EMAILS this past week, ..as the saying goes,
.....Gentlemen, "you have definitely seen NOTHING yet."
As a note of caution; We have "won" round one only. They will be
back..They didn't understand the word NO. So let's spend more of their
spec money, until they understand NO, MEANS NO.
As a note of optimism; With Councilman Dean Maulhardt and Councilman
John Zaragoza themselves residing in our neighborhoods,
this will lend itself an awareness from them unlike other development
projects in the past.
They don't want the traffic, or the pressure on the infrastructures,
not to mention losing Bill Parcell's and the COWBOYS.
And..If CASDEN PROPERTIES was smart..... they would look at this as a
losing proposition and make their first loss their last in Oxnard.
.... As you know, any open space in this over-built community should
be treated as "endangered land".
Once again,appreciation to all. I hope we can refrain from flooding
the City Council and City officials with EMAILS until Casden tries to
pull a fast one again. That will be more effective and more courteous.
Until the next round everyone,
Cal Gal
Darren Embry
Community Relations Manager
Office: (310) 385-5078
Cell: (310) 871-1168
Fax: (310) 550-3795
A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they
know they shall never sit in.
-Greek proverb
MARCH 8 th.
Oxnard City Council Chambers
7 p.m.
Public Comments:
of Free Speech
to tell the Council how you
feel and stand on local issues.
Ashley Jackson ---Acting Senior Planner
City of Oxnard -- Planning & Environmental
Services Division
Re: PZ 04-500-3 (Special Use Permit)
28 February 2005
This letter is
being submitted in opposition to the residential use proposed for the
former City property at 7th and A Streets.
This property was
not properly offered to alternate buyers.
The City acted as it’s own agent and completed an inside deal between
the City and the Developer. Thus, the City of Oxnard prevented Robert
Garcia, a long time business owner and community supporter, who owns
property surrounding this lot, from being notified or allowed an
opportunity to even submit a bid for this formerly city-owned land.
Robert Garcia, had
no notice that the City proposed to sell off this piece of land and by
the time the announcement of the deal went through, it was apparently
too late for Mr. Garcia to even approach the City regarding his
interest, even though certain city officials were well aware of Mr.
Garcia’s wish to obtain this property.
The City will
provide otherwise, in it’s convoluted way, that it gave proper notice
and they will reference past city council or planning commission
documents to undermine Mr. Garcia’s initial right as a tax-paying
citizen to be allowed to participate in his city’s “open government”.
The simple fact is
neither Mr. Garcia, nor any other Oxnard resident was offered or
provided proper notice of the City’s desire to sell. By the time all
knew, the land deal was sealed with Developer and the Council
rubber-stamped it’s approval on it…thereby washing their hands of
their obligation to Mr. Garcia.
The proposed
project of 12 three story townhomes is a good one and needed in Oxnard
and especially in the downtown area, however, locating these wonderful
new homes directly abutting an active funeral parlor may be a
detrimental fact to consider in approving these plans to put
residential property on this lot.
It would behoove
this workshop to consider another course of action for this property
and allow a use which is properly brought to the neighborhood
Please do not
allow this project to continue as planned and proposed.
Bill Winter
Chairman – Wilson
Neighborhood Council
Member – Oxnard
Inter-Neighborhood Council Forum |
If you are against the Uninted States
armed forces presently engaged in armed combat in Afghanistan and Iraq
at the present time and possibly conflict with Iran in the future this
message is for you.
If You are grandparents or parents of future draft age relatives this
message is for you.
Martin Jones
WHO: La Placita Anti-War Committee
WHAT: A Call to Action on the 2nd
Anniversary of the War in Iraq: Rally, March, and Forum: “The Cost of
War at Home and Abroad”—the
first in a series of anti-war events, March 12 – 20
Their Tuesday 02 Mars Meet
To those neighbors that did not have a chance to go to the meeting or
watch it on TV, here are a few remarks about the meeting. Read the
bottom e-mail especially.
OK, This will be my last e-mail sent out on this subject for now. But
let me say this. I am retired and I love to sit here at my computer
typing letters. I don't have much else to do to keep me busy. I will
still do that and I will save all my remarks in a folder called CASDAN!
And when they (Casdan) come back with some more lies and innuendos, I
will start e-mailing all my notes to all who will listen.
Another thing. I was really impressed with the city council.(The guy
that kept telling everyone not to clap got a little grouchy) but I liked
the fact that they are all willing to come out here and look at Ventura
Rd flooding and closures, the unbelievable traffic right now on
Vineyard, the fact that they (the council members) really do care about
the crowding of our schools, they actually knew about wagon wheel being
blighted just as the shopping center on Gonzales and Oxnard blvd and a
few others. These council member actually listened to everyone even
though the hour was late.
I really liked that lady at the end (Patricia Einstein) that came up and
told everyone how she was impressed with our togetherness and our
neighborliness. We are so lucky. I don't think she lived in our area but
she was impressed with us.
And to all those of you who had the courage to stand up there in front
of those cameras and city council members, I want to tell you all that I
was yelling and applauding as loud as I could right here in my own
living room. You guys did so good and you told it all so good. I even
applauded the council member when they made their final remarks. Thanks
so much for all your efforts.
Alice Maynez