- . . . The Oxnard Journal is the Independent and Progressive News Source for Oxnard & the World ... |
-10/30/2005- Oxnard, Calif. --
...................................................................................... SLEEP IN THIS SUNDAY....................DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME ENDS 0200 30OCT05 ..........................................................................SPRING FORWARD ~~~~ FALL BACKWARD ..................................................................
Saviers Road Design Team NO MEETING - Monday, October 31 (HALLOWEEN) IMPORTANT MEETINGS THIS WEEK: Tues., Nov.1, 6:30pm LNG Task Force, Oxnard Main Library, Room B Tues., Nov. 1, 7:00pm Oxnard City Council Wed., Nov. 2, 7:00pm Inter Neighborhood Council Forum (INCF) -- ELECTION MEETING. Wed., Nov. 2, 7:00 to 10:00pm Oxnard Elementary School Board informational meeting on LNG, 1051 South A St., Oxnard - public invited - Speakers include representatives from BHP Billiton, Edison, Department of Education and Environmental Defense Center SAVE THE DATE: Wed., Nov. 9, 6:00pm to 9:00pm Bilingual LNG Town Hall Meeting - Oxnard Performing Arts Center (Ventura Room), 800 Hobson Way, hosted by Oxnard Councilmember John Zaragoza and the City of Oxnard Next meeting Saviers Road Design Team November 7, 6:30 to 8:30pm Puerto Nuevo Restaurant |
RiverPark in Oxnard is pleased to announce that our first six neighborhoods
are set to open their Sales Galleries this Fall and Winter. We would like to
encourage members of the RiverPark Interest Registry to be among the first
persons to visit our builder websites and join the neighborhood Interest
Lists of their choice. Joining the Neighborhood Interest Lists is an
important step towards receiving news and updates on impending Neighborhood
Sales Events. Currently, as a member of the RiverPark Interest Registry, you receive community-wide news and information on the future homes, schools, parks, shopping and restaurants planned for this Whole World In One Place. You can also learn more about each RiverPark neighborhood and view the first six neighborhood’s floor plans by viewing RiverParkLife.com today or by visiting the RiverPark Welcome Center and speaking with a Community Representative. Thank you for your continued support of the RiverPark community and we are excited to share with you our first neighborhoods that will help to make RiverPark truly A Whole World In One Place. |
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Gentle Reminder: K A T R I N A
Photos - Courtesy of Russ Aulds - Cleveland, Tenn.
Daniel Cervantes - makes news and earns some harsh comments..........
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Local Ventura lad who "worked for Oxnard" makes news in the Star Blog and Pix get this youth a Pink Slip Read the Star Article (registration required) Comments which appeared in just one day on the Star's Blog-Feedback. Make up your own mind - were his FIRST AMENDMENT rights violated? " |
APPEAL....... Oxnard's Former Finance Director was fired from
his position because he could not play games with the citizen's money and he
could not agree with the shell-game being played by City officials with
public funds. READ his Appeal here - Exclusive on the Ox - Jo DO WE GET A SECOND CHANCE ?
/s/ Phil Molina |
MARTIN JONES' TAKE ON COLLEGE PARK............... College Park would be another instance of the councils plan to give a way another resource of the city and deprive its citizens of parkland. Three consecutive Grand Jury investigations of the city owned golf course demonstrates that the council is at least inept or in the hands of knowing operators. The golf course has lost approximately 15 million dollars of the taxpayers money. The theater is even worse. Now comes forward Big League Dreams. How many millions of the tax payers money will the council use to provide BLD an opportunity to enrich their bank account at the expense of the citizens. It is a double edged sword. On one side of the blade the citizens lose about 30 acres of parkland and on the other the taxpayers money will be used to build the facilities BLD will use. At a cost of millions of dollars. The City Council of Oxnard has been described in many ways. Most of which can not be used in a family newspaper. Inept is the least offensive.
