Dona Rosa
- Mexican Food - Best Fast Meal Deal in
Oxnard -
Hosted by the Mendoza Family
.... come taste
and enjoy.......
Inside the USA
(Corner of Vineyard
& Oxnard Blvd.)
Order ahead ::::
9 8 8 - 9 0 - 5 1

Anthony Ramirez holds his completed
Voter Registration Form
Tony, a recording studio artist, is registering before the October 18th Deadline
for the November 2nd Voting Day
Oxnard City Watch Television
Channel 10 or 17
On-Air Schedule for the Oxnard
candidate forums held on Wednesday - October 6th - in the Oxnard City
Council Chambers.
Mayor Manuel M. Lopez - vs. John Flynn
Tuesday, October 12, 2004
2 - 3 pm Ventura County Supervisor Candidate Forum
All Council and Mayor candidates except Dolly Villa
3 - 5 pm Oxnard Council & Mayoral Candidate Forum
Thursday, October 14, 2004
5 - 6 pm Ventura County Supervisor Candidate Forum
6 - 8 pm Oxnard Council & Mayoral Candidate Forum
Sunday, October 17, 2004
9 - 10 am Ventura County Supervisor Candidate Forum
2 - 4 pm Oxnard Council & Mayoral Candidate Forum
Monday, October 18, 2004
4 - 5 pm Ventura County Supervisor Candidate Forum
8 - 10 pm Oxnard Council & Mayoral Candidate Forum
Thursday, October 21, 2004
2 - 3 pm Ventura County Supervisor Candidate Forum
3 - 5 pm Oxnard Council & Mayoral Candidate Forum
Oxnard City Council -
With host David Maron &Raul Hernandez
City Council Candidates:
Al Duff Sr.,
Saul Medina,
John Zaragoza,
Dr. Irene Pinkard,
(*Note: Tim Flynn did not show up for
Televised event)
10/10 6:30 PM - 10/20 8:30 PM - 10/25 6:30 PM
Oxnard Mayoral
Host David Maron & Raul Hernandez
Featuring Candidates:
Bill Winter -
Dr. Tom Holden (Amalek)
& Deidre
10/21 8:30 PM - 10/26 6:30 PM
California State Assembly -
35th District
With host David Maron
Featuring Candidates: Bob Pohl vs. Pedro Nava
10/27 6:30 PM --- 10/28 8:30 PM

...........Previews of Coming Attractions......
Please Don't Vote the old Guard back into
el Gato Negro
Mayor Winter's -Jefe de Seguridad


Reagan Pix
slow load (136K ea)
Memorial to a President
slow load (136K ea)
Signs atop - Old Saint John's
Hospital - OSJH - . 16 pix -
slow load (136K ea)
Saul Medina for City Council
Read about Oxnard City Government
Keep an Eye on the
Planning Commission
Keep an Eye on the City Council
Music Transferred to Digital Music CD
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A Sign
You're In
Oxnard --- Welcome to our
-- by
bill winter
- Visit a Local Church - JCSGO-Oxnard -
