The Oxnard Journal
Memorial Day ~
-- Oxnard, Calif. --
Bush 2008
the 2006 Congressional races on the first wave, the second wave holds the
with the 2008 Presidential Election. Woman-power could be the key.
This fight of the sexes
may take an unusual turn. Vice President Dick Cheney, (R)
Wyoming -
has recently endorsed Laura Bush
as a good potential Presidential candidate.
Could the Grand Old Party be planning a Grand Old
Fight on the
ballot of November 2008 by pitting First Lady Laura Bush against former
First Lady and now New York State
Senator Hillary Clinton?
Look at
the trend - Dr. Irene Pinkard
almost got the Council seat, and he did well in her first run for Council.
City of Oxnard looks at mushrooming
problems brought on by past Council's unrestrained approach to
Development. Under the leadership of Mayor Holden, city departments
are under orders to take a serious look at the results of past
development and to look at what is currently happening within the city
as far as authorized and unauthorized building
is concerned.
This is why Oxnard's Neighborhood Services program supports the
Neighborhood Councils and their umbrella
organization the Inter - Neighborhood Council Forum (INCF).
Inter-Neighborhood Council Forum (INCF)
Wednesday, June 1, 2005
City Council Chambers
305 West Third Street
Oxnard, CA 93030
7:00 P.M.
A. OPENING: Pledge of Allegiance
G. PUBLIC COMMENTS: (15 minutes/3 minutes per person)
At this time, a person may address the INCF on matters within the
subject matter jurisdiction of the INCF. The INCF cannot enter into
a detailed discussion or take any action on any items presented
during public comments at this time. Such items may only be referred
to the Executive Board or the Executive Secretary for administrative
action or scheduled on a subsequent agenda for discussion.
1. By-Law Review Committee Report
1. Presentation: Code Enforcemenent - Neighborhood Concerns
Oxnard Police Sgt. James Stallings
and Code Enforcement Staff
2. Discussion / Problem-Solving
Over Parking in R-1 Zoned Residential (Single Family) Neighborhoods
Purpose: Provide ideas, neighborhood feedback, and visioning for
advising the Oxnard Planning Commission/Planning Departments on
proposed ordinance to be presented to the Oxnard City Council. INCF
First Vice Chairman
Joe Avelar will moderate the discussion.
Open Letter to the Neighborhood Chairs:
At the upcoming INCF General Membership Meeting on June 1, 2005, we
will be hosting a discussion on Code Enforcement with Sgt. Jim
Stallings giving an overview on areas of concern to the
neighborhoods. This is your time to ask questions or take notes.
We are also taking on a new role, which in essence, is the primary
reason the INCF was formed in the first place. We are going to have
a Problem-Solving Discussion to offer the City of Oxnard our ideas
on how to solve over-parking in
R-1 Zoned Residential (Single
Family) Neighborhoods. The Planning Commission has come to the INCF
seeking city-wide neighborhood input for ALL suggestions we can come
up with to solve the problems that new additions to existing homes
are creating on the streets of Oxnard in the form of over-parking.
Please plan to attend, bring members of your board and invite
concerned residents in your neighborhood to come and share ideas,
solutions and views on the issue of parking. Our suggestions will be
drafted into a letter the INCF will present to the Planning
Commission, which it will use for guidance when it proposes an
ordinance addressing this problem.
This is your time to contribute in a big way to city planning.
Bill Winter INCF Chairman |
Please visit this web page:
Window's Icon War |
Saviers Road Design Team Will not meet on
Monday, May 30th -- Memorial Day Holiday
No regular Oxnard City Council meeting until
June 7
Wed., June 1, 10:30am Ormond Beach Acquisition
Committee, Oxnard Parks Department Conference Room, corner of Wooley
Road and Pacific
Wed., June 1, 6:30pm LNG Task Force, Oxnard Main Library, room B
Wed., June 1, 7:00pm INCF, City Council
Thurs., June 2, 7:00pm, Oxnard Planning
{ 8am - 2pm }
Saturday - JUNE - 4 - WEST VILLAGE
(Between Gonzales / Rose / Camino del Sol ) |
See the whole list (.pdf format)
Martin Jones' take on the Downtown Movie Theatre.......So the
city fathers of Oxnard decide to build a theater in downtown Oxnard in
spite of their own consultants said it would fail. Oh well it's only a
forty million dollar liability for the taxpayers. Mere peanuts when
compared in the aggregate to the other sweetheart deals. by are our ever
so wise city fathers. -- See the Background Story
on what is happening to movie theaters nationwide.
- May 27th NYT Story backs up Jones ....Read
it here.
May 26th is
John Wayne's birthday, he would have been
98 |
It is the Soldier, not the
reporter who has given us freedom of press
It is the Soldier, not the poet who has given us freedom of speech
It is the Soldier, not the campus organizer who gives us freedom
to demonstrate
It is the Soldier who salutes the flag, who serves beneath the
flag, and whose coffin is draped by the flag
Who allows the protester to burn the flag?
--Father Dennis Edward O'Brien
Please keep your prayers coming. We
had 10 people scheduled to go on the trip to Thailand. One of the
women fell and broke her hip last week. She will be unable to go
on the trip. She was replaced by a 17 year old boy. Another woman
was coming to our meeting yesterday and she was cut-off on route
80. She flipped her car. I saw the car being put on the flatbed
upside down, but had no idea it was her car! She has many bumps
and bruise but it looks like nothing major. Please pray that she
will be OK (her name is Alysha) and still able to come. The
leaders father has some tumors in his intestines and will need to
be operated on next week. Pray that everything goes OK so that the
leader can go on the trip. Pray for the rest of us to stay safe!
thanks you so much for your
A Navy officer was cutting through
the crew's quarters of his ship one day and happened upon a sailor
reading a magazine with his feet up on the small table in front of
"Sailor! Do you put your feet up on the furniture at home?" the
officer demanded.
"No, sir, but we don't land airplanes on the roof either."
My Cahn Restaurant Bombing -
Vietnam June 1965
---------------------------------------------------- |

