. . . The Oxnard Journal is the Independent and Progressive News Source for Oxnard & the World ... |
Journal -
9 / 9 / 2005 -- Oxnard, Calif. --
Or more appropriately?
Where and what is Downtown? In their first meeting since taking a six week break from the madness and gadflies, the Oxnard City Council, on Tuesday September 13th, dug their heels in to make what it considered 'decisive' decisions regarding several appealed Planning proposals within Oxnard's Downtown district. Cingular Cellular wanted to add a few relays and a microwave transmitter to an already existing tower of relays and microwave transmitters located at the GTE/Verizon building at C and 9th. The Planning Commission turned down the applicant and in appeal which was re-directed to the city council. It would have been more advised for the Cell Phone corporation to send someone other than a high school cheerleader to make the seriously technical application before the Planning Commission and then the Council. The Ox-Jo advised the representative of the Cell Phone company to next time "make large campaign contributions - if you want a more favorable decision from the Council. The next set-back came to Focil Medical who was making an application to have a small medical training school at their existing facility located at Third and A Street. The applicants sat with their jaws dropping to the ground as they watched the Council waddle in the pool of oblivion as they discussed what they thought "Downtown" should really look like. Never has anyone on the Council - or in the Downtown business district (PBID) ever set to pen their vision for the Downtown. So of course, it makes residents wonder aloud what the Council means when it starts to question whether the Downtown is the right place to have a trade school. In remarks, obviously directed at the NES school at the corner of A and 4th streets, the Council opined about how "Parking" had become a problem because of the day-long school attendees who parked on the streets surrounding the NES school. Never did one Council member dare to mention that Oxnard had a brandy-new sparkling clean upscale and tax-payer funded PARKING GARAGE newly opened in this obscure new vision of whatever Downtown is really supposed to be according to whomever.... The Council opted to place an 18-month cap on the medical school, basically telling them that they needed to up-root and get the hell out of their new vision of the Downtown. What is this vision of Downtown --- is it a publicly funded movie theatre that shows only English movies in a city that is 75% Hispanic? Is this vision one that tells a life-long business owner Robert Garcia, that he cannot expand his mortuary business that serves a majority of this 75% of Oxnard residents and basically tells Garcia that he has to look elsewhere if he cares to expand? But again, there is a lapse of interest, a major disconnect with the residents who would rather sit at home and watch their newly financed BIG SCREEN TV's than become involved in the City that they claim means so much to them. The Oxnard Journal would like to know - "What exactly is this ' VISION '
for the Downtown that the Council has?" |
Reaction to the above Editorial .........citizens speak out..... 1) From Ox Jo Reader ~~~~ Oxnard Journal - thanks for the story about the council and downtown. I agree with the lack of vision and remember how the Council messed up A Street and the news of the theater and Council dealings to get it done cloud this vision. I hope more people read your paper - thanks for the news - "Dave" 2) Subject: ****Great Job!*** --
editorial Bill! I love it! It's probably my favorite piece you've ever
written. One more thing, did you know that at the plaza fiesta last night in
Downtown (to celebrate the annual Mexican Independence day with a parade
this SUN.) the radio station MC was instructed to inform the crowd in
Spanish to NOT park on A St. or other surface streets, but instead park in
the new structure at 3rd & B! --- Can you believe that? They are
forcing people to park at the structure that no one wants anyway! The MC
even said to do this to avoid any "problems." What a bunch of shyt! Thank you to the Ox - Jo readers and keep the letters and e-mails coming.......................................................................... |
BUSH TIME LINE - katrina - 1 -- 2 -- 3 -- 4 -- 5 --
The Oxnard Journal welcomes it's rival to the stage of news media and awareness.... |
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A N E W " N E W S N E W S P A P E R "...... by Bill Winter - Editor - Oxnard Journal -
It came as a frantic call - " Hey, Bill they came out with a new newspaper - you 'gotta' see it." As plans have always been in the works and still on the horizon for the Oxnard Journal to someday become a real 'paper' newspaper - it piqued my interest to learn that someone had actually done it. I went down to Tomás Cafe where I knew I could find a handful of any news media that proliferates around Oxnard and being Labor Day they were closed - so I went to the Centennial Plaza and alas, there it was at the Starbucks the inaugural issue of the Sugar Beet Express. Vol. 1 No. 1 - debuted on August 15th in a free, artsy folio
design touting itself as "Oxnard's Good News Newspaper". It is interesting to note that the new Sugarland Express specifically cites the Oxnard Journal in its premier issue. Publisher Neil Hartstein on his premier page three column entitled "Welcome to the Oxnard Sugar Beet Press" refers to a survey he undertook to name his paper prior to the beginning of his news journey into Oxnard's print world. His first choice "Oxnard News Journal" would have been OK with the Oxnard
Journal, had Hartstein or any of his illustrious partners asked the Ox Jo.