We the People won one:
Oxnard finally has its municipal codes on-line. Below are the
administrative duties of the finance director. So, why isn't the finance
director submitting monthly financial reports to the City Council as
required by the Oxnard municipal code and State law? You will recall
according to Mr. Stan Klienman, former finance director, while under oath
he stated that the reason he did not produce monthly financial reports was
because the City Attorney, Gary Gillig told him not to?
(A) Pursuant to Cal. Gov't Code Section 37209, the duties imposed
on the city clerk by Chapter 4, Part 2, Division 3, Title 4 of the Cal.
Gov't Code are transferred to the director of
(B) Pursuant to Cal. Gov't Code Section 40805.5, the financial and accounting duties imposed on the city clerk by Cal. Gov't Code Sections 40802 through 40805 are transferred to the director of finance. (C) Pursuant to Cal. Gov't Code Section 34004, the duties imposed on the city treasurer by Cal. Gov't Code Section 41004 are transferred to the director of finance. (D) The powers and duties of the director of finance include centralizing fiscal and accounting duties; controlling inventory; supervising the license collector in the performance of duties enumerated in Chapter 16; financial reporting; and assisting in budgeting. (E) The director of finance shall promote, secure and preserve the financial and property interests of the city. (F) The city manager may assign to the director of finance additional powers and duties not set forth herein. (Ord. No. 2643) --------------------------------------------- Hello Oxjo, Appreciate your web site and check it pretty regularly. Frequently I see comments about roads and (car) traffic, but rarely any discussion about making Oxnard an attractive place to walk or bicycle. (These things don't just happen; it takes policy decisions to create the infrastructure necessary to attract people to walk or cycle.) Oxnard has a Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan, but do you by any chance know to what degree the City is committed to implementing it, and on what timeline? The Bike/Ped Plan calls for an aggressive implementation schedule, but the projects don't seem to be coming online very quickly. One example is the Oxnard Blvd. Multi-use Path, which when approved by the City Council back in 2003, was supposed to be complete by May, 2005 -- five months ago -- but they haven't even started construction! I emailed Cynthia Daniels a while back, who said that it's still in process, that she is waiting for consultants' reports, etc. To me it's extremely disappointing that the projects are so far off the projected completion times. Do you have any insights for me, and others like me, who'd like to see Oxnard become more friendly towards non-motorized road users? Best regards, Frank. PS. Davis, CA (LINK) was recently voted the most bicycle-friendly city in America, thanks to 40-years of policies favoring bicycle (and ped) transport. Can we imagine a similar future for Oxnard -- with our AWESOME weather? -------------------------------------------- Looking for a new car? http://www.whatupdoes.com/aut/ |
In spite of Oxnard saying, the taxpayer is entitled to know financially
what is going on financially from month to month. So why doesn't the City
Attorney and City Manager insist on monthly financial statements being
presented to the public?
