22 Marzo '03
The Oxnard
- Journal .com - WTC Rage Page is our most popular page - |
Where did our Air Show? |
Give Peace a chance, rid the world of terror mongers and you will have that peace. Mordicai Malik |
Bush Decides....Word
is out that our President is at a turning point in the WAR.
--- Oxnard Journal ---- |
The Eleven General Orders of a Sentry. |
1. - To Take Charge of this post
and all Government Property in view.
2. - To walk my post in a military
manner, keeping always on the alert and observing everything that
takes place within sight or hearing.
3. - To Report ALL Violations of
orders I am instructed to enforce.
4. - To Repeat ALL Calls from
posts more distant than my own.
5. - To quit my post only when
properly relieved.
6. - To Receive, obey, and
Transmit Orders from the Commanding Officer, Executive Officer, the
Officer of the Deck, or the Officer, or Petty Officer of the Guard.
7. - To Talk to NO ONE Except in
the line of duty.
8. - To Give the Alarm in case of
fire or disorder.
9. - To Call the Corporal of the
Guard in any case not covered by Instructions.
10. - To Salute ALL Officers and
Colors and Standards not cased.
11. - To be Especially Watchful at
Night and during the time for challenging, to challenge all persons
on or near my post and to allow no one to pass without proper authority.
Recruit Training Center GLAKES - 1973 -
John Zaragoza is Endorsed for
County Supervisor by the Oxnard Journal - -Vote
Early & Often !
Point Mugu & Port Hueneme Navy Bases
¿ are they on the block again ?
See: Related
New Defense Article:
- the Murder Capitol of
is it Word up in the 'Hood or no word up from top
Police Brass?
.IT's .2002- TAX TIME make an Appt. w/
Archives -=- hear live b'cast |
JOHN VS. JOHN - WILL THE REAL JOHN PLEASE STAND UP - to paraphrase Eminim<, Speed of Sound Acidzz Trip:::: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
.SPanishVersione~~©: http://babelfish.altavista.com E-mail it to the OXNARD JOURNAL Last month's issue: Feb 03
world trade center flash enya
C o l d ...
R e a l i t y |
The Oxnard
- Journal.com News of the Oxnard Plain including - the Cities of Oxnard, Port Hueneme, El Rio, Silver Strand, Hollywood-by-the-Sea, Point Mugu, - - - - - - Saticoy, Bardsdale, Channel Islands and all points along the Santa Clara River. . . .
Remember - You Found Us =-=-=-=-=-=- ......
- 3 0 - uss america CVA-66 FR 196 - wAterTighT door -
- Welcome to Mars - 2000+3 E-Pad