. . .the Oxnard
.... -
2004 is an Election Year
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Molina goes for another round
The jury
unanimously agreed that Mr. Molina had been fired in violation of his
first amendment rights and the jury unanimously awarded him almost
$600,000 in economic damages. Four jurors told Mr. Molina that the
City's staff who testified for the City really didn't like Mr. Molina
and showed this openly. Since Molina was an "at-will" employee in
California an at-will employee can be fired for no reason, any reason
but not an illegal reason. This is a way that employers can clean out
employees they do not like with little to no reason as long as it's
not based on any It was interesting to
note that those City staff who testified for the City were also
"at-will" The Judge
instructed the jury that if they answered question #2 with a "yes" The Judge also
placed in Her written This ruling, as odd as it seems, does seem to show favor towards the City vice the plaintiff and an appeal will be going forward to the 9th Circuit Court. Appeals sometimes seem a bit much - but the blatant firing of Mr. Molina seems to ring as true as former Secretary Paul O'Niell's desire to get his word heard about things that just didn't seem right. Whatever the
case, we haven't heard the end of this. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=- >>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<< Politics // County Supervisor's Race ----Zaragoza----- Deputy Sheriff's Endorse Zaragoza Kapitbahay article on the Race ----Lopez ----- No Campaign Website ----Flynn ----- --------------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-
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Oxnard Journal"
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The 2004 Predictions as Read at Oxnard City Council Keep an Eye on the
Keep up on the City Council |
.....what was in the . . . . .
At the January 6th
Oxnard City Council Meeting - there was an item which caused some ire with
the City Attorney, Gary Gillig and the seated Council. ¿ What was this letter - what did it say - who wrote it?. ..... The Oxnard Journal tracked it down and found the letter, so here is the letter the City Attorney did not want you to hear read aloud.
----------------------------------- |
----- OxJo - ARCHIVES----- ---The Year 2003 ___= ------- >>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<
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Your CALL JOHN LETUS @ 805 - 4 8 5 - 2 3 5 6 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Where we Are - auf deutsch Watch
Farmland Info on John Zaragoza ---
1 ---- 2 ---- 3 ---- 4 --
4.5 ----
5 -----
6 ----- 7 ==== ZZzz
-- .... 8... ..9
.. .. . ...
While Driving thru Oxnard on Saturday 10 January, the following unusual sights appeared before my windshield.
At the corner of First and Oxnard Blvd. traffic was
moving off to the right-hand lane - I thought - Oh great - someone's
old car has stalled on the Boulevard
Afterwards - going to the Oxnard College for the
Filipino portion of the Flea Market, I passed by the controversial College
Park and smoke was arising. ----- Bill Winter - Editor - O x J o . |
Thank you for Reading the |
You Look Marvelous ! ! ! |
Be Sure to Vote March 2, 2004.
Zaragoza - Lopez - Flynn are running for County Supervisor - Be sure you are registered to Vote and if you have moved in the past year(s) then you need to re-register to vote or you may go to your former voting poll location and vote in the March Primary.
Remember - your vote is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT and all the candidates are counting on you to be there for them - your Vote is your Voice - us it -
November - 2004 - one year from now, you will be going to the Polls
to Vote in an important Election
for National, State, County, and Municipal offices.
Oxnard will elect two
council-members, one Mayor,
a Treasurer, a City Cluck, and a dog-catcher.
There may be a run-off of the District 5 Supervisorial
Race - if the vote comes out 33.⅓
% in March 2004.
For City Council we currently have one candidate who announced too early,
sometime back in March 2003, and she needs
to come back to get current with something like name recognition....
We have Dr. Tom Holden
announcing his bid for the Mayor's Seat
and by-far he's the front runner
against any challenger.
Persons who like win-place-show will entertain a run by Andy
Herrera for the Mayors slot in 2004.
Herrera ran for the Mayor's seat
in 1998 against incumbent Dr. Manuel Lopez and challenger, Bill Winter.
Winter came in second on
the absentee vote count, which placed him well in his bid for the office.
Andy won back his seat
on the Council in 2002 by narrowly defeating
Saul Medina in a close and fierce race
for the Second Council Seat up for grabs in 2002 - Dean Maulhardt
came in handily first in his bid
to retain his seat on the Council.
City Council challengers will surely be John Zaragoza,
(unless he's our District 5 County Supervisor)
Bedford Pinkhard's spouse, Mrs. Dr. Pinkhard, aka Irene Pinkhard
announced her bid to seat-warm after her
husband gives up his slot on the council. She recently won the
Oxnard Chamber of Commerce's "Human of the Year" award and that got blasted in
all the papers. She'll be
in the mix.
The candidate who will pull ahead, for those win-place-show
folks, will be Saul Medina.
Saul Medina is Ready for 2004.....
He has not officially
announced, but based on his close win on the 2002 ballot, he will surely be back again.
because he ran and did so well, but because
Saul Medina has a strong desire to see Oxnard become the Bright City
Ventura County instead of the B*#@ard
Step-Child who has to accept an LNG enema. Oxnard has a long way to go
and Saul can get us there,
at the right speed and the right direction. Saul has fresh ideas for a
City that appears to have lost it's soul.
Medina still has his campaign kitty
active from last election, he has his committee status up-to-date and his people
are in place so
be on the lookout and look in the direction of Oxnard's horizon. Saul is
coming and he's been doing
his homework. His
ideas are new, practical, visionary, and founded
on his observations of how things get
done in local government.
Medina was
endorsed by the Oxnard Journal in 2002. He also gleaned valued
from the Oxnard Firefighters and other local support groups.
Saul Medina will again get a favorable nod by the
City of Oxnard
in his next successful run
for a seat on the Oxnard City Council.
Guitar lessons in my Oxnard home. $15.00 / hr. Music degree / good with children. Results guaranteed with cooperation call ( 487-3195 ) . |
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