Unique Aspects of the Governmental EnvironmentPublic sector, governmental organizations are very different from their private sector counterparts in a number of ways despite current rhetoric to run government like a business. They also differ from not-for-profit organizations. Generally, the unique aspects of governmental organizations are as follows:
Government in the SunshineThe primary distinguishing characteristic of governmental organizations is that they are public organizations. Their very nature requires that business be conducted in view of the public. It is this very simple aspect on which the financial reporting objectives of governmental financial statements rest. Public governmental organizations differ fundamentally from publicly traded entities even though publicly traded companies are subjected to a high level of regulation and public scrutiny. In some states, state and local governments are required to operate "in the sunshine" for all meetings in which decisions are to be made that do or may impact the public. This requirement to conduct business in a public forum is often a significant impediment to timely responses to sensitive issues. While billions of shares of Microsoft stock are traded annually, the Audit Committee is allowed to meet behind closed doors. In contrast, the city council of a town in Southern California and North Florida, serving as an audit committee, must meet in a public forum. Not only is the City Council of this California or Florida town required to meet in full view of the public but also to adequately and timely publish notice of such meeting and to provide minutes of the meeting to the public. To fund the provision of public goods and services, governmental organizations are authorized to impose taxes at a number of levels and on a variety of items. This places individuals like you and businesses in the position of involuntary resource providers. Financial Reporting ObjectivesConcepts Statement No. 1, Objectives of Financial Reporting, of the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) identifies the objectives of external financial reporting by state and local governments. These objectives include the following:
Financial Reporting ObjectivesPublic accountability presumes taxpayers are entitled to know what their governments are doing and how, what they have done and how well, and what they plan to do and why. Citizens as well as legislative and oversight bodies almost universally use financial reporting to assess accountability in their governmental organizations. Financial reporting is the primary channel through which governmental organizations communicate financial information to external users of the financial reports. Therefore, financial reporting by governmental organizations considers the needs of these users and the decisions they make. In addition, financial reports of governmental organizations should be
These are some of the basic reasons why California's Government Code and
the Oxnard municipal code demand that monthly
financial reports be presented to the City Clerk and the City Council and
why the City must demand audits from High Tides & Green Grass, Plaza
Cinemas, Big League Dreams and other entities with whom the City contracts
for services. |
So life goes on in Oxnard - the good news is that we are all OK.
As for news ~ ~ ~ Stand-by. The Oxnard City
Council is Dark on 04 October since a large number
will be on junket to San Francisco to get some civic City award which will
sure be announced after
Tuesday......there is some noise afoot as Oxnard CC wants to put up a large
sized apartment building
at the Plaza - just across from the new movie theatre - now if they offer free
rent if you guarantee to see
at least three movies a week, one may consider moving there......will they get
parking in the new garage?
Then the City of Oxnard is getting ready to re-do the
Rice Road overpass which is currently a real "fuster cluck"
for all drivers who have had to negotiate the merging on the bridge and the lack
of yielding drivers coming off the
southbound 101 to get onto rice towards Mugu.
Model Car Show at Oxnard's Auto Museum
by Franz Tinio-Lopez Oxnard, CA - The Murphy Auto Museum will host a Model Car Show on Saturday, 8 October from 9AM to 4 PM. There will also be a model car contest, model kits and accessories sales. Point of contact for the show is Sam Freeman 684-1497, museum (805) 487-4337 The Museum opened at its current location last June at 2230 Statham Blvd., Oxnard, CA 93033 is known for its diverse collection of cars. From 1903 to the present representing every decade. Its collection of Packard autos is another feature, there are 15 cars in the collection from a 1927 model to 1958. The first car that was collected in the museum was a 1948 Packard bought by Dr. Daniel Murphy from a collector in Long Beach who owned and drove it for 20 years. The oldest car is a 1903 Oldsmobile, which was driven in the Oxnard Centennial Parade. It is representative of a similar car driven by Holley Jean Leffler's grandfather across the USA from east to west in 1903. This was the year that the automobile was first driven across the continent. Admission to the museum is $6.00 for adults and $3.00 for children 12 years old and younger. Support Franz Lopez Books on Philippines:
SEE THE ---- SEPTEMBER 2005 Issue of the Oxnard Journal................................. |
--- Ox Jo Archives
- LNG Collator .........AVIE's PAGE
City Council Meets =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Craig's List // LA // SB // |
Locations all over |
NO - CHILD - LEFT - BEHIND Every Child Deserves the Best - A+ Educational Center Offers This. In Co-ordination with the Oxnard School District, OceanView School District, and the El Rio School District - Your child in Grade 1 ~thru~ 8 can receive Free Supplemental Education / Tutoring in our Center or at your home |
Dona Rosa -----------------------------------------------------------------
Reagan Pix
Memorial to a President Gang Signs atop - Old Saint John's Hospital - OSJH - . 16 pix - slow load (136K ea)
Keep an Eye on the
Keep an Eye on the City Council
..photo by
bill winter -
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