A+ Educational
Locations all over
Southern California |
Every Child
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A+ Educational Center Offers This.
In Co-ordination with the Oxnard School
District, OceanView School District,
and the El Rio School District -
Your child in Grade 1 ~thru~ 8 can receive
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E-mail the
Ventura / Oxnard Center for Details
See the May 5th issue of the
Ox Jo
I recently purchased some tickets through and
received an unwanted charge against my American Express Credit Card for
$9.00 from RESERVATIONREWARDS.COM in my April AMEX bill. I failed to
catch it though and caught it on my bill for June. It appears that
RESERVATIONREWARDS.COM and PRICELINE.COM are in collusion with each
other. gave them my credit card number without my
permission. There are other online companies that are in collusion with
RESERVATIONREWARDS.COM too. This is a heads-up for all of you to be
aware of these internet companies and some of their shady practices.
American Express, a company that I done business with for several years
have graciously taken care of the problem for me; however, some of the
people have had their bank accounts charged and it is not as easy to
resolve the problem as dealing with the American Express.
This site:
has several (100s) of complaints about RESERVATIONREWARDS.COM. Some of
the few companies in collusion with RESERVATIONREWARDS.COM that have
been mentioned are listed below:
Karl M Andrews, Jr.
During a visit to the mental asylum, a visitor asked the Director what
is the criteria that defines a patient to be institutionalised. "Well,"
said the Director, "we fill up a bathtub, we offer a teaspoon, a teacup,
and a bucket to the patient and ask the patient to empty the bathtub"
Okay, here's your test:
(Those with an abnormal tendency will scroll to the bottom to get the
answer before even taking this test! There is a classification for you
too. )
1. Would you use the spoon?
2. Would you use the teacup?
3. Would you use the bucket?
"Oh, I understand," said the visitor. "A normal person would choose the
bucket as it is larger than the spoon or the cup."
"Noooooo," answered the Director. "A normal person would pull the plug.
Dona Rosa
- Mexican Food - Best Fast Meal Deal in
Oxnard -
Hosted by the Mendoza Family
.... come taste
and enjoy.......
Inside the USA GAS
(Corner of Vineyard
& Oxnard Blvd.)
Order ahead ::::
9 8 8 - 9 0 - 5 1
.The US Postal service sent out a message to
all letter carriers to put a sheet of Bounce in their uniform pockets to
keep yellow jackets away. The yellow jackets just veer around you. And
all this time you've! just been putting Bounce in the dryer!
It will chase ants away when you lay a sheet near them.
It also repels mice. Spread them around foundation areas, or in
trailers, cars that are sitting and it keeps mice from entering your
It takes the odor out of books and photo albums that don't get opened
too often.
Repels mosquitoes. Tie a sheet of Bounce through a belt loop when
outdoors during mosquito season.
Eliminates static electricity from your television (or computer)
screen. Since Bounce is designed to help eliminate static cling, wipe
your television screen with a used sheet of Bounce to keep dust from
Dissolve soap scum from shower doors. Clean w ith a sheet of Bounce.
Freshen the air in your home. Place an individual sheet of Bounce in a
drawer or hang in the closet.
Put Bounce sheet in vacuum cleaner.
Prevent thread from tangling. Run a threaded needle through sheet of
Bounce before beginning to sew.
Prevent musty suitcases. Place an individual sheet of Bounce inside
empty luggage before storing.
Freshen the air in your car. Place a sheet of Bounce under the front
Clean baked-on foods from a cooking pan. Put a sheet in a pan, fill with
water, let sit overnight, and sponge clean. The antistatic agent
apparently weakens the bond between the food.
Eliminate odors in wastebaskets.. Place a sheet of Bounce at the bottom
of the wastebasket.
Collect cat hair. Rubbing the area with a sheet of Bounce will
magnetically attract all the loose hairs.
Eliminate static electricity from Venetian blinds. Wipe the blinds with
a sheet of Bounce to prevent dust from resettling.
Wipe up sawdust from drilling or sand papering. A used sheet of Bounce
will collect sawdust like a tack cloth.
Eliminate odors in dirty laundry. Place an individual sheet of Bounce at
the bottom of a laundry bag or hamper.
Deodorize shoes or sneakers. Place a sheet of Bounce in your shoes or
sneakers overnight.
Golfers put a Bounce sheet in their back pocket to keep the bees away.
Put a Bounce sheet in your sleeping bag and tent before folding and
storing them. Keeps them smelling fresh.
And now that you know, print and keep on file or bounce (pass) it
around. :-)
Oxnard Now !
Support Your Local
Neighborhood Council
Join - or Info:

Reagan Pix
slow load (136K ea)
Memorial to a President
slow load (136K ea)
atop - Old Saint John's Hospital - OSJH - .
16 pix -
slow load (136K ea)
Read about Oxnard City Government
Keep an Eye on the
Planning Commission
Keep an Eye on the City Council
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A Sign
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Oxnard --- Welcome to our
-- by
bill winter
Experience What God Has for You -- Worship - Praise - The Word
JCSGO - Meets in Oxnard at the Best Western - Conference Room -
Every Sunday - 11am --- Come experience unique and wholesome Christian Worship
Bring a Bible & Bring a Friend

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