Welcome to the Oxnard Journal -
The OLD February Edition - -~`2002'~-
Dispatched - this: 1st day of February, in the year of our Lord - Two Thousand & Two- Oxnard, California -
The Oxnard Journal has been sitting untouched for virtually 6-weeks.
Where is the Editor ¿
Well - No One has written anything to the OxJo - the In-box for messages is there...
Yet Nobody says "BOO ! "
Which is really OK - because I am leaving Oxnard - & - before I go I will share my feelings for where this City is going - good areas and areas of arear where attention is needed.
borrowed from: http://www.radiofreevermont.web.com/ |
I won't be around to run for Council - I won't be here to assist my favorite Oxnard Neighborhood. The WILSON NEIGHBORHOOD ----- pray for this neighbor - & - Pray that someone will come forward to be the New Chairman for the INCC.
I am considering how practical it would be to continue the Oxnard Journal.
Should you want to take over - Now is the TIme - It will cost you to keep the page on the server unless you have a Server of Your Own.
Hope someone writes to the Oxnard Journal sometime soon.
It's been fun covering news in the area for the past five years.
Bill Winter
Editor - Oxnard Journal.com
Navy Veteran
¿ o Why is there a black blank atop the Esplanade blue tower ? ¿ Why is the New Auto Center Sign TOO BRIGHT ? It is hard to read the new GIANT sign on the 101 - it's a real eye sore - just like watching a welder's arc..... I would really appreciate a response...... /s/ Bill Winter - Editor |
¿ Where is Ron's FACE ? The Editor just got his election bulk mail card from Ron BAMieh who is attempting to become the next VC District Attorney. THE OXNARD JOURNAL ENDORSES:::: GREG TOTTEN for Ventura County District Attorney But the Oxnard Journal wonders where is Ron's Face, there was not a single picture of Ronny on his bulk mail intro card. Is he afraid of his face...should we be? He did make an appearance at a recent Hispanic-American Political Conference which was covered by LA VIDA NEWS and a picture showed Ron standing in the background behind OxCouncilman Tom Holden and Harbor Commissioner Nao Takasugi. Plus, his website which was listed at the bottom of his long "Hi How Are Ya?" letter was not active and not uploadable. Good move Ron, advertise a site that ain't up yet. Maybe another simile can be drawn - but I won't go there, Not sure why we are being bombarded by Simi Valley's Republican Cathie Wright endorsing Ron on the TV during Turkey Week. Did anyone hear of any elections in the distant future. Merry Christmas Ron, save your war chest for after the Holidays. Maybe we get to decide in March of 2002, but Ron, your bulk mail now will only serve as ignition material for my YULE LOG. -- Bill Winter / Editor /
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OxnardPO Box 54
Oxnard, CA
Oxnard Ad Registry
PO Box 1960
Port Hueneme, CA 93044
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E-mail address: OxnardJournal@gmx.co.uk