The Oxnard Journal would have signed a release just to support the effort.
-2- The nature of his mentioned confusion is not in name, but in principle. The Oxnard Journal has published electronically on the web since 1996 news and views contrary to the special interests that promote Hartstein's sojourn onto the periodical precipice. The Oxnard Journal is not against progress in the city, but is for reasoned progress, above board negotiations, and open government that respects the Brown Act instead of violating it. Most noteworthy would be the Ox Jo's mission to educate Oxnard about the City's deal to build and back Centennial Plaza and more specially the Downtown Movie Theatre. It is clear that the Oxnard Beet News is a tool of interests that strongly back the downtown theatre. This is obvious by the highlighted articles one finds. The publisher's second choice for name was "News Review" would be a fine addition to our media mix here in a city of 200-thousand souls....however, Hartstein and his backers opted for something that takes us back in time to the inception of the City, the famous sugar beet. The Beat News will be a valuable addition to promoting news of Oxnard.
The Police Chief and City Council are featured in stories as well as
highlights of Oxnard's participation in the recent County Fair. It
features news from Port Hueneme, the Seabee base as well as Port Hueneme's
Mayor Murray Rosenbluth, and Councilman John Sharkey's contribution to this
inaugural issue. Their intention is seen as well done and fair. The
Oxnard Journal wishes all concerned with the Beet Beat Sheet the best - you
have your work cut out for you. The Beet Press does not yet have a website but when they do, the Ox Jo
will have a link unless they continue to rant that a link to their paper
will confuse the readers...... |
The Oxnard Journal..............
¿We've all wondered what would we do - should we ever
enter such a vast zone of relentless devastation, disaster, and destruction. ?
Oxnard, is located in California and so are earthquakes,
however, Californians have a resolve that earthquakes are better than tornados and
hurricanes, thusly we reside here.. We have as much potential as anywhere
else in the world to be hit by a calamity as large as what happened to the Gulf states of
Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and at first, Florida.
This week has given us a horrific list of casualties. Hopefully the lights went on and each meal you've eaten, and each drink of water you've drunk has made you think of those souls who lacked that and more, they lost everything.
Blame whom you may, Global Warming, G-d, the National Guard being in IRAQ, Nature, or a luck of the draw if you were putting your hopes in those floating casinos in Gulfport/Biloxi.
Silent is news of the Gulfport Seabee base, home to the Atlantic Seabees; silent are not the cries of Americans who want answers. Time is revealing the depth of this loss.
Perhaps the biggest lesson we learned from this week
is that we are basically responsible for ourselves. In more base terms..."Every man, woman, and child for themselves
This is one reason to join the City of Oxnard C-E-R-T
Class. CERT classes teach you, as a citizen, how to deal with
emergencies of medical and accident prevention, control, and rescue.
Keep at least a week's worth of water. Have cans of ready to eat food such as tuna fish, wieners, canned vegetables and fruits - always keeps your meds up and don't ever be without a week's full supply. Cat food will serve you to, try not eating for two days, that can of seafood supper will look terrific....................
- Be prepared ! ! ! --- Ask questions - do
things - and always help your neighbor....
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, the Ox Jo will
cover Preparedness in Oxnard in September
Oxnard -Port
Hueneme have ties to Gulfport....
Steve Houser ::::::::: Still Photographer ::::: http://www.jshphoto.net |
There will be more news - had to upgrade for September as the calendar changed....
Bernie's Slug-Line: Maybe because I`m a lawyer and have a suspicious mind. Flood insurance was not available to most. The structures were irreparably damaged mainly by flooding. Fire insurance was in place !!! What do you think??? Bernie the Attorney. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This gal, Margaret Nesbitt, a columnist for the `Star`, was very impressed with my rendition of `I Left My Heart in San Francisco` and `I`ve Got You Under My Skin`. The pianist asked me to introduce myself between songs and, of course I went into my comedy routine about lawyering, the combat vet, and my dismal run for the city council. I got as good a response from the comedy as from the songs. But it was gratifying all around. Ms. Nesbitt is going to feature me in her next column. How sweet it is !!!! b. [Editor's Note: Margaret Nesbitt is a citizen advisor to the Star and is active in advising the Star on news items and making the Star a better newspaper for Ventura County....she is a very responsive lady and great writer too !!! ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I
cant help but think that this is only the first round of catastrophic events
which are the inevitable result of overpopulation and the competition for
limited resources on this lump of clay we call `earth`. Malthus saw it
coming; it`s here! ~~~~~ Bernard.
Where is the opposition? Bad enough we
have a president chosen by the Court instead of the people. Bad enough
we have a president who is short on intellect, obstante, motivated by
friends and influence rather than the benefit of the country. Bad
enough we have a president who, after creating conditions which
negligently caused one catastrophe after another, pacifies us with
vague reassurances that `things are getting better`. These were
avoidable catastrophes that happened on his watch: the 9/11
attacks; the quagmire in Iraq; the aftermath of the hurricane in the
South. Astoundingly he and his gang managed to neutralize and
compromise the major sources of opposition! Where is the Democratic
party? How did Bush manage to get a `mulligan` regarding one failure
after another? We are being told that now is not the time to seek
blame. If not now, when? President Clinton, stop acting as Bush`s
lap dog !! We need your voice in opposition now. We need the voices
of our opposition party in congress. Why is everyone hesitant to speak
the plain truth? As painful as it may seem, that is the patriotic thing
to do. The president caused this mess and now he wants credit for
trying to fix it.
AREA DEMOCRATS --- A MUST ATTEND ........ Sun. Sept 18 -- Conejo Dem's End of Summer Solstice Garden
Party |
WHEREAS , the United States is now involved in a declared war in
Iraq based upon representations of President George W. Bush that have
proven to be false; and
WHEREAS, over 2000 United States soldiers have now died as a result
of the lies and falsehoods of President George W. Bush; and
WHEREAS, this war in Iraq will continue unless brought to an end by
the American people;
IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED that the Ventura County Democratic Central
Committee demands an immediate end to the war in Iraq and that all
military personnel return to the United States without delay.
Respectfully submitted,
Joseph O'Neill
VCDCC - 5th District
Regan is worth a look as a viable candidate. -------------------------------
Dr. Don Regan
Regan for Congress | 1516 West Branch | (805) 481-3277 | Arroyo Grande | CA | 93420 |
Celebrate INDEPENDENCIA - Mexican Independence Day |
OXnard INput.........
City Council Meets =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Craig's List // LA // SB // |
Locations all over |
NO - CHILD - LEFT - BEHIND Every Child Deserves the Best - A+ Educational Center Offers This. In Co-ordination with the Oxnard School District, OceanView School District, and the El Rio School District - Your child in Grade 1 ~thru~ 8 can receive Free Supplemental Education / Tutoring in our Center or at your home |
Dona Rosa -----------------------------------------------------------------
Reagan Pix
Memorial to a President Gang Signs atop - Old Saint John's Hospital - OSJH - . 16 pix - slow load (136K ea)
Keep an Eye on the
Keep an Eye on the City Council
..photo by
bill winter -
Experience What God Has for You -- Worship - Praise - The Word