. . . The Oxnard Journal is the Independent and Progressive News Source for Oxnard & the World ... |
-10/05/2005- Oxnard, Calif. --
The View Back towards Ventura County ---- as seen from Dockweiler Beach (el Segundo/LAX Backlot)
..... then there was the sunset..............................................................................................................
The view south towards Palos Verdes................................................................
Simi Valley - Chatsworth geographically marked by plume.................
Meanwhile in Oxnard - Life goes on - Danny gets his second
haircut from Luis while mom Lupe watches.
Jo-el don't care much for the camera, but mama Mary and
Yvonne are happy to be at home in Oxnard.
So life goes on in Oxnard - the good news is that we are all OK.
As for news ~ ~ ~ Stand-by. The Oxnard City
Council is Dark on 04 October since a large number
will be on junket to San Francisco to get some civic City award which will
sure be announced after
Tuesday......there is some noise afoot as Oxnard CC wants to put up a large
sized apartment building
at the Plaza - just across from the new movie theatre - now if they offer free
rent if you guarantee to see
at least three movies a week, one may consider moving there......will they get
parking in the new garage?
Then the City of Oxnard is getting ready to re-do the
Rice Road overpass which is currently a real "fuster cluck"
for all drivers who have had to negotiate the merging on the bridge and the lack
of yielding drivers coming off the
southbound 101 to get onto rice towards Mugu.
Model Car Show at Oxnard's Auto Museum
by Franz Tinio-Lopez Oxnard, CA - The Murphy Auto Museum will host a Model Car Show on Saturday, 8 October from 9AM to 4 PM. There will also be a model car contest, model kits and accessories sales. Point of contact for the show is Sam Freeman 684-1497, museum (805) 487-4337 The Museum opened at its current location last June at 2230 Statham Blvd., Oxnard, CA 93033 is known for its diverse collection of cars. From 1903 to the present representing every decade. Its collection of Packard autos is another feature, there are 15 cars in the collection from a 1927 model to 1958. The first car that was collected in the museum was a 1948 Packard bought by Dr. Daniel Murphy from a collector in Long Beach who owned and drove it for 20 years. The oldest car is a 1903 Oldsmobile, which was driven in the Oxnard Centennial Parade. It is representative of a similar car driven by Holley Jean Leffler's grandfather across the USA from east to west in 1903. This was the year that the automobile was first driven across the continent. Admission to the museum is $6.00 for adults and $3.00 for children 12 years old and younger. Support Franz Lopez Books on Philippines:
SEE THE ---- SEPTEMBER 2005 Issue of the Oxnard Journal................................. |
--- Ox Jo Archives
- LNG Collator .........AVIE's PAGE
City Council Meets =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Craig's List // LA // SB // |
Locations all over |
NO - CHILD - LEFT - BEHIND Every Child Deserves the Best - A+ Educational Center Offers This. In Co-ordination with the Oxnard School District, OceanView School District, and the El Rio School District - Your child in Grade 1 ~thru~ 8 can receive Free Supplemental Education / Tutoring in our Center or at your home |
Dona Rosa -----------------------------------------------------------------
Reagan Pix
Memorial to a President Gang Signs atop - Old Saint John's Hospital - OSJH - . 16 pix - slow load (136K ea)
Keep an Eye on the
Keep an Eye on the City Council
..photo by
bill winter